Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint
Compelling Question / How are people the same and different?
Key Ideas and Practices / Children, families and communities exhibit cultural similarities and differences.
Staging the Question / Game- Students will say their name then say hello in English or in their native language. Some students may say hi, hello, hola etc.
Question 1 / Supporting
Question 2 / Supporting
Question 3
How are we the same or different from our classmates? / How are families different and the same? / What do you celebrate at home and how do you celebrate it?
Performance Task / Formative
Performance Task / Formative
Performance Task
Teacher takes a photo of each child.
Students discuss photos of themselves. / Students create a family using precut paper people. / Students draw a picture of what they celebrate with their families.
Teachers may scribe for students as the student explains their celebration.
Featured Sources / Featured Sources / Featured Sources
Olivia Dances for Joy- N. Shaw
I Like Me- Nancy Carlson
Pebble Go Website (for ideas) / Google Images
Families- Ann Morris
The Family Book-Todd Parr
Families Are Different- Nina Pellegrini What is a family? Collage activity / Growing Up with Tamales- Zepeda
My Family Plays Music- Judy Cox
Celebrating Kwanzaa, Celebrating Passover, Celebrating Hanukkah, D. Hoyt-Goldsmith
Performance Task / Students choose a picture of people/family, tell how those people are the same/different from their family.
Taking Informed Action / Class created posters displayed in school. Students tell peers about pictures on gallery walks.

Teacher notes

A variety of trade books should be used to introduce and provide information for each of the supporting questions.

Supporting question1- How are we the same or different from our classmates?

Lessons will entail:

·  Students could create An All About Me Book

·  Individual students describing themselves

·  Making self portraits

·  Discussing how we are all the same using images

·  Discussing how we are all different using images

·  Teacher listing on chart paper what individual students like to do

Teachers should choose images and trade books representing the cultures in their immediate classroom.

Supporting question 2 How are families different and the same?

·  As a class define family

·  Students discuss images of families with elbow partners

·  List variety of words students use for family members such as nana, papa, nima, etc.

·  Students draw a picture of their family

Supporting question 3 What do you celebrate at home and how do you celebrate it?

·  Have an actual Thanksgiving meal or other celebration representing different cultures

·  List special foods children eat at their home

·  Have students demonstrate a special dance they may do at a family celebration

Grant, Lee, and Swan, 2014