Staying Healthy in Later Life
Problem 1
have .. or wantTo avoid /
Exercise can help because it …
No energy, feeling lazy / Improves stamina, posture and muscle power therefore it is easier to move the weight of your body from place to place. Removes wastes that make one feel heavy & sluggish. Stimulates circulation to all organs including the brain. If you lose weight, it takes less energy to move.The more you sit, the weaker & more frail you will become.
High blood pressure
Heart disease/attack
Stroke / Exercise helps lower cholesterol, stress hormones, muscle tension, weight & blood pressure. Lower blood pressure relieves the heart, kidneys, brain & eyes. It helps you lose weight, therefore less work for the heart to pump blood around your body. Stimulates blood vessel development, circulation, exercises heart muscle and opens vessels so blood & other fluids move. Prevents venous stasis/swelling/clots/leg ulcers/leg & foot pain
Overweight / Burns more calories and replaces inactive fat, (that just weighs you down) with muscles that burn even more calories even when you sleep !
Swollen feet / When muscles move they massage veins so blood/fluids return from feet, reducing swelling.
Osteoporosis / Muscles pulling on bones stimulate body to lay down more calcium, strengthening your bones that hold you up. Stronger bones don’t break so easily. Standing or “weight bearing” for 4 hours/day helps to strengthen bones too.
Arthritis / Stronger muscles hold joints in position so there is less wear and tear on joints. Moving joints keep their range of movement and help the circulation. Less weight means less stress on joints. Guarding one joint because its painful, strains neighbouring joints and soft tissues.
Cancer breast, colon, prostate / Burns fat which stores carcinogens; decreases estrogenic effects. Faster colon transit time helps to rid body of waste/toxins
Kidney disease / Lowers blood pressure and blood sugar which reduces risks to kidneys. Helps kidneys drain because one is in upright position. Stimulates circulation and thirst. Increased fluid intake increases urine flow flushing kidneys, decreasing the chance of stagnation with infection and stones, removes body waste and drug “left-overs”.
Can’t sleep - up to bathroom at night / Helps the muscles relax and rest. Helps fluid circulate from legs to kidneys during day rather than waiting until one lays down at night
Depressed. Don’t like the way I look/feel / Exercise is as effective as antidepressant drugs. Bonus - many positive side effects and more of the negative side effects that come with medicines that affect nervous system. Doing regular exercise helps you look better and feel better. (Saves money). Clothes fit and look better
bloating / Stimulates circulation & colon activity. Reduces the need for medications that have physical and financial side effects.
Low back pain / Improves abdominal muscle tone and posture which relieves lower back . Prevents constipation and bloating which also stress muscles
incontinence / Stimulates muscle tone. Thirst and thus urine flows more easier so don’t delay toileting which prevents infection and overfilling.
Increases strength, flexibility, balance. Better posture, correct alignment. Decrease wear and tear, decrease chance of falls and injury
With thanks to Yale University School of Medicine – Falls Prevention
Falls Resource Folder v1