CS11/04Friday 27 August 2004


Disability, Housing and Community Services Minister Bill Wood today announced that the ACT’s Taxi Subsidy Scheme (TSS), which supports the travel requirements of people who are not able to access public transport, has been amended to include young people below the age of 16 years.

Mr Wood said the Stanhope Government committed to the initiative in the 2004/05 Budget, providing $120 000 over four years to enable young people to access the scheme.

“The subsidy is likely to be of greatest benefit to children and young people in wheelchairs, particularly those that do not have access to a family vehicle that will accommodate them,” Mr Wood said.

“Children and young people will be subject to the same eligibility requirements as those aged 16 and over.

“There are currently some 500 students under the age of 16 utilising Special Needs Transport (SNT) provided by the Department of Education and Training, and around 10% of these students require special wheelchair transport.

“SNT provides transportation to and from school and to work experience. It is not currently provided for children who need special transportation, such as wheelchair accessible taxis, for school excursions and other activities.

“The 2004/05 Budget also provided an indexed and ongoing increase of $261 000 in improved subsidies under the TSS to assist people to attend medical and therapy appointments, participate in education and employment activities, or go shopping or visit friends.

“A total of $962,000 is now allocated to the ACT Taxi Subsidy Scheme, an increase of 120% over two years. It currently supports some 3,800 members, 80% of whom are over the age of 60 years, and more than 50% of whom are women older than 75,” Mr Wood said.

People wishing to apply for the TSS should telephone 6207 1108. Application forms can be requestedfrom the TSS officeor accessed at:

Media Contact: Andrew Rhodes Phone: 6205 0300(w) 0412 821 274(m)