Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union /
Life-long Learning /
Ministry of Education and Science
National coordinators for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning
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Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Methodological guidelines for adult learning policy formulation on district level
Ministry of Education and Science
Life-long Learning
Education and Training
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"National coordinators for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning”
This project is funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects only the personal views of its authors and the Commission may in no way be held responsible for the use of the information contained in it.
Methodological guidelines for adult learning policy formulation on district level
/ Ministry of Education and ScienceTeam of Authors:
Valentina Deykova – Team Manager
Zhulyan Gochev and Iliana Taneva – project implementation team members
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1.1. General information and intended purpose
1.2. Information necessary for conducting the analysis
1.3. Approach when conducting the analysis
1.4. Main indicators for measuring the progress in the adult learning sector.
1.5. SWOT-analysis of a district sector of adult learning
2.1. General Information
2.2. Nature and structure of a district programme for development of the adult learning sector
[3. Glossary of basic terms in the sector of adult learning]
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This Methodological Guidelines is developed in order to ensure efficiently coordinated interaction of all stakeholders on district level when developing and conducting policies to make progress in the sector of adult learning. The Guidelines contain a package of universal logical matrices for analyzing and planning of sector policy as well as draft documents necessary for creation and functioning of district coordination groups.
The substance of universal logical matrices (ULM)presented below can be explained in brief as follows:
Matrices are universal (universalis). They cover the variety of problems, developing solutions for them, building political perspective and the possibilities for reviewing it. All of these elements are directed towards the successful development of district sectors for adult learning in the six pilot areas.
Matrices are logical(logikos). The offer correct, consistent and substantiated approaches to the reasonable development of the adult learning policies in the six pilot areas.
Matrices(matrix, icis)are forms. Using them one can “cast”, “mould” different tools to form, analyze and assess policies (district analyses, district plans, monitoring reports and other operational documents).
ULMare created to facilitate the representatives of the stakeholders who plan and implement district policies for adult learning. They reflect the common characteristics of the national adult learning policy and the specifics of the district sector for adult learning in the relevant pilot area.
The Methodological Guidelines has been created within the framework of Project No 567452-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA3-AL-AGENDA “National coordinators for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning” carried out with the financial support of Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.
The project was implemented in the period 01 November 2015– 31 October 2017 by the Ministry of Education and Science, National Coordinator for Adult Learning in Bulgaria in accordance with Agreement No. 2015 - 2761 / 001 – 001between the for Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission and the Minister of Education and Science.
1.1. General information and intended purpose
The logical matrix for preparation of an analysis of the district sector for adult learning is an aid that aims to provide methodological directions for proper structuring of the analysis, proceeding from the district specifics and peculiarities. The task of the directions is to present a clear and applicable logical algorithm for preparation of an analysis of the condition of the adult learning sector in a specific district as well as for identification and assessment of the problems, risks, advantages and opportunities for its development. As practical tool, the document will help methodologically the regional authorities and the stakeholders on district level when developing district plans for development ofthe adult education and training sector.
For the purposes of this analysis the adult trainees are defined as persons having attained the age of 16 years who do not receive daytime/full-time training in the formal educational system.
The creation of the logical matrix is accompanied by consulting the stakeholders both in order to obtain expert opinions as regards the conducting of surveys and analyses and to ensure their support at the planning stage. The directions within the framework of this logical matrix are applied by using the Methodology for Assessment of the Condition of the adult learning sector.
1.2. Information necessary for conducting the analysis
When preparing the logical matrix it is necessary to ensure and use statistical and analytical information supporting the analysis of the trends observed and the current state of the adult learning sector as well as to outline the prospects for future development. When developing the analysis it is necessary to study and use reliable statistical data and quality information, which enable one to make an assessment of the depth and scale of the imbalances and hence to formulate an adequate strategy to overcome the problems and challenges. The analysis requires a considerable volume of information and the specialized surveys to be conducted for the district. The data about the overall context of the adult learning sector can be collected from sources such as: the official statistics, statistical documents, by using the annual reports on the implementation of the National Life-long Learning Strategy for the period 2014 – 2020, studies, analyses, topical surveys and direct observations. The National Information System of the adult learning sector (https//:lll.mon.bg) can be used as official source of information.
At the same time, the logical matrix appropriately takes into consideration and integrates the directions of the life-long learning policies of the EU and Bulgaria. Such reference points are contained in documents such as: EU Programme “Education and Training 2020”, the updated European Programme ofthe adult learning sector as well as the national strategic documents: National Development Programme: Bulgaria 2020, National Life-long Learning Strategy for the period 2014 – 2020, Updated National Strategy for Demographic Development of the Population in the Republic of Bulgaria (2012-2030), Updated National Youth Strategy 2014-2020, Updated Employment Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria 2013-2020, Strategy for reducing the share of early school leavers2013-2020, etc.
1.3. Approach when conducting the analysis
A set of methodological tools is used when making the analysis of the condition, trends and development, the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the labour market:
● A review of statutory framework;
● A review of the strategic and programme documents related to theadult learning sector;
● Collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative information about the condition of the district sector for adult education and training;
● A review and analysis of relevant sources of information and related documents;
● Conducting meetings, interviews, inquiries with stakeholders with respect to their opinions of and recommendations for the results of the analysis ofthe adult learning sector;
The general directions on the development and contents of the analysis of the district sector of adult learning cover the following more important points:
● Putting an emphasis on analycity and not on the descriptions of the situation ofthe district sector of adult learning. The focus of analytical methods should be on the condition of and trends in development of adult education and training.
● The data and information used should be reliable, relevant in terms of periodisation in time and based on official sources. The up-to-date, trustworthy and reliable information will ensure an adequate analysis of the adult learning sector and will help the planning process.
● Presentation of the analysis of the current condition of the district sector of adult learningin a clear and targeted form in view of identifying key problems and deficiencies, outlining trends and advancingarguments for the forecasts on its mid- and long-term development.
● A realistic assessment of the needs of development, the potential and the conditions for development of the district sector of adult learning, the external and internal factors that might influence the planned interventions for improvement of the condition of the sector. All elements of the content of analysis must be clear, reasoned and understandable in view of their public presentation and having the stakeholders committed to participate both on local and regional and on national level.
● The structure and content of the analysis must be focused on the specifics and peculiarities of the specific district as the analysis aims to substantiate the strategy for development of the adult learning sector of district level.
● When preparing the analysis the requirement that unified terms approved on national and international level should be used when conducting surveys of such kind must be complied with, which will ensure comparability of the approach and the outcome of the analysis made. To that end it is appropriate to use definitions and terms in accordance with the methodology used by the Ministry of Education and Science for preparation of the annual reports on the implementation of National Life-long Learning Strategy for the period 2014 – 2020 (
● When choosing a period for studying the trends observed on the labour market on district level, the main turning points in the economic processes and phenomena on regional and national level need to be taken into consideration. Currently, the beginning of the economic and financial crisis in Bulgaria in 2009 can be identified as one such point. If the duration of the period chosen for studying is big enough, this will guarantee sustainability of the processes and phenomena being observed at national, regional and local level.
● The analysis should be problem-oriented and cover the identification of the problem areas in theadult learning sector as well as their territorial dimension as the relevant conclusions should be made and the trends of its development should be pointed out on the basis of its internal potential and conditions for development.
● The analysis shall start by a description of the social and demographic characteristics of the relevant district in view of identifying the condition and trends with respect to human resource development. The main directions and the effect of the regional policy being conducted shall be outlined. This allows for a dynamic picture of the existing situation to be made with respect to the disproportions, deficiencies and potential for development of the district sector of adult learning. The current problems shall be identified and the reasons having led to these problems should be examined. On that basis the challenges which will determine the directions for future development shall be outlined.
1.4. Main indicators for measuring the progress in the adult learning sector.
Dozens of analytical indices, referred to as indicators, could be defined and calculated foradult education and training suchas results of the statistical surveys being conducted.
The National Information System of adult learning ( contains 58 indicators divided into 23 groups and 11 districts. The following main indicators were selected when developing the first analyses of the condition of the adult learning sector in the six pilot districts (Burgas, Vidin, Gabrovo, Pazardzhik, Ruse and Haskovo):
Indicator Name / Description / Source of data and periodicity1. Educational structure of population aged 25-64 on 1 February 2011 by levels of completed education / Distribution of population aged 25-64 by the highest degree of completed education (%) by regions, districts and municipalities
Higher, secondary, basic, primary and lower level and “never attended school” / National Statistical Institute (NSI), 2011 census, at 10-year intervals
2.Educational structure of population aged 25-64 by gender and by statistical areas / Distribution of population aged 25-64 by the highest level of completed education, by gender and by areas(%)
Levels of education: higher, secondary (with a professional qualification level acquired), basic, primaryand lower / NSI, Labour Force Survey (LFS), Eurostat, annual
3.Population literacy / Literacy is statistically assessed by the relative shares in % of the literate or illiterate persons among those aged 15 or over. A person is deemed literate if (s)he can read and understand the meaning of the what is written and can write a brief statement of his/her everyday activities. A person is deemed illiterate if (s)he cannot read and understand the meaning of what is written and cannot write a brief statement of his/her everyday activities. A person who can only read and write numbers and his/her own name is deemed illiterate. A person who can read but cannot write as well as a person who can read and write just several stock phrases is also deemed illiterate. / NSI, 2011 census, at 10-year intervals
4. Persons aged 16 or overenrolled in programmes to acquire a professional qualification level (PQL) at vocational secondary schools (VSS) and vocational colleges (VC) / Number of persons aged 16 or over enrolled in formal education in programmes for acquiring a professional qualification level held at school system and vocational colleges. The adult programmes cover training at evening, correspondence, informal or other forms of distance learning for acquiring PQL I, II and III atVSS and for acquiring PQL IV atVCvia all forms of training. The training institutions are various types of schools and vocational colleges. / NSI, Education Statistics, annual
5. Persons aged 16 or over [enrolled] in programmes to acquire a professional qualification level at Vocational Qualification Centres (VQC) and fee-paying vocational secondary schools / Number of persons aged 16 or over enrolled in formal education in programmes for acquiring a professional qualification level held at VQCand in fee-paying programmes at VSS. The adult programmes cover training for acquiring PQL I, II and III at VQC and for acquiring I, II, III and PQL IV atVSS: fee-paying training. / NSI, Education Statistics and National Agency for Vocational Education and Training, annual
6. Persons aged 16 or over having acquired a PQL in programmes for adults at vocational secondary schools and vocational colleges / Number of persons aged 16 or over having acquired a PQL in programmes for adults conducted in the school system and at vocational colleges
The programmes for adults cover training at evening, correspondence, informal or other forms of distance learning for acquiring PQL I, II and III atVSS and for acquiring PQL IV atVCvia all forms of training / NSI, Education Statistics, annual
7. Persons aged 16 or over having acquired a PQL in programmes for adults at VQC and fee-paying vocational secondary schools / Number of persons aged 16 or over having acquired a PQL in programmes for adults conducted at VQC and fee-paying training at VSS. The programmes for adults cover training for acquiring PQL I, II and III at VQC and for acquiring PQLI, II, III and IV atVSS: fee-paying training. / NSI, Education Statistics and National Agency for Vocational Education and Training, annual
8. Participation of population aged 25-64 in formal education and non-formal training by statistical areas / Relative share in % of persons having participated in formal and/or non-formal education and training during the 4-week period before the interview among persons aged 25-64 / NSI, Labour Force Survey (LFS), Eurostat, annual
9. Early leavers from education and training by gender, employment status and by statistical areas / Share of the persons aged 18-24,who have completed basic education as the highest degree and who have not participated in education or training during the 4-week period before the survey, of the population at the same age (%). Distribution by gender, employment status and statistical areas. Employment status: employed and non-employed. / NSI, Labour Force Survey (LFS), Eurostat, annual
10. Employment ratio of the population aged 15-64 by districts / Employment ratio, i.e. the ratio of the number of employed persons aged 15-64 and the population at the same age (%).
Employed means persons who, over the observed period:
- do work for production of goods and services at least 1 hour for consideration (in cash or in kind) or other income;
- do not work but have a job and are temporary absent from work because of leave, sickness, pregnancy, childbirth and rearing of a small child (for the period for which they receive the full amount of their remuneration), adverse weather conditions, strike or for other similar reasons. / NSI, Labour Force Survey (LFS), Eurostat, annual
11. Unemployment ratio of the population aged 15-64 by districts / Unemployment ratio (unemployment level), i.e. the ratio of the number of unemployed people aged15-64 and the number of economically active persons (%).
Unemployed means persons who do not have a job over the observed period and at the same time actively look for a job in a period of four weeks, including the week observed, and are available to start a job within 2 weeks after the end of the observed period.
Labour force or economically active population means the persons aged 15 and over who input or offer their labour for the production of goods and services. Labour force includes employed and unemployed persons. / NSI, Labour Force Survey (LFS), Eurostat, annual
The analyses of the adult learning sectorin the districts ofBurgas, Vidin, Gabrovo, Pazardzhik, Ruse and Haskovoare published on the website of the National Coordinator for adult learning: