Support and Operational Staff (NSW Catholic Schools - List C) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2013- 2014

Frequently Asked Questions onthe Ballot & Vote

1)When will the vote commence?

Monday 22 July 2013 at 8.30am

2)How long is the voting period?


3)When does the voting period finish?

Tuesday 23 July 2013 at 3pm

4)Who is conducting the vote?

The College will conduct the vote.

5)How will I receive my ballot paper?

The College will provide staff with a ballot paper onMonday 22 July 2013

6)What should I doif I don’t receive a ballot paper?

If you do not receive a ballot paper you should contact the Principal’s nominated contact person immediately (see question 10 below).

7)How do I cast my vote?

When you have filled out your ballot paper, you must place it in the College’s ballot box.

8)Where will the ballot box be located?

The ballot box will be located [insert location]

9)Where do I find a copy of the enterprise agreement?

The College has provided you a copy of the agreement by email and will also post copies of the agreement in the staffroom for employees to access.

10)If I have a question about the enterprise agreement who do I ask?

The Principal has appointed [insert name] as their contact person. [He/she] may be contacted on [insert number] or [insert email address].

Members of the Independent Education Union or United Voice can also contact their union to discuss the proposed agreement.

11)Where can I get my own hard copy of the enterprise agreement?

Should you want a hard copy, you may request it from the contact person.

12)Is the vote anonymous?

Yes.However, ballot papers have been uniquely numbered to ensure that each person only has a single vote.

13)What if an employee is on parental leave or another form of extended leave?

The College will email or post a copy of the agreement directly to them. The College will also email or post their ballot paper directly to them.

If the employee will be away from their usual address, they will need to contact the College prior to the commencement of the ballot to discuss voting arrangements.

If you are posting your vote in, you will need to ensure that sufficient time is allowed from the date that the ballot is sent for it to arrive at the College prior to the closing of the ballot at 3pm on Tuesday 23 July 2013.

14)What happens if a casual employee is engaged during the voting period? Are they eligible to vote?

Yes. Any employee engaged on a casual basis during the week prior to the voting period or on a regular and systematic basis is eligible to vote on the proposed agreement.

15)What happens once the vote is over?

A representative of the Principal will count the votes. A representative of the Union/s may also be present at the counting of the votes.

16)How will I know the results of the vote?

The Principal will notify you.

17)Why does the agreement have to be approved by the Fair Work Commission if the vote approved it?

The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) requires the Fair Work Commission to assess the agreement against the ‘Better Off Overall Test’, and then approve the enterprise agreement. The agreement will be sent to the Fair Work Commission for this assessment within 14 days, if approved by a majority of employees, with an application for approval.

18)How will I know if Fair Work Commission approves the agreement?

The Principal will notify you.

19)What happens after the Fair Work Commission approves the agreement?

The agreement commences and you will be back paid all outstanding salary and allowances.