Support a mental health and addiction service user to manage prescribed medication
Unit standard 26985 / Version 2Level 4 / Credits 6
Learner information
Your name:
Your workplace:
Your date of birth:
Your national student number (if known):
- I was told about and understand the assessment requirements.
- I have prepared my answers myself.
- Any evidence I have provided as my own, I produced myself.
- I understand that this assessment may be used for moderation and quality control purposes.
- I understand that when I achieve this unit standard my result will be registered with the
NewZealand Qualifications Authority.
I confirm the above declaration: / Yes No / Date:
Assessment result(assessor use only)
Assessment result / Achieved / More evidence required / Date:
Reassessment result / Achieved / More evidence required / Date:
Feedback to the learner:
The requirements have been met to demonstrate competency in this unit standard.
Assessor name:
Assessor number: / Date:
US XXXX version X – Moderation and approved Mmmmm YYYY
Trainee assessment issue X.X – Published Mmm YYYY
© Careerforce YYYY
To demonstrate competency, you must be able to: / Outcomes / Tasksdescribe prescription medication for mental health and addiction service users. / 1 / 1
support mental health and addiction service users to manage prescription medication. / 2 / 2
- Your answers may be written (either electronically or by hand) or spoken.
- If you need help with this assessment, please contact your assessor.
- Once you have completed your assessment, you must read and confirm the declaration on the cover.
Filled in or written answers
- If there are open white spaces on a page because you have written shorter answers, this is acceptable. You don’t have to fill the space.
- Use a pen to write your answers. If you need to change an answer, write your initials beside any corrections you make. If you need more space, attach extra pages with your answer. Add your name and task number to all extra pages you use.
Verbal answers
- If you answer verbally, your assessor will write your answer(s), or may use a voice recorder.
- The learner is you, the person being assessed. You may also be referred to as the trainee, student, candidate or employee in some instances.
- The assessor is the person who will assess you.
- The verifier is a workplace supervisor, team leader, manager or assessor who understands the assessment, works closely with you and can confirm that you have completed a task competently.
- MHA refers to mental health and addiction.
- Addiction refers to a “maladaptive pattern” of substance use or problem gambling that leads to a clinically significant impairment or distress.
- Maladaptive refers to any pattern of substance use or problem gambling that is unconstructive or disruptive, and which does not assist or promote the ability of a person to adjust the addictive behaviour which he or she is exhibiting.
- Co-existing problems refers to the presence of both MHA issues. Co-existing problems can also be referred to as “co-morbidity”, “dual diagnosis”, or “co-occurring disorders”.
- Natural supports refer to any assistance, relationships, or interactions provided to a MHA service user by family/whānau, friends, peers, co-workers, or community volunteers. In a specifically Māori context, natural supports may include but are not limited to: kaumātua, kuia, tohunga, whānau, iwi, and hapū.
Important notes
This assessment cannot be carried out in a simulated environment. It must be carried out in the workplace.
This is an open book assessment. The following learning resources may be useful when completing this assessment:
- the Careerforce learning resource for this unit standard.
- learning materials, books, the internet and your workplace’s policies and procedures.
- the references listed at the back of this assessment.
Task 1:Describe prescription medication
For each of the prescription medications listed (A to G) and that are used by MHA service users and support workers:
- give the commonly used name and/or generic name for the medication.
- describe the roles of the medication as treatment for mental health issues experienced by MHA service users.
- describe one potential side effect of the medication.
- describe one potential adverse reaction of the medication.
Side effects are undesirable secondary effects that occur in addition to the desired therapeutic effects of a medication or drug.
Adverse reactions refer to harm associated with the use of given medications at a normal dosage level.
AAntipsychotic medication
Common name:
Side effect:
Adverse reaction:
Common name:
Side effect:
Adverse reaction:
CMood stabilisers
Common name:
Side effect:
Adverse reaction:
DAnti-anxiety medication
Common name:
Side effect:
Adverse reaction:
EAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication
Common name:
Side effect:
Adverse reaction:
FMedication related to substitution treatment
Common name:
Side effect:
Adverse reaction:
GMedication related to managed withdrawal
Common name:
Side effect:
Adverse reaction:
Assessor comments (for assessor use only):
Task 1 result: / Achieved / More evidence required
Task 2: Manage prescription medication
Your assessor and/or a verifier will observe you completing this practical task. They will complete the observation form and may ask questions to clarify your understanding of the tasks you are carrying out. Refer to the observation form to see how your work performance will be assessed.
Provide support for two contrasting MHA service users that:
- contributes to the progress of each service user towards independence in managing prescription medication in accordance with the aims and objectives of their wellness support plan.
- follows the instructions for correct use of the prescription medication, including precautions.
- follows the instructions of the delegating health professional for correct use of the prescription medication; this may include instructions of each service user and/or a clinical team.
- follows the instructions of the delegating health professional or clinical team on how to report the action you have taken to support each service user.
- follows your workplace’s policies and procedures.
Contrasting MHA service users may include oneMHA service user who only requires mental health or addiction services, and another who has co-existing problems.
As in all your work, it is important that:
- you comply with the Code of Rights, the legislation and any relevant New Zealand Standards when carrying out this activity.
- your support for MHA service users should be aimed at maintaining, improving and/or restoring their independence and/or interdependence; utilising their existing strengths; and where possible, utilising the resources of the local community.
- you respect the cultural beliefs and values of the people you are supporting.
- your practice reflects appropriate values, processes, and protocols in relation to working with Māori and Pacific peoples and/or people from other cultures, in a range of settings and environments.
- you work within your workplace’s policies and procedures and service users’ service plans.
Contrasting MHA service users are MHA service users who have different reasons for accessing an organisation that provides MHA services.
Manage prescription medication includes supporting the MHA service user's choice in terms of prescription medication compliance and understanding the nature and purpose of prescription medication.
Wellness support plan is a generic term used to cover the individual plans that are developed by service providers with MHA service users and their natural supports for service delivery. Different service providers may use different terms, for example “recovery plan”. A wellness support plan is interpreted and implemented in accordance with its stated aims and objectives, and recognises the MHA service user as the central focus. A wellness support plan may specify interventions. The wellness support plan will also provide an outline of the tasks to be carried out by the support worker with the MHA service user in a residential, community, or vocational setting.
Workplace policies and procedures are the policies and procedures of your employer and include ethical codes, standards and other organisational requirements.
Observation form – MHA service user 1
To be completed by your verifier and/or assessor
Learner name:
Learner workplace:
Comment on each of the stated criteria and give examples of the learner’s performance (where this applies).
Sign and date this document once you are satisfied the learner has achieved all stated criteria.
State reason(s) for MHA service user 1 accessing an organisation that provides MHA services:
The learner demonstrated that they provided support that contributed to the progress of MHA service user 1 towards independence in managing prescription medication in accordance with the aims and objectives of their wellness support plan.
Verifier comment:
The learner demonstrated that they provided support for MHA service user 1 that followed the instructions:
for correct use of the prescription medication, including precautions.
of the delegating health professional for correct use of the prescription medication. This may have included instructions of each service user and/or a clinical team.
Verifier comment:
The learner demonstrated that:
the action they took to support MHA service user 1 was reported following the instructions of the delegating health professional or clinical team.
they provided support for MHA service user 1 that followed the workplace’s policies and procedures.
Verifier comment:
I confirm that this document is valid and authentic. / Date:
Verifier name: / Position:
Observation form – MHA service user 2
To be completed by your verifier and/or assessor
Learner name:
Learner workplace:
Comment on each of the stated criteria and give examples of the learner’s performance (where this applies).
Sign and date this document once you are satisfied the learner has achieved all stated criteria.
State reason(s) for MHA service user 2 accessing an organisation that provides MHA services:
The learner demonstrated that they provided support that contributed to the progress of MHA service user 2 towards independence in managing prescription medication in accordance with the aims and objectives of their wellness support plan.
Verifier comment:
The learner demonstrated that they provided support for MHA service user 2 that followed the instructions:
for correct use of the prescription medication, including precautions.
of the delegating health professional for correct use of the prescription medication. This may have included instructions of each service user and/or a clinical team.
Verifier comment:
The learner demonstrated that:
the action they took to support MHA service user 2 was reported following the instructions of the delegating health professional or clinical team.
they provided support for MHA service user 2 that followed the workplace’s policies and procedures.
Verifier comment:
I confirm that this document is valid and authentic. / Date:
Verifier name: / Position:
Assessor comments (for assessor use only):
Task 2 result: / Achieved / More evidence required
- American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders – DSM-IV-TR (4th ed., Text revision). Washington DC: Author;available at
- Ministry of Health. (1998). Guidelines for clinical risk assessment and management in mental health services. Wellington: Ministry of Health in partnership with theHealth Funding Authority;
- Ministry of Health. (2008). Let’s get real: Real Skills for people working in mental health and addiction. Wellington: Author; available at
- Te Pou o Te Whakaaro Nui, Le Va, Pasifika within Te Pou. (2009). Real Skills Plus Seitapu – Working with Pacific Peoples. Auckland: Author; available at
- The Werry Centre. (2009). Real Skills Plus CAMHS: A competency framework for the infant, child and youth mental health and alcohol and other drug workforce.Auckland: Author; available at
If you wish to appeal against the assessment result or process, talk to your assessor. If you are still not satisfied, you can appeal to Careerforce by completing the assessment result appeal form that can be found online at
Careerforce regularly reviews its assessment and learning resources. As a user, we would appreciate feedback on how you found them. Feedback can be provided to Careerforce via an online feedback form at or if you would prefer, send an email to
US 26985 version 2 – Assessment – MHA medication
© Careerforce 2014 – Issue 2.0 – PublishedJanuary 20141