Five-Step Lesson Planning Clinic Worksheet
LESSON PLANNING CLINIC – WORKSHEET (for five-step lesson plan)
Corps Member: / Amanda Bumsted / CMA: / Herneshia DukesLesson Plan Date: / 6/15/2012 / Grade Level: / Entering 5th reading / Lesson Execution Date:
What do my students need to know/be able to do by the end of this lesson?
What are exemplar assessment items asking students to know/be able to do? How can I re-state the objective in my own kid-friendly language? / SWBAT make inferences by pulling out evidence from the passage and applying what they already know to the text.
Key Points
These tell the knowledge and skills students need to master the objective. Strong key points are:
- Accurate – Is this the “right stuff?” Do the key points encompass: 1) the what (content, concept, or knowledge)?; 2) the how (process or steps)?; 3) the why (link to broader vision and goals)?
- Appropriate – Is this at the right level of rigor? Am I driving toward both short-term and long-term success? Do I have the right amount of content for this lesson? Is this in the right order to build student mastery? Will this language be meaningful to my students?
- We make INFERENCES when we use EVIDENCE and our own EXPERIENCE to draw a CONCLUSION.
- GOOD inferences rely on EVIDENCE and SMART THINKING.
- BAD inferences don’t rely on good evidence.
This gives us formative data about whether students mastered the objective and, if they didn’t master it, where they stumbled along the way. Strong assessments are:
- Aligned – Does the assessment test the knowledge, skills, and thinking required by the objective?
- Scaffolded – Will the assessment tell us both whether students are mastering the objective at the right level of rigor and also if and where their learning is breaking down?
* Please also include an Exemplar StudentResponse that demonstrates a clear illustration of mastery at the desired level of rigor. / One of the rarest animals is the Tasmanian Devil. At times someone claims to see one, but they never have proof. Recently, scientists found a skeleton, teeth and skin. They believed it was the remains of the rare Tasmanian Devil. They drew a picture of what the animal may have looked. They sent the picture with the body parts to Washington D.C.
1. What did scientists probably do with the parts?
A. Sent them to more experienced scientists.
B. Made clothes and ornaments of them.
C. Studied and compared them to other animals.
D. Sold them to museums that displayed them
Arriving at Camp
They made sure everyone was wearing long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks before they pulled up at the camping lodge. They noticed that the two men working on the grounds in front of the lodge were wearing nets around their heads and necks and hands.
2. Why were the people wearing long clothes and nets?
A. They were going to a costume party at the lodge.
B. They were protecting their bodies from insects.
C. They were very cold.
D. They wanted to look alike.
The Canoe Trip
One summer day Joe and Ann were paddling their canoe. They planned to spend the day fishing and looking for wildlife. They had heard that sometimes dolphins swam up the creek. Suddenly there was a big splash in the water in front of their canoe. Then they knew that what they had heard was true.
3. What did Joe and Ann see in the water?
A. A bird splashed down and caught a fish.
B. Another boat capsized in front of them.
C. A boy was swimming across the creek.
D. A dolphin had jumped out of the water.
Amira:Look at the long line! Do you think we’ll get in?
Bronte:I think so. Some of these people already have tickets.
Amy: How much are the tickets?
Bronte: Only $4.50 for the first show. I’ll pay.
Amira: Thanks. I’ll buy some popcorn.
4. Where does this conversation take place?
A. At the school cafeteria.
B. At the grocery store.
C. At a movie theater.
D. At a concert.
The teacher looked to his roster and called the next student for the science presentations. Troy was sweating at his seat when he heard his name called. He slowly gathered his notes and made his way to the front of the room. Troy stuttered, blushed, and shook as he spoke to the class.
5. What can you infer about Troy?
A. Troy enjoys public speaking.
B. Troy did not complete his science project.
C. Troy is an actor.
D. Troy is nervous.
Connection to the Summer Achievement Goal
Why is this important?
How does it connect to our larger goals?
What can I do to ensure that students are interested/engaged/invested?
Determining Methods
- If you teach students with special needs, consider the following questions as you create your agenda.
- What accommodations and/or modifications will my students need, and how will I provide them?
- How will I differentiate for students who need more/less time?
- How will I differentiate for students who need explicit language support with vocabulary or pronunciation?
- How will I group students and/or use an instructional assistant?
- If applicable, consult/reference specific IEPs.
- If you teach English language learners, consider the following questions as you create your agenda.
- What are the specific language demands (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) required of my objective, and how will I scaffold them?
- How will I teach students the vocabulary, language structures, and prior knowledge they need to meet the objective/complete the assessment?
- How will I provide students with the resources they need (word banks, dictionaries, pictures, etc.)?
Creating a Detailed Agenda
When planning lesson methods, consider these 3 overarching questions (in addition to the more detailed questions below and on the LP template):
- Are these methods driving toward the right stuff? (Is the action being informed by both parts of my vision – both the daily lesson vision and the summer school vision?)
- Am I gradually releasing responsibility to students such that they are set up for success? (Am I providing just enough, but not too much, support?)
- Are students actively and meaningfully engaged throughout the lesson? (Am I making sure this lesson treats students not as passive receptacles, but rather as active participants in the learning?)
Independent Practice
- How will students independently practice the knowledge and skills required of the objective, such that they solidify their internalization of the key points prior to the lesson assessment?
- How will I structure Independent Practice so that students are working on tasks that will fully prepare them for the lesson assessment?
- When and how would I intervene to support this Independent Practice?
Why were the plants wilting?
- They did not get enough water.
- It was too hot.
- They were watered too much.
- They were dissatisfied with life.
Why did Tim cry?
- He was in pain.
- His bike was scratched.
- His mom yelled at him.
- He was embarrassed.
How would you best describe Joey?
- Joey is happy and funny.
- Joey is rude and mean.
- Joey is a supportive brother.
- Joey is a helpful son.
Why did Patty call her boss?
- Patti is sick.
- Patti was up last night.
- Patti hates her boss.
Guided Practice
- How will students practice the knowledge and skills required of the objective, with my support, such that they continue to internalize key points?
- How will I structure Guided Practice to ensure that all students are working on tasks that will fully prepare them for the upcoming Independent Practice?
- How will I support students in completing those tasks?
Step 1 of cognitive strategy (story 1)
Steps 1 and 2 of cognitive strategy (story 2)
Steps 1, 2, and 3 of cognitive strategy (story 3)
All steps of cognitive strategy (story 4)
Let’s do some examples together.
I want you to help me a little more each time in using our cognitive strategy to make inferences.
Let’s do the first step together.
Call on different students for each question:
So, what’s our first step? (ask what are we trying to figure out)
Who can tell us, where should we look to find this out? (read the question)
Who can read that for us? (Why were the plants wilting?)
What are trying to figure out?
Engagement: Have kids show me with their bodies what “wilting” means. If there are students who don’t understand, use body language to illustrate concept.
Teacher proceeds with modeling other three steps as in INM.
This can go relatively quickly so kids are seeing me apply the process cohesively, so I won’t do as many thorough CFUs after EACH step, but should ask students to explain HOW I’m justifying inferences with good evidence.
Story #1 - Katie spent hours working on her garden on Saturday. She watered all of her plants five times. Even the ones that you are only supposed to water twice a week. On Sunday, she found that some of her plants were wilting.
Why were the plants wilting?
- They did not get enough water.
- It was too hot.
- They were watered too much.
- They were dissatisfied with life.
When I say INFERENCE, I’m going to watch as you and your partner first ask yourselves what you’re trying to figure out, then read the text and make a connection to your own lives.
Partner with the biggest hands goes first.
Give students opportunity to practice these independently and take note of who is practicing correctly, and spot-remediate as you can.
Story #2 - Tim had just received a new bike. As he rode it down the rode, he noticed that the brakes did not work. He crashed and cut his knee. He started crying.
Why did Tim cry?
- He was in pain.
- His bike was scratched.
- His mom yelled at him.
- He was embarrassed.
What did you do first? What were you trying to figure out? (why did Tim cry)
What did you do next? (read story)
After you read the story, what did you do? (made connection to my life)
How did you connect to this story?
I can relate to all of you and to this story as well, because I have fallen off my bike lots of times!
Model remaining two steps of strategy using similar approach as in INM.
With remaining stories, have students practice the first three steps, then all four.
As with story two, monitor student practice, redirect when possible, and use higher level CFUs so kids justify their thinking.
Story #3 – Joey’s sister was crying. Joey had told her she was not smart and smelled funny. Joey’s mother told Joey to apologize or he was going to be grounded for a week. Joey said no and walked away.
How would you best describe Joey?
- Joey is happy and funny.
- Joey is rude and mean.
- Joey is a supportive brother.
- Joey is a helpful son.
"Achoo!" Patti sneezed. She sneezed again and then a third time. She felt very warm and her head hurt. She dragged herself out of bed and called her boss. She told her boss she wouldn't be going to work.
Why did Patty call her boss?
- Patti is sick.
- Patti was up last night.
- Patti hates her boss.
- Patti is going to Disneyland today.
Introduction of New Material
- How will I explain the knowledge and demonstrate the skills required of the objective, such that students begin to actively take in and internalize the key points?
- How will I structure the Introduction of New Material such that students will be fully prepared for the upcoming Guided Practice?
- What will students do as I explain information and demonstrate skills?
I’m going to read the first key point:
- We make INFERENCES when we use EVIDENCE and our own EXPERIENCE to draw a CONCLUSION.
How about our second key point. When I say READ, I want you to take 10 seconds and read the second key point silently to yourself.
- GOOD inferences rely on EVIDENCE and SMART THINKING.
Awesome, so we know that good inferences rely on evidence and smart thinking.
Let’s read the last one out loud together:
- BAD inferences don’t rely on good evidence.
Awesome, now let me give you an example:
If I look out the window and see the trees blowing around and peoples’ hair all messed up, I can infer that it’s a windy day. The trees and the hair were my evidence, and I know from my own experience that when things are blowing around, it’s a windy day.
Now, let’s say I looked outside and things looked really calm, and I said it was a windy day, would you believe me? No! Because I’m not using good evidence
CFU (use partners or whole group based on your judgment):
How do we make inferences?
What’s the difference between a GOOD inference and a BAD inference?
Today we have a strategy for making inferences. This strategy will tell us exactly HOW to make inferences.
Go through each step individually and elicit student response/reflection after each.
CFUs throughout--mix it up: have students read silently, read to partner, choral read, and explain steps in their own words.
Making Inferences:
- Ask, What am I trying to figure out? By reading the question
- Read the text and make a connection to what you know
- Use the evidence (clues) from the text and your own experience to make your inference
- Choose the best answer from multiple choice
One person shares out.
Pete called Ted Tuesday afternoon and invited him
to come to his house after dinner to watch a movie. It
had been a long, boringday, and Ted was excited to
have something to do. After dinner, he hopped on his
bike and pedaled over to Pete's house. The house was
dark, and when he rang the bell, there was no answer.
Ted turned around, hopped back on his bike, and rode
What did Ted Decide?
- Ted decided the house was haunted.
- Ted forgot that he didn’t eat enough dinner.
- Ted’s bike was broken
- No one was home, so he left.
Continue to use combination of pair shares and whole group CFUs.
First I’ll ask myself, what am I trying to figure out?
To know that, I need to read the question.
Now I know I’m trying to figure out what Ted decided.
What did I do to know exactly what I’m trying to figure out? (read the question)
And what AM I trying to figure out? (what Ted decided)
Now that I know I’m trying to figure out what Ted decided, I have to read the text and make a connection to my own life.
(Read text)
I connect to this story because once when I was ten years old, my friend Emily invited me over to play on a summer night, but when I went to her house, it was dark inside and the car was gone.
What was my second step in the strategy?
HOW did I connect the story to my life?
Now I have to use evidence from the text and my own experience to make an inference.
The same thing happened to Ted that happened to me—he went to his friend’s house and it was quiet and dark—that’s the evidence. In my situation, I figured out that Emily wasn’t home, so I think Ted’s friend Pete probably isn’t home.
I just made an INFERENCE using EVIDENCE (reference key points poster).
What was my inference? (nobody’s home)
What evidence did I use support that inference? (dark house, no car in driveway)
Finally, I’ll look at my answer choices to see which one is correct. (D)
- Ted decided the house was haunted.
- Ted forgot that he didn’t eat enough dinner.
- Ted’s bike was broken
- No one was home, so he left.
I just used our strategy to make an inference.
How did I know that answer A wasn’t a good answer?
Go through each and have students JUSTIFY my responses by indicating good and bad evidence referenced during the modeling.
- What information do I need to convey during my opening, such that my students are prepared to be successful in mastering the objective?
- How will I engage students and “hook” their interest so that they want to master the objective?
Think-Pair-Share: What happened?
Share out:
What happened? (he robbed a bank)
Did I tell you that? (No)
How do you know? (he’s wearing a mask, has a bag of money, looks like he’s running)
Okay, he’s wearing a mask, has money, he’s running away—SO WHAT? How do you KNOW he robbed a bank? (get students to draw on their own experience—seeing a movie, for example—so they make connection between evidence and experience)
What you just did was making and inference by combining evidence in the picture—the mask, the money, the running man—and your own experience where you’ve seen bank robbers before.
You make inferences about your world every day.
Today we’ll learn how to make inferences when we read a text.
- How will I ask students to summarize what they have learned, as well as its significance?
Check Your Plan…
Look at the objective and daily lesson vision, and then examine each component of your detailed agenda.
- By the end of the lesson, will students be able to do exactly what the objective requires?
- How will students be working toward the key points during each component of the lesson?
- Will students be interested, engaged, and invested throughout the lesson?