Supplementary material for JCPA-D-14-00054R2:

Table S1: Comparison of near field ears and far field ears

near field ear / far field ear
sound receiving structure / antennal flagellum (e.g. Diptera, Hymenoptera) a,b
but also: wind hairs (e.g. on cerci: crickets and others) c / tympanum backed by trachea (Hemiptera, Orthoptera, Mantodea, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera) d
tympanum not backed by trachea (Neuroptera) e
no specialized tympanum (Bullacris) f
sensory organs / scolopidia with mostly two (to three) amphinematic sensory neurons (heterodynal) g / scolopidia with one mononematic sensory neuron (monodynal) g
number of scolopidia
/ hundreds to several ten thousands g
(windhairs: no scolopidia) / one to thousands d,g
central projections (when known) / typical mechanosensory neuropils h / typical mechanosensory neuropils i
carrier frequencies / up to 2 kHz k,l / ca. 1 kHz to > 120 kHz m,n
examples for hearing ranges / Drosophila: few mm m
Honeybee: < 1 cm l
Aedes: few cm k
(Cricket – wasp: up to 20 cm c) / Chorthippus: ca. 3 m o;
Barbitistes: up to 18 m p;
Bullacris: > 1 km q

a Gibson et al. 2010; b Göpfert and Robert 2002; c Gnatzy 2001; d Yager 1999; e Miller 1970; f van Staaden and Römer 1998; g Yack 2004; h Kamikouchi et al. 2006; i Boyan 1993; k Cator et al. 2009; l Michelsen 2003; m Ewing 1989; n Montealegre-Z et al. 2006; o Lang 2000; p Stumpner and Meyer 2001; q von Staaden and Römer 1997;


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