6:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday, April 2

Supper + Washing + Do This + Watch

Imagine yourself in an upstairs room. Jesus' disciples are gathering there, speaking in hushed voices. A table is laid out for the Passover feast. Jesus appears and insists on washing your dirty feet, just like a slave.

Then he invites everyone to sit down to begin the supper. He lifts up a loaf of bread and says, "I break this bread, as I give my body will be broken. Let everyone share in it."

He raises a cup of wine and says, "I pour out this wine for you, as my blood will pour out when they hang me on the cross. I do this out of love and forgiveness. Let everyone share in it. Do this to remember me."

Then Jesus is heading out the door, leading the bewildered group down out of the city, across the Kedron valley, and up the hill again into a garden called Gethsemane. "Watch and wait," he says.

7:30 p.m. Good Friday, April 3

Cross + Candles + Prayer + Song

The quiet night in the garden is interrupted by soldiers and the authorities, who take Jesus away. Before daybreak he has stood trial, been whipped and mocked by the soldiers,and is condemned. Like a common criminal Jesus is hung on a crossand dies an agonizing death. He is taken down from the cross and laid in a tomb and sealed with a stone.

What now? The expectations of those who have believed that he was the one have been crushed. Jesus' companions, who scattered following his crucifixion, have gathered in the upper room again. They quietly sing songs of lament and offer prayer to Godand light a

candle- seeking the way forward and wait ...

7:30 p.m. The Great Vigil of Easter

Fire+Water+Story+Bread & Wine

We arrive at church in the twilight Saturday night, in a mood of expectation. The new fire of Easter is kindled and shared - each of us carrying that. New Light of Christ with us. We hear the stories of God's great saving acts in history as we sit around the fire outside.

With ancient chant, we move into the parish hall where water is our theme - life-giving, cleansing, refreshing water.

Finally, we approach the church and knock on the doors to be admitted into Resurrection. The lights blaze, the flowers abound, and Easter comes once more - in our Baptismal vows and in the bread and wine of Communion. We go on our way rejoicing, singing Alleluia!