Spelling Contract Opportunities

Choose one activity from each of the three lists and have a parent or an older sibling give you a spelling pre-test the day before the test. Complete the contractual obligations by the last day of the school week. Use the spelling formats that best fit each activity. Be sure to spell all words correctly or your contract will not be accepted.

List A

  1. Write each spelling word in cursive three times.
  2. Type each spelling word in a different font. Email your list to your teacher or print it out and hand it in along with the rest of your contract.
  3. Choose one color for vowels and another color for consonants and write each word using both colors.
  4. Write your words in alphabetical order.
  5. Play Scrabble with your words. Arrange them on graph paper across and down!
  6. Cut out your words or letters to spell your words from magazines or newspapers and paste them on to a piece of paper.

List B

  1. Choose ten of the toughest words on your list and write a descriptive sentence for each. Be sure to underline your words and to use each word correctly.
  2. Write a paragraph using your five challenge words. Be sure to underline each word and to use each word correctly. Because you are writing a paragraph, your writing should be focused on one topic.
  3. Choose ten words including your challenge words. Write each word with its definition and part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.).
  4. Choose ten words and write a poem. It doesn’t have to rhyme, but it should be creative!
  5. Choose ten words and write a letter to your teacher. I can’t wait to read it!

List C

  1. Complete the Spelling and Vocabulary page in this unit of your book.
  2. Complete the Spelling and Reading page in this unit of your book.
  3. Complete the Vocabulary Connections activities for this unit in your book (both pages).
  4. Sort your spelling words according to the spelling rules on the Spelling and Thinking page in this unit of your book. Make a separate column for additional words that don’t fit the rules.

Finally, complete a spelling pre-test. Write any words you misspelled ten times. Have the adult or older sibling sign your pre-test.

Attach all spelling pages to your contract and hand it in. Be sure you double check your work, complete it neatly, and put your full name on it!