Chapter 9: Managing Careers


1. It is increasingly the responsibility of organizations to manage their employees’ careers.

Ans: False

2. The Myers-Briggs (MBTI) uses six dimensions of personality to identify 24 personality types.

Ans: False

Response: The Myers-Briggs (MBTI) uses four dimensions of personality to identify 16 personality types

3. Late career is a career stage during which an employee’s job assignments draw primarily on maturity of judgment.

Ans: True

4. Holland’s Vocational Preference Theory identifies six themes of occupational preference.

Ans: True

Response: See page 242. They are Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

5. Decline is a career stage during which an employee becomes more of a teacher/mentor than a learner.

Ans: False

Response: Decline is a career stage during which an employee prepares for retirement.

Multiple Choice

6. Which of the following is not true regarding career development in today’s contemporary organizations?

a) Employees are responsible for managing their careers.

b) Organizations have an obligation to manage their employees’ careers.

c) Organizations’ responsibility is to build employee self-reliance.

d) Organizations’ responsibility is to help employees maintain their marketability through continual learning.

e) Organizations should provide support so employees can continually add to their skills, abilities, and knowledge.

Ans: b

Response A: True.

Response B: Correct!

Response C: True.

Response D: True.

Response E: True.

7. Lynne is a puppy nanny. She works for minimum wage at a shelter, playing with strays until they are friendly enough to be “adopted.” She goes home at night and tells her 5 dogs about what a difference she makes in the lives of dogs and their future owners. She has pictures of 430 such pairings on her walls. How can her career success be defined?

a) objectively

b) intermittently

c) intentionally

d) subjectively

e) psychologically

Ans: d

Response A: No, that would be if she got lots of money or recognition.

Response B: No. Not a career success term.

Response C: Not a career success term.

Response D: Correct!

Response E: Not the best answer for career success.

8. Henry is a stay-at-home husband. He has two children. He likes spending time with them and raising them. He is very involved in their education. He is a volunteer at the Parent Teacher Association of his children’s school. He is also the coach of their baseball team. Henry likes to clean and decorate his house. He just redesigned his kitchen. Is Henry having a successful career?

a) No, being a stay-at-home father is not a career.

b) No, he does not earn any income from his work.

c) No, he is lowering the standard of living of his family by not earning an income.

d) No, but at least he is saving on childcare costs.

e) Yes, because he is a successful caretaker and homemaker.

Ans: e

Response A: Not the right answer!

Response B: Not the right answer!

Response C: Not the right answer!

Response D: Not the right answer!

Response E: Correct!

9. Paula is self-assessing her own talents and limitations. She is developing a self-image and thinking of her ambitions, goals, motives, and limitations. What is Paula’s career stage?

a) Exploration

b) Establishment

c) Mid-career

d) Late career

e) Decline

Ans: a

Response A: Correct!

Response B: No.

Response C: No.

Response D: No.

Response E: No.

10. Which of the following is a good suggestion for career success?

a) Keep your accomplishments low key and hidden.

b) Don’t do an internship related to your major.

d) Set a specific job target and don’t settle for less.

e) Refuse help from parents or other successful professionals who want to introduce you to workers in your area.

f) Know your strengths and weaknesses.

Ans: e

Response A: No. Make them visible.

Response B: No. That is a great idea.

Response C: No. Stay flexible. If your job options head you in the right directions, that’s OK.

Response D: No. Networking is good.

Response E: Correct!

11. Which of the following is not a traditional career stage typical for most adults?

a) Exploration

b) Establishment

c) Bifurcation

d) Late career

e) Decline

Ans: c

Response A: Traditional career stage.

Response B: Traditional career stage.

Response C: Correct!

Response D: Traditional career stage.

Response E: Traditional career stage.

12. Myron attended a retirement planning workshop last week. He is moving to the south to be with the grandkids. Identify Myron’s career stage.

a) Decline

b) Exploration

c) Establishment

d) Late career

e) Transition

Ans: a

Response A: Correct!

Response B: Not unless he plans to work at something new in the south.

Response C: No. That happened much earlier.

Response D: No. Myron is past that.

Response E: Not a career stage.

13. Asad is a research scientist. He likes to work in the lab, with the equipment and no people. He discovers new coating materials for plastics. What is his Holland type?


b) Managerial-technical

c) Realistic-Investigative-Artistic

d) Social-Investigative-Technical

e) Conventional-Realistic-Social

Ans: c

Response A: Not Holland. This is a Myers-Briggs type.

Response B: No. This is closer to a Schein anchor.

Response C: Correct!

Response D: No.

Response E: No. He’s not social.

14. Which of the following best describes a type in the Holland Vocational Preference Profile that indicates good facility with words, preference for selling or leading, energetic, and extroverted?

a) Realistic


c) Social

d) Enterprising

e) Investigative

Ans: d

Response A: No.

Response B: No.

Response C: No.

Response D: Correct!

Response E: No.

15. Which of the following is not a Myers-Briggs type?

a) Thinking

b) Feeling

c) Enterprising

d) Judging

e) Perceiving

Ans: c

Response A: A Myers-Briggs type.

Response B: A Myers-Briggs type.

Response C: Correct!

Response D: A Myers-Briggs type.

Response E: A Myers-Briggs type.