Super Ride VII

Vendor Application June 25-27, 2009

ATTENTION VENDORS: The “Super Ride”, is held at the TexasRoseHorsePark, located just off Interstate 20 on 110 south near CantonTX.

We welcome vendors from all over the United States (no regional restrictions). All vendor spaces will beoutside spaces. Restroom facilities are available, and we are also taking food vendors.

1. The Super Ride Committee will evaluate each booth and reserves the right to deny space or individual items in a space.

Any vendor in violation of any of the rules listed may be asked to leave without refund.

2. To be complete, this entry form must be filled out in its entirety and be accompanied by payment for the full booth fee and a space diagram or photographsshowing a sample of the merchandise to be sold. Payment is accepted in the form of cash, check or money order.

3. Deadline for completion of all applications is May 28, 2008.

4. Vendor Spaces for trailers are a flat fee of $100.00 each day. (Vendor fee includes entry into the festival for two people.) 10X10 spaces are $75 per day.MUST BE AT THE EVENT ALL THREE DAYS.

Entire display including stakes, ropes, supports, etc. must be within these boundaries. Please send application with payment to: Super Ride PO BOX 1333 Van TX 75790.

5. Vendors may NOT operate out of a vehicle or park next to their booth. No generators are to be used in the vendor area. Absolutely no camping is allowed in the vendor area.

6. Vendors requesting electric must bring a 50 ft heavy duty extension cord in new condition with ground plug.

7. All vendors must provide a canopy, tarp, plastic or other type of overhead cover. Vendors must provide their own table, background materials, and all other materials used to make an attractive booth display.

8. Hours are 8:00a.m. – 7:00p.m. Thursday, and 8:00a.m. -7:00p.m. Friday and Saturday. Setup time is Wednesday June 25, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Everyone must be out of the festival area by 9:00 a.m. Sunday June 28th.

9. Vendors must be present and setup during all hours open to the public and must stay until the show is completed on Saturday. All vehicles/trailers should be removed from the vendor area immediately afterunloading prior to display setup. DO NOT bring your vehicle into the vendor area until you are packed.

10. Paid vendors not checked-in by 7:00 p.m. Wednesday June 24th, 2009 will lose their space with NO REFUNDS.

11. Vendors canceling prior to June 1st 2008 will receive a refund of 50% of the fee paid. AFTER June 1st 2008 NO REFUNDS.

12. Overnight Security will be provided Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. However, Super Ride and those associated with the festival accept no responsibility for damage, thefts or loss to vendors or their merchandise.

13. Vendors and visitors to the SUPER RIDE will assume all risk of accident or injury. Neither Super Ride or anyone associated with the Super Ride will be held responsible.

14. Absolutely no pets are allowed in the vendor area.

15. Your check being cashed does not declare acceptance into the festival. Applicants not accepted will receive a full refund.



LIABILITY: I agree to hold harmless (not responsible) Super Ride, TRHP, LLC, Texas Rose Horse Park and Brunson Equestrian Center, LLC, and any associates from any known or unknown bodily injuries,losses, damages, judgments and/or claims from any cause whatsoever that may be suffered by an entrant or persons accompanying them.

Provide a copy of your insurance.

Brief description of merchandise to be sold at this festival.



Vendor Signature ______

Vendor Name (Print) ______

Business Name ______

Address ______

City ______State ______Zip ______

Check ______Cash______Money Order______

Please Mark Number of Spaces______Total Payment Enclosed $______


Accepted Yes______No______

Phone______Space #______

Super Ride POBOX 1333 VAN TX 75790.

Phone 972-679-0770