*CC 3.32 NET1A & NET1B
Core Geology (Online)
Fall 2009
Welcome to the online geology core!
For this course there are no formal lectures, labs or textbooks.Instead of class meetings, you will undertake a series of ‘on-line’ investigations. You may work on them whenever and wherever you have access to a computer with internet. No textbook required.
Please read the syllabus thoroughly. Links to the investigations and all course information (such as the course calendar, exam and assignment due dates, grading practices, etc.) will be found on the course home page. Take time to review all sections of the site as it contains everything you will need to complete this course.
Link to the online homepage:
You will begin each lab section from this page.
Below is an alternative route to find the online webpage through the geology departmental website.
core coursesonline class info
Warning: The online section of Core 3.32 is extremely time intensive. Also do not be fooled in thinking the class will be easier because it is an online course. The course is set up such that you cannot just complete the assignments BUT rather complete each entire section before attempting to complete the assignments. It has been proven students who attempt to go the “quick route” end up doing poorly in this class.
Required In-Class Meetings:
Wednesday 9/2/2009
First meeting of class 6:05-7:45pm, 3127N
Wednesday 10/21/09
Exam 1 (Minerals I/II & Maps I-IV) 6:05-7:45pm, 3127N
Wednesday 12/16/09
Final Exam 3:30-5:30pm, 3127N
Attendance to in-class meetings is mandatory. As posted in the schedule of classes (Fall 2009) students cannot take this course if it conflicts with any regularly scheduled class. It is your responsibility to ensure you are available to take the final exam as scheduled by Brooklyn College. The Fall 2009 final exam schedule can be found the in the schedule of classes. No exceptions will be made to take the final exam at another day or time.
Course Instructors:
George Lozefski:
Wednesday 4-6pm (or by appt)
Michelle O’Dea:
Wednesday 11-1pm (or by appt)
All office hours are held in room 3114N.
Phone number: 718.951.5000 x6652**we are only available to answer the phone during office hours. Please note: We DO NOT encourage students to call in with questions; priority will always be given to students in the office.
There are 7 assignments, 4 of which are to be submitted by email and graded along with 1 online quiz. Submitted assignments and quiz must be sent before 11:59 PM on the due date. Some of the assignments are lengthy (marked ‘L’ on the course calendar); you would do well to start them ahead of time. Keep a copy of everything you submit.
Assignments not submitted on time will receive a zero.
Where to submit assignments:
See website for specific direction on how to submit an assignment.
NET1A: Submit all assignments and questions to George:
NET1B: Submit all assignments and questions to Michelle:
Email Correspondence:
Due to the high volume of emails received it is imperative to properly title each correspondence with instructors. Failure to do will result in lost emails or a delay in response.
Subject line: Course section; Last name; First name and content of the email.
For example: “NET 1A, Smith, Terry, Minerals Part II submission”
Class ID:
You will be assigned a class ID number which can be found on the website under “Class ID”. For all assignments, fill in your ‘official’ name and class ID number in the indicated places on the submission form. To begin the first assignment you will need your course ID number.
Getting Help:
If you need help with the content of the website or with assignments before they are submitted, please email your instructor or come to see any of them during their office hours.
If you have questions about an assignment after it is graded, please email the instructor to whom it was sent.
To discuss graded assignments in person, come in during office hours with a printout of the completed, graded assignment.
Assignments – 20%; Quiz- 20% Exam 1 – 30%; Final – 30%
Extra credit assignment: main page Landforms (part I, II and III) DUE 12/2/09
You can receive up to 5 pts towards your Exam 1 grade upon completion of the Landforms lab (pt I, II and III). Follow the normal submission instructions given. Partial credit will be awarded. No resubmissions for the extra credit.
A curve will be applied to the final course grade (if applicable) at the end of the term. Please do not ask during the semester….
We encourage you to find other students in the class to work with. If you wish to communicate by email with other students in order to collaborate on assignments, study for exams, etc., please leave your name and email address with us at the end of our first meeting or send us an email. We will compile an email distribution list for those interested. Your names will not be distributed, just your email addresses.
Please note, that for all written material (e.g., journal entries, short answers, essays), each student must answer questions in his/her own words. On exams or assignments, answers that are duplicates of others' work will not be accepted and will receive a zero. We fully support Brooklyn College’s zero tolerance of plagiarism and adhere to their guidelines.
In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations students must first be registered with the Center for Student Disability Services (CFSDS). Students who have a documented disability or suspect they may have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart- Lovell at 718-951-5538. If you have already registered with the CFSDS please provide your professor with the course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with him/her.
Wednesday 9/2/09 Mandatory In-Class Meeting 6:05-7:45pm, 3127N
Wednesday 9/9/09 Minerals II Assignment due by email
Wednesday 9/30/09 Maps II Assignment due by email
Wednesday 10/21/09 Exam 1, 6:05-7:45pm, 3127N
Wednesday 11/18/09 Fourth Dimension II Assignment due by email
Wednesday 11/25/09 Plate Tectonics Assignment due by email
Wednesday 12/2/09Online quizDue by 11:59pm via email
Wednesday 12/2/09 Last day to submit extra credit assignment
Wednesday 12/16/09 Final Exam 3:30-5:30pm, 3127N