Quality Control Introduction
For compliance with EarthCraft and RESNET policy,the General Contractor listed below will follow the
RESNETQuality Assurance guidelines as outlined in this document. These QA guidelinesare created to ensure all energy efficiency measures are achieved and that the General Contractor’s on site QualityAssurance (Q.A.) Designee (identified below)is trained and capable of identifying issues that would negatively impact EarthCraft certification.
Project Name – / Project Address –Name of General Contractor - / Certification seeking- EarthCraft/LEED/ESTAR/other…. (list all that apply).
GC Project Manager Name / GC Builder QA Designee Name-
GC Project Manager contact info/ email and phone / Builder QA Designee contact info/ email and phone
GC Site Super Name – / Developer contact info/ email and phone
GC Site Super contact info/ email and phone / ECTA
Brief description of project. Number of Buildings, number of units, project start/ project expected completion.
In an effort to improve quality control in the field, RESNET policy requires all projects using RESNET building simulation software to develop a compliant sampling plan. The project is only eligible for RESNET’s 1 in 7 sampling rate if they develop this sampling plan prior to the commencement of building inspections. The General Contractor will work with the ECTA to ensure the sampling plan and protocol reach RESNET standards. Ensure all applicable trades are included in the sampling plan and ensure the required inspection items are identified within the contracts with each trade. Use the EarthCraft inspection checklist items as a guide to build the contracts with each trade (ie. HVAC, Air Sealing, Insulation, Final Inspection requirements, etc.)
Requirements for Builder Eligibility
From the SERH Sampling Provider Operation Policies and Procedures document:
To be eligible for sampling, a builder must show the ability to consistently build highperformancehomes. In order for a builder to qualify:
1. The builder must have a project plan that calls for completion of at least 50 multi-family homesor 100 single family homes in an 18 month period.
2. The builder must demonstrate consistent building performance by:
a. Completing a set of sampling controls on 7 consecutive homes built in the same subdivisionby the builder prior to beginning sampling. For example, 7 homes must pass all requirementsof a pre-drywall inspection and a final inspection without failure beforequalification/certification sampling can begin. This requirement must be met for each newmetropolitan area.
b. After the builder has met the above requirement: for each new subdivision in the samemetropolitan area, the builder must complete a set of sampling controls on 3 consecutivehomes before sampling can begin in the new subdivision.
3. The builder must have an in-house Quality Assurance (Q.A.) program that meets the followingrequirements:
a. The builder must have a written Q.A./project management process to ensure thatsubcontractors utilize proper installation techniques (see EarthCraft resources page for Unit QA Toolkit template). This document must be submitted by thebuilder along with the production rollout schedule to the Rater for review. The Rater will thensubmit this document to the SERH.
b. The builder’s Q.A. program must include an in-house or third-party Inspector. In-houseinspectors must have completed, at a minimum, a one day training program on thecertification program under which the project is being certified through sampling. In the case of EarthCraft this requirement is achieved by taking the EarthCraft Building Training.
c. The third-party inspector must be, at minimum, a Certified HERS Rater or equivalent. The third-party inspector on any EarthCraft project will be the EarthCraft Technical Advisor.
The Sampling QA Document will include (at minimum) the following Quality Control Documents with the appropriate Trade(s) scopes of work identified in each section. The General Contractor should work with the ECTA to identify all required Thermal Bypass checklist items which can be found within the EarthCraft Inspection Checklist.
Erosion and Sediment Quality Control Document
Building Durability Quality Control Document
Mold Mildew and Moisture Quality Control Document
HVAC Quality Control Document
Air Sealing Quality Control Document
Insulation Quality Control Document
Final Inspection Quality Control Document
*Each of these documents are provided as a template within the Unit Sampling QA Toolkitlocated on the EarthCraft Program Guidelines and Worksheets resources page.
Note: Often, the responsibility for the required thermal bypass items in each section of the EarthCraft Inspection checklist may cross between separate trades requiring multiple trades to be identified with the Q.A. document. It is important to have all applicable items covered to ensure no items are missed. Your ECTA can help identify appropriate trades for each applicable item.
Please contact EarthCraft or your ECTA if you need further guidance completing this document.