SUNY Cortland Physical Education

Lesson Plan

Standards / Teacher: Kevin Stuttle / School: CMS / Grade:6
Bold Teaching Style: Command Practice Reciprocal Self-Check Guided Discovery
Inclusion Convergent Divergent Jigsaw Cooperative
Domains / Objectives / Assessment Tool &
When it is used / Length of class: 50 mins
Psychomotor / 1a / 1, 2 / Students will demonstrate understanding of the breaststroke pull by performing the arm motion of the stroke at a competent level. / Observation, Breaststroke Rubric / Lesson Body / Unit:Swimming Strokes
Focus: Breaststroke - Pull
Affective / 2a / 5 / Students will demonstrate responsible behavior by following directions during the warm-up and lesson body. / Observation / Whole Lesson / Equipment:Kickboards, Warmup task cards, Stroke poster, dome signs for cards
Cognitive / 1a / 2 / Students will show understanding of the breaststroke pull by being able to answer the questions during the lesson close. / Questioning / Close / References:
CCSS / RI.6.7 / Students will use the information provided on task cards in order to perform the tasks that are asked of them correctly.
Students will use the information presented in the introduction during the lesson body in order to increase their ability level. / Observation / Warm-Up & Lesson Body
Safety Statement / 2 /5 / Students should stay on task throughout the lesson today and stay in personal space.
NYS Learning Standard 1Personal Health and Fitness
1a. Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. Students will attain competency in a variety of motor and sports activities.
1b. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body composition
NYS Learning Standard 2A Safe and Healthy Environment
2a. Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity.
2b. Students will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and communication.
2c. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants.
NYS Learning Standard 3Resource Management
3a. Students will be aware of and able to access opportunities available to them within their community to engage in physical activity.
3b. Students will be informed consumers and be able to evaluate facilities and programs.
3c. Students will also be aware of career options in the field of physical fitness and sports / NASPE Content Standards – A physically educated person:
1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
3. Participates regularly in physical activity.
4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction
What is the ongoing fitness theme or emphasis in this lesson?
Health-related Fitness (HRF)
(Please Bold)
Cardiovascular endurance Muscular strength
Muscular endurance Flexibility
Body composition / Explain how it is developed and where in the lesson it occurs:
During the warm-up exercises are presented with the fitness component that they work on. / Skill-related Fitness (SRF)
(Please Bold)
Balance Coordination
Reaction time
Power / Explain how it is developed and where in the lesson it occurs:
During the lesson body, students will have to coordinate the sequence of the breaststroke.
(i.e. Concepts taught, goals, estimated MVPA through a game/activity, heart rate, RPE, step counts, FITT, etc.) / (i.e. Concepts taught, goals, FITT, etc.)
Lesson Components / Time / Organization &
Transitions / Description / Adaptations Assessments, Reminders
Instant Activity / 15 min / Change and enter pool area. Wait in shallow end when done. /
  • Task cards will be out on the deck for the students to follow
  • The task cards include the exercise, component of physical fitness it covers, number of repetitions, a description of the exercise, challenges and modifications, and a question about the exercise
/ Attendance, Feedback on exercises, Questions
Introduction, Signal for Attention,
Hook / 7 min / Students on deck facing white board / Breaststroke Pull:
  • Review: Pull, Breathe, Kick, Glide Sequence
  • Breathe: Lift head up in front
  • Kick: Bend, Out, Around, Together
  • Glide: 3 seconds, Streamline position
  • Breathe and Kick happen together (Think “Breathe & Kick… Glide”)
  • “The Accordion” analogy: body acts like accordion during stroke
  • Arm Motion: “Make a Heart at Your Heart”
  • Hands in front are the point of the heart
  • Hands push out and begin to curve inward
  • Finish the “heart” shape at your heart
  • Go back to the point
  • Revisit Accordion analogy
  • Pull & Breathe & Kick… Glide
/ Have students demonstrate “Heart”
Demonstration / 3 min / Students turn to face water /
  • One student demonstrates the full breaststroke, comment on the sequence and timing
  • Today’s activity:
  • With a partner focusing on arm motion and sequence
  • One partner swims across the width and back
  • The partner watching helps give feedback to other partner
  • Switch and repeat
  • Use the information on the white board and the stroke poster in the deep end to help and ask questions when confused.
/ Make sure students give some sort of feedback, point out poster in deep end
Body of Lesson
(Lesson Focus) / 15 min / Tasks (Extensions) - Activities for the whole class. E.g. Hit the ball over the net to your partner 10 times. / Cues (Refinements) – Simple secrets to improve performance. E.g. Low to high / Challenges (Applications) - More game-like chances to practice the same tasks at the same difficulty level. E.g. In 90 seconds, see how many times you can hit the ball to your partner. / Modifications –
Add modifications to make the tasks easier and harder according to the skill level of the students. / Adaptations Assessments, Reminders
Students in group space along width of pool / 1. Take turns swimming the width and back with a partner. Give feedback to each other and use the resources given in class to help. / 1. Pull Breathe Kick Glide
Make a heart at your heart / 1. Don’t stop at the wall, turn and keep going. / Easier – Take a break on the wall
Harder - Lower number of strokes per width / Observe the groups: feedback, skill, cooperation
Lesson Closure,
Hook to Next Lesson / 10 min / Students sitting on width of pool
Change and go downstairs / Q: What do you need to do for the arm motion for breaststroke?
A: Make a heart at your heart
Q: What do you need to make sure you do in the sequence for the breaststroke?
A: Pull & Breathe & Kick… Glide, Accordion
Next time: More of the whole stroke / OTR

"Guiding and inspiring youngsters in the process of becoming physically educated and healthy for a lifetime."Last updated on 11/13/2018