“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.” Epictetus

  1. Course Description:

Chemistry 1 is the study of matter, inorganic, and organic substances. Students will examine the composition and properties of representative materials that make up our world and investigate the changes these materials undergo. Students will actively classify matter in accordance with properties, composition, structure, reactions and/or uses in order to organize the diversity observable materials into models that they can understand.

The Gifted & Talented Chemistry program is a challenging, inquiry oriented course. Students will be presented with challenging situations requiring the utilization of a large amount of factual material that can be applied and then tested using acceptable methods of reasoning. The level of inquiry demanded by this program is substantial. The students are expected to be functioning at the 96th percentile for reading and math skills. The Gifted & Talented Chemistry Program emphasizes quantitative, theoretical, descriptive, and experimental aspects of chemistry.

  1. Major Units:


II.Course Objectives:

  • To get students excited about chemistry.
  • To relate chemistry to practical everyday life.

Concepts of Chemistry

The Student will be able to:

  1. Explain that atoms have structure and this structure serves as the basis for the properties of elements and the bonds that they form.
  2. Explain how the properties of compounds are related to the arrangement and type of atoms they contain.
  3. Apply the basic concepts of thermodynamics (thermo chemistry) to phases of matter and phase and chemical changes.
  4. Explain how and why substances are represented by formulas.
  5. Explain that matter undergoes transformations, resulting in products that are different from the reactants.
  1. Requirements:


Attendance is very important, when you miss class; you lose many opportunities for learning. The polices of BCPS will be strongly implemented.

1. Absences

Excused: Must be accompanied by a note.Missed work due to absences is due no later than two class periods from the day the student returns to class. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Unexcused: Will not be allowed to make up missed assignments. Missed work will be recorded as a zero. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Whether an absence is excused or unexcusedALL students who are absent from class are responsible for obtaining the notes from the class website It is the student’s responsibility to make sure he/she is prepared for class. (Example if a student misses class on Monday and there is a quiz on the covered material on Wednesday. The student is still liable for taking the quiz even though he/she was not in class on Monday.)

  1. Tardiness:

A PASS is required when you enter the room late.

If you are tardy to class 2 times in one quarter a parent will be contacted. If you are tardy 3 times detention will be assigned. If you are tardy more than 3 times a parent will be contacted and an administrative referral will be made.

  1. Notebook:

The notebook is a collection of all your outputs in this subject. It is an organized notebook that you will maintain for the course to ensure your success.It is a 3-ring binder with dividers for the following sections:

  1. Drills
  2. Notes
  3. Class work
  4. Homework

You are also required to have 2journals (1 Spiral notebook for notes and 1 Composition Book graph 50 or 100 sheets, (may be found at Office Depot $2.69)). This will be used for class notes, reflections, lab write-ups, and reports. (These are due by the 2nd day of class.)

C. Tests and Quizzes:

Benchmark dates will be announced, whereas quiz dates either will be announced or unannounced. BE PREPARED!

  1. CHS Science Department Homework Policy:

Students will be given an Incomplete (Power of “I”) for a missing homework assignment until the assessment is given covering the content of that homework. Late homework turned in before the assessment will receive a grade no higher than 50%, while homework not turned in by the assessment will be recorded as 0 (zero). *Note: An incomplete will register as a 0 in the grade book.

Homework passes-if a student chooses to use a homework pass for a homework assignment, the homework pass must be stapled to the assignment and turned in on time. If the homework assignment is late the student will NOT be allowed to use the homework pass. *Note:A homework pass excuses a student from the homework assignment. The student does not receive full credit for the assignment.

  1. Missing, Incomplete, and Late Assignments

ALL students will be responsible for obtaining any missing or incomplete assignments from Students will only receive one copy of the material during class. If these assignments are lost or misplaced it is the student’s responsibility to print the assignments from the website. ALL missing or incomplete assignments for a unit are due the day of the unit exam, if a student is absent the work is due the day the student returns to class. Missing and incomplete assignments not turned in by the unit exam day will be recorded as 0 (zero).

If a class work assignment is late, the student will lose one point per class day. (I.e. The assignment is due on Monday and the student turns it in on Wednesday the student will lose one point from the assignment 10/10 = 9/10 due to lateness).

  1. Lab Reports:

All students will be required to complete 1 lab report per quarter using the Lab Report Format provided by the teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to choose which lab he/she would like to complete a lab report on. The teacher will assign a due date for all lab reports toward the end of each quarter.

  1. Lab Notebooks:

The lab notebook is a graphing composition notebook that will be use during all labs. Students will be provided lab notebook guidelines that should be used during all labs. All lab information is to be recorded in the lab notebook, including calculations. Lab notebooks will be checked and graded per unit.

  1. Current Events:

Each student will be responsible for 4 current events a year, 1 each quarter. Each student will be responsible for signing up for a date to post their current event on the wiki. Other classmates will be responsible for commenting on each current event. (In order to post to the wiki you must have a user name and password, so please do not forget yours)

  1. Pen/Pencil (more than 1)
  2. Loose-leaf notebook paper
  3. TI-84 Graphing Calculator(Optional)
  4. Positive Attitude!  (Required!!!!)
  5. 1 box of tissues ( Girls) & 1 bottle of hand sanitizer (Boys) (Greatly appreciated but not required)
  1. Grading System

  • Class work: 50% (includes labs, projects, assignments, notebooks, journals)
  • Test/Quizzes: 35% (includes BMKs and other formal/informal assessments)
  • Homework: 10% (includes pre-labs, problem sets, vocabulary, directed reading, etc.)
  • Drills: 5% (includes drills and drill quizzes)

(Please Note: All mathematical work must be shown in order to obtain any credit!)

  1. Class Rules


  1. Follow the 3 R’S!
  2. Be Respectful
  3. Be Responsible
  4. Be Ready to learn
  1. NO CELL PHONES OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES (If a student has to be reminded to put away an electronic device twice the student will receive detention and a phone call home, if the student is reminded three times the student will receive an automatic office referral.
  1. Routines
  1. When entering the room, answer the drill and SAT Enrichment question on your drill sheet, individually. There will be a quiz on dated drill sheets every 5 Drills.
  2. Sharpen all pencils before class begins. Bring two writing utensils to class daily
  3. Bring required materials every day unless you are otherwise directed.
  4. Homework will be collected and/or reviewed at the beginning of class.
  5. Keep a well-organized and neat notebook. (There will be notebook checks)
  6. You may only complete course-related assignments in class. (No Math, etc.)
  7. Record notes using the Cornell note-taking method.
  8. Ask questions when you do not understand or need help. (Remember to raise your hand)
  9. Talk only when permitted. (Raise your hand to be recognized.)
  10. Do your own work! (If caught cheating or copying you lose credit for each question, plus 2 pts. per question, your parent will also be notified via edline or phone call)
  11. Follow the teacher’s directions immediately.
  12. The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.

To the Student and Parents:

Please read this syllabus together and sign the attached page. The signed sheet should be returned by ______.

I have read the above course requirements for Chemistry and understand the responsibilities of being a member of the Chemistry Class.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Student’s Name (Printed): ______Class: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Email Address: ______Phone:______