Learning Resources Supervisors’ Meeting
August 7, 2007
The Learning Resources supervisors met on Tuesday, August 7, 2007, at 3:00p.m. in Betty Linneman’s office. Those in attendance: Linda Bigelow, Tommie Collins, Betty Linneman, Dena McCaffrey, Sue Morgan, Loretta Ponzar, Allan Wamsley,Lisa Wolfe, and Amy McKenna-Jones (secretary).
Linda Bigelow updated supervisors on the following items:
Orientation Week
Linda distributed copies of the orientation week schedule and encouraged as many employees as possible from each department to attend the scheduled events. Linda said employees are expected to attend the Tuesday opening meeting and the Thursday afternoon presentation by Dr. Mark Taylor.
Administrative Policy VIII-001
Linda distributed copies of Administrative Policy VIII-001, Acquisition of Computing Hardware and Software, as well as the related Administrative Procedure. This policy and procedure concerns the purchasing process for computing hardware and software. Linda said the policy has not changed, but they have changed the language to clarify the process. The next big computer order will go to Cabinet for approval next month then be sent before the Board in November.
Accreditation Process
Linda distributed copies of “Accreditation HAQ” (Hypothetically Asked Questions), and reported that Michael Booker and Kim Harvey are working hard to gather information for the Higher Learning Commission accreditation visit. Linda said this will be a year of very hard work, and everyone will be involved in the process. A channel has already been established in STARS for the purpose of sharing information with faculty and staff.
Program Review
Linda said the LearningCenter completed its program review last year, and the library completed theirs this year. Emphasis is being placed on closing the loop on assessment, so our focus will need to be on looking at the reports and identifying progress.
A new public safety director has been hired. Mark Decker comes to us from MaryvilleUniversity and is a graduate of the Jefferson College Police Training Institute. Mr. Decker’s first project will be a review of the emergency procedures manual.
Departmental Reports
Dena McCaffrey said they have been very busy at JCA. They are already up 200+ credit hours just since Monday morning. They are adding about 150 credit hours per day. Tammy Walz and Chris Lile are typically booked solid all day long, and advising is also being offered Monday-Thursday evenings. Dena said she and Matt Price spent most of yesterday checking all of the computers to make sure everything is functioning properly and ready to go for fall classes. Dena said they will be locking the hallway door to the open computer lab and requiring all students to enter the lab through the library. The lab is open to anyone, not just JeffersonCollege students. There is some concern about librarians processing student ID’s the first week of classes and concern over who will cover if Matt Price and the librarian are both busy. We may need to consider hiring another lab assistant. Sue Morgan said she will spend a lot of time at JCA during the first week of classes since the library staff is still in training.
Distance Learning
Amy McKenna-Jones reported that we currently have 1,077 enrollments for the fall semester out of a possible 1,198 seats. An Intro to Criminal Justice course has been added to the online schedule for the second eight weeks of the semester. The online CRJ224 Police Administration course has been canceled.
IS/Academic Computing
Allan Wamsley reported that Ron Boyer is installing two SMART classrooms today. They have 12 SMART rooms to install in the next few days, and each installation takes 4-5 hours. The WebCT consortium server is transitioning to EastCentralCollege. Vickie Morgan will be moving all of the courses over. The computer shipment for the science and math labs is being installed. Quick Books will be installed at JCNW, JCH, and JCA. Most of the lab moves are complete. Allan is ordering 32 computers for JCA101 and 16 additional computers for JCA212. The open labs now have Office 2007 as well as Office 2003 installed. In addition, all MSWAP classrooms have Office 2007 installed. The SMART classrooms do not yet have Office 2007. Allan said this has been a concern mainly because an Office 2003 file will open in Office 2007, but the reverse is not the case without a translator. They will hold Office 2007 training this year, then convert the SMART classrooms and offices at the same time. Microsoft Vista will likely not be installed this year. Only one lab (the journalism lab AS103) has Vista.
Betty Linneman said the move to new JCA is complete. The first COMPASS test was administered on July 27 without any problems. There were a few problems running the WorkKeys Applied Mathematics test due to popup blockers. They are almost ready to go with the ACTCenter at JCA. Cameras need to be installed, Big Shot needs to be installed, and Bryan needs to conduct an internal audit. After those items are complete, testing can begin. On August 18 seven people are signed up to test in the ACTCenter, and on August 20 eleven are signed up. The EPA test is now offered online, and the Credit by Exam brochure is now posted online. The AssessmentCenter has administered 178 exit exams this summer. Mark Vaughan has been hired as an instructor for the JCALearningCenter, and Janet McKee has been hired to teach English in the LearningCenter at JCH. Barb Anderson will be returning to work on August 20 at JCNW. Betty said they have made a change in the Basic Math course. Students are now assigned a set of problems to complete before they are allowed to take a test. Since implementing this change over the summer, they have seen a 12% increase in student success and 20% decrease in incompletes over last summer.
Sue Morgan reported that they have hired staff for the library at new JCA. There will be five librarians, two of whichhold a Master’s degree in library science. The library will be staffed Monday-Saturday, and they will hold library instruction classes there as well. Additional instruction will be done for the COL101 classes. The periodical section of the library on the Hillsboro campus has been rearranged by topic in hopes of making it easier for students to locate materials.
Loretta Ponzar said JeffersonCollege will be sponsoring MOBIUS training at JCA this fall. They are looking at providing training once a month. The College is also hosting an Archway Steering Committee meeting at JCA. MOBIUS will be adding a stop at JCA, so students who request books through MOBIUS won’t have to wait the extra day for the College courier service.
Lisa Wolfe reported that she has been working on the library webpage, mainly making updates to the online database page. She added a link to the Learning ExpressLibrary, which is a tool designed to help students prepare for academic and licensing tests. Students can take practice tests and view e-books relating to test preparation. She also added the African American Experience link to the list of databases.
Sue Morgan said the library hours at JCA are as follows:
8 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday – Thursday
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday
8 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday.
Northwest Facility
Tommie Collins reported that enrollments are down slightly (about 3%) at JCNW. Credit hours are down about 11%. Linda Bigelow said that translates to only 15 seats less than last year. There are 29 full-time students at JCNW and over 240 part-time.
Linda said the speaker series will begin again this fall. They have the first speaker lined up, but they are looking for speakers for the remainder of the semester.
Linda also reminded everyone that if they or their staff members are teaching during the day, they need to either make up the time or turn in their hours.
The Balloon Glow will be held on Saturday, August 11.
Next Meeting Date
The next meeting will be held on September 11 at 3:00 p.m. in Betty Linneman’s office.
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
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