National Ski Patrol
Maine Region Meeting
May 17, 2008
Attendees: 15
Sunday River: John Kane, Scott Krall, Brian Jones
Saddleback: Fran Mullin, Wayne Arsenault
Shawnee Peak: Dan Pascucci, Tom Geyger, Paul Rawson
Lost Vallye: Gerry Desjardins
Hermon Mountain: Buddy Chase, Robert Baker, Jonathan Busko
Camden-Snowbowl: Les Bex, Ray Sisk
Web master: Deb Kane
Opening Remarks:
9 AM – introductions, meeting objectives / overview
This meeting open to all members
Fall meeting – patrol directors and officers only
Program Reports:
- Ski & Tobbogan (Wayne Arsenault): review of report submitted. Discussion of comp tickets for events. Ex: Sunday River & Sugarloaf new ownership. Different philosophy on comp tickets. Held a women’s clinic at Shawnee Peak. Denise Pascucci assisted. Saddleback, Camden-Snowbowl and Hermon Mtn – comps still OK.
- OEC (Dan Pascucci): review of report submitted. Review of dates for 2008/2009. OEC Instructor refresher (separate from mountain refreshers – full refresher) for presentation of training ideas in September & October.
- EMM (Tom Geyger): Presented his report. Noted that there are no certified T/Es in NH region – suggested to do a joint instructor program. Is stepping down his position of chairperson – new chair is Paul Rawson. Review of the Senior Tracking Sheet. Suggestion is for the candidate to carry this with them – card-like tracking sheet. Missing one person from current sheet – Gary ( ) from Hermon Mtn. Last one to complete a ‘block’ on someone’s sheet – Email the patrol director and Region officers group that the person has completed all requirements. Example of a standard written scenario to be included in with candidates packet. Candidates commit ahead of time to which parts of the program they would like to participate in that year – communicate to the particular program leader. 10:25 AM at this point <=
- Student program (Jim Viehl): Jim could not attend due to his brother’s passing away. Dan presented Jim’s report. One Maine student came in second in ski & Toboggan at the Division Student Seminar at Killington! 75 students attended this program. Included current expenses and proposed budget for next year. Suggested to get region students together for an event will be explored.
- Adaptive program (Fran Mullin): works with volunteer Maine handicapped ski program at Sugarloaf. Bringing more awareness to patrollers for working with injured people who may be disabled. Example: incorporating ‘sit-skis’ scenarios into lift evacuation refreshers. Hermon Mtn will begin asking adaptive program volunteers to learn how to use the evac harnesses.
- Medical program (Jonathan Busco): Medical Director at Hermon Mtn – hired by Hermon Mtn to provide medical direction to the staff there. Will give a presentation later in the meeting. Is tracking injury statistics in order to provide direction. Pennsylvania – law that every patrol in PA must contract with a medical advisor in order to provide medical direction to the patrols. 5th addition of OEC manual (2010) introduces idea of medical directors.
- Web site: keep the information coming, willing to try reformatting – please send your ideas
- Instructor Development (Tom Geyger and Gerry Desjardins): Recent event on 5/10/08 had 14 attendees. Goal for upcoming season: properly mentor and bring along instructors that have started their training. Want to ensure each area has ample instructors for holding refreshers.
- Certified program (Jim Wackell): Report presented by John Kane. Explained program in comparison to Senior level. Currently, Jim Wackell is the only Maine candidate – one component left to pass. Demonstration of some of the available equipment for practice. Review of the components of the program. Next year’s event will be at Sugarloaf!
- Treasurer Report (Brian Jones): Presented income / expenses for the region. Working on changing from one bank to Northeast Bank – a more easily accessible bank. Into a checking account from CDs.
- Action Item: Filing of Form 990 for non-profit organizations due in June.
- Review of Operations Report by John Kane. Membership numbers and dues paid.
- Note that National Ski Patrol has lost some pages of information.
- Some mountains don’t differentiate between pros/volunteers for where dues goes (would go to NSP). Some mountains pros pay dues to PSPA.
- Action Item: For next meeting, verify number of patrollers for each patrol vs. what National has on file. Get actual counts for budget / dues purposes.
- Action Item: Complete filing of season’s actual expenses and present at Fall meeting. Some purchases will be made in the next couple of months.
- Suggest: hospitals / corporations donate supplies or money towards supplies (example – would put their name on a donated toboggan).
- Use of forms – use standard expense reporting sheet. Also asset purchase form. Ensure the most current forms are available on the web site. Forward expense reports to Region Treasurer for reimbursement as quickly as possible (strive for within 2 weeks of the event).
- Note: Scott Krall is going to take over as ME Region Treasurer from Brian as Brian does not have the time he thought to give to this position. => 11:45 AM at this point <=
- Awards Program (Daryl Trafford): Report presented by John Kane. Currently, Maine has been absent from Division awards recognition. Each patrol is giving out awards / recognition but these achievements need to be raised to the region and division level. Asking patrol directors to look into their patrols for people who deserve awards / recognitions. Working on a Maine Region Outstanding Patroller award. Suggestion: At Fall refreshers, ask each patroller to document their patrol history. This can be used for awards OR to verify information filed with NSP that may be missing/inaccurate. “Big Patrol” award – presented by Eastern Division – would like a Maine region patrol to win this award.
- Northern Section Chief (Wayne Arsenault) – new position. Setting an agenda for the upcoming year. Visited several areas this year. Outreach to smaller / non-NSP mountains (introductory materials).
- Southern Section Chief (Gerry Desjardins) – appreciative of everyone’s time spent at events this year. Observed area programs. Election process was interesting and went well. Comments – started out crawling and we now seem to be at a fast jog! Goal – have all 14 patrol directors attend their region meetings.
- Region Director’s Report (John Kane) – presented his written report. Commented that turnout was 70% for Maine region election – very good! Interest in NSP elections was not as high – wants to turn this around. Working on investing region funds responsibly for items that benefit the members. Is a Division increase in dues - $7. Based on program delivery and expense of instructors to travel. ME region dues is currently at $5 per member – to be re-evaluated based on budget / expenses.
- Action Item: meeting attendees decide if they think 2 region meetings per year is good or is one enough?
- Maine is allowed 3 delegates to division meetings (plus RD?)
- Goal: delivery of quality and consistent programs to our members
- Review status of patrollers on list provided to patrol directors – update status of those who should be. May be mistakes due to NSP transferring data from one computer system to another.
- Any Other Business (approximately 12:30 PM)
- Increase in pro patrollers dues? May be due to providing $ to region and division dues as they currently do not.
- National Board positions available
- Presentation of some ideas for region logos. Can be used with awards, patches for sale, apparel, etc. Idea – pay the art charge w/ someone like WearGuard or other in order to get the logo on clothing items. Group seemed to agree to use this on awards or recognitions to begin with. Then find out who might be interested in spending money on apparel. Plaque for each ski patrol room that shows the logo – member of Maine ski patrol for example.
- Question regarding OEC certifications – does it continue if you are an inactive patroller but attend refreshers? YES. Once you have been inactive for over 3 years, you need to retake the course.
- Any requirements for Incident Command Training? Program for working with emergency situations that are outside of the ‘normal’ ski patrol training. Currently no requirements but may be something to consider. How to interface with local Emergency Management Association? How to include this training in what the region does today? Is a chapter in OEC manual.
(1:10 PM – adjournment)
Two Extra Things:
Hermon Mountain Medical Direction presentation
NSP Sentinels Video – history of NSP
ME Region Mtg 5/17/2008Page: 1