St. Mary’s Church, Aughnasheelin
Sunday 14th June 2016 – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Priests’ Telephone Numbers : Fr Sean Mawn PP –071- 9644039/ 087 6869040 Fr Johnnie Cusack 071 - 9644050 / 087 - 2408409. Fr Tom McManus PP Corlough 049-9523122. Fr Denis Murray PP Carrigallen 049-4339610
Notes by Thursday night to
Weekly newsletter and other information available on pastoral area website :
Ballinamore Masses :, Mon 7pm, Tues, Thurs & Fri 9am, Sat 11am & 7pm ( Vigil) Sun 11.30am.
Aughnasheelin Masses: Wed 9am, Fri 8pm, Sun. 10am
Mass intentions for the week:
Sun 14th June 10am People of the Parish
Fri 19th June 8pm Frank McTiernan & deceased members of the Gilloran & McTiernan Families, Miskawn
Sun 21st June 10am Josie Roddy, Mayo
Francis & Cassie McPartland , Callowhill
Baptisms to congratulate ; Congratulations to Paul Jacob Cole, Josh Preston & Tia and Dean Duncan who received the sacrament of baptism on the 10th May,
Wedding Congratulations – Congratulations to Mandy & Conor Flynn who got married on Friday. Best wishes to them both.
Recent Deaths: We pray for Michael Martin, Aghadark, whose funeral took place during the week. Our sympathy to his family. We also pray for Judy McEntee (Aunt of Fr Johnnie’s ) whose funeral took place in Cavan on Saturday.
Altar Servers : Sunday 21st Group A :Grainne/Cian/Cillian – Supervising Family : Reynolds Family
Door Collectors for June : Brendan Sammon , Frank McLoughlin & Micheal McGirl
Ministers of the Word for June: Breda Mulvanerty & Mary Kerins
Eucharistic Ministers : 21st June S Prior & M McTeigue, 28th June S ODowd & B Sammon
Eucharistic Adoration : Adoration takes please each Wednesday from 11am-12pm, and 8-9pm and 9-10pm
Annual Visitation and Blessing of Graves: will take place in Oughteragh cemetery on Sunday 16th of August with mass at 2.30pm in cemetery, and in Aughnasheelin on Sunday August 2nd with Mass at 10am. Blessing of graves follows mass.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock.
The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock led by Bishop Leo will take place on Sunday June 21ST . The Parish Pastoral Area are going to run a bus for all those who wish to attend from the 4 parishes. The subsidised cost will be €5 per person, If you would be interested in attending Please contact Parish Council, Mary Corby at 071 9645011 / 087 7541234 or Thomas Kelly at 071 9644800 or 087 9610911. All bookings must be in by Monday 15th June. Bus will depart Ballinamore 10:00am from the square. Please book early, Thank you.
Trip to Knock for Altar Servers – this trip is going ahead on Sunday along with the Diocesan Pilgrimage – further details early next week.
Foster Families Needed
We would like to recruit more families to foster in the Leitrim, Longford and Cavan area, for this reason we are holding an information evening in the Longford Arms Hotel on Wednesday July 1st from 7-9pm. This will be an opportunity for anyone interested in the area of fostering to come along have a cuppa and meet staff and foster carers from Five Rivers and ask any questions or just sit back and listen to the information we share.
St. Vincent de Paul :W e are currently up dating our Housing List for Trathnóna Housing. If you wish to add your name to the list please contact our confidential mobile number 087 9360562 . We would like to thank all who continue to support us in the community which we serve.
BirdWatch Ireland are looking for records of breeding Curlew this summer. Farmers with breeding Curlew on their land may be eligible for GLAS. If you think you know of a nesting pair (not a flock), please contact Sean Kelly on 085 1132780 or email and we will contact you. Closing date: 01 July 2015.
GAA Club
Fixtures – Division 3 game in Aughnasheelin today at 1pm v Carrigallen. If you can please come out and support the team.
Under 14 girls final – hard luck to the u14 girls who lost their final during the week . Well done to them on another successful year getting to the co final. Thanks to their mentors also.
Under 12 girls training – Wednesday evening at 7.30pm (please note change from Tuesday due to school tour being on).
Mixed Under 12s – Mixed under 12s play Bornacoola in Aughnasheelin at 7pm tomorrow even
An Naíonra (open week) Monday 15 June to Friday 19 June ...between 9am and 12 noon (any day or time suits). We are situated at the old technical school,Aghadark. We cater for children 2 yrs 10 mths to school going age Monday to Friday 9am to 12 noon 38 weeks a year,the same as the boys and girls national schools. We offer Community Childcare Subvention (CCS),which provides support for parents in low pay employment. We provide places under the ECCE scheme (FREE PRESCHOOL YEAR). If your child was born between 2nd Feb 2011 and 30 June 2012 and going to school in Sep 2016 they are entitled to avail of the free preschool year. Activities are conducted through the medium of IRISH (A BRILLIANT START BEFORE THEY START SCHOOL). All staff have Level 6 in childcare and An Príomh Stirtthoir (playleader) has Forbairt Naíonra Teoranta cúrsa along with years of ranganna gaeilge sa leabharlann le Seán O Suilleabháin. For more enquiries or to enrol your child call in or contact An Príomh Stiúrthoir (Playleader) Póilín Ní Mhoráin on 071 9645733/0863777730.
Ballinamore Afterschool service Ballinamore after school will hold an enrolment week from the 15th to the 19th June 2015
at their new service at the technical school Ballinamore . Ballinamore Afterschool offers a quality childcare service in safe and stimulating environment to out of school children. Activities include table top games, dance, sand and water play, home corner , blocks ,art/crafts, television and video, computer instruction and play station games , outdoor play, clay modelling ,outings to the library and many more activities .We are open from 1.30pm to 6.00 pm. Homework supervision in included in each session. Junior and senior infants are collected at Ballinamore school. Breakfast club is also offered by Ballinamore childcare ltd .We have a limited number of places vacant in our service for September 2015, all other names will be placed on a waiting list and places will be filled as they become available. For more information phone Deirdre at 071/9644904 or call in to see us.
Ballinamore Library News
Ballinamore Library officially is having a 10th Birthday Party on Thursday 18th June. The day will start with Class visits for local school kid a DVD Screening, Tour of Library, Storytelling, Colouring, Photographs and Treats. Programme for the afternoon is as follows; 14:30-17:30 Face-painting in Children’s Area, 15:30 Liam McNiffe with a talk on Ballinamore,16:45 Seán Ó Suilleabháin brief history of the Library Service , 16:00 Visit by Chief Executive LCC, Cathaoirleach LCC, DoS Mary Quinn with Cutting of Cake and photographs, 15:00 Refreshments and music throughout the afternoon.The Summer Reading Tree for children is starting on Monday 15th June, with entry forms available from the library. Throughout the month of June Jean Plaidy books have been taken out of storage and are on display and available to borrow .The Movie evening continue each Tuesday at 7.30pm, details of film showing available from the library at 071 9645566
Calling all future Artists- Dawns Art Camp takes place again this year running successfully now for 8 years...Dates - Mon, 29th June to Thurs, 2nd July, in Ballinamore. We will be building, creating, and use of your imagination will certainly be needed. Other requirements for these positions are making a mess and having fun. So if you would like to join me or find out more information please contact Dawn on 086-3115647 early booking is essential and remember "Art is an adventure that never ends"
Clothing Collection in aid of Fr Nicholas, St. Joseph’s, Kavisuni, Diocese of Kitui, Kenya. All types of clean, dry, ladies,
gents & children’s clothing; bed linen; curtains; towels, paired shoes will be collected Friday 19th June before 12noon outside of St. Patrick’s Church , Main Street, Ballinamore.
FIDDLE CD LAUNCH Lisa Ward will launch her new fiddle CD in Berrys Tavern, Drumshanbo on Saturday the 20th of June at 10pm. Lots of music and dancing on the night. Everyone welcome.
MidSummer Night Spraoi – a performance will place in the Bush Hotel on Sunday 21st from 7-9pm of a whole host of local music, dance and singing schools across Leitrim, including pupils of Lorraine Sweeney Music, McCartin School of Dance, Leitrim light Orchestra from Drumshanbo, our local talent of the Reynolds’ and Ward Families. Leitrim Equation (Leitrim’s musicians in residence) will perform also along with a host of talent from the various music and dance schools in Leitrim. Admission €10 – children free. It will be a lovely evening, why not come along ?
Spot On !
If you can start your day without caffeine, If you can get along without pep pills,
If you can always be cheerful ignoring aches & pains, If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,
If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it,
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time.
If you can forgive your friends for their lack of consideration,
If you can overlook it when those you love take it out on you when through no fault of your own something goes wrong,
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment, If you can face friend’s limited education and never correct him,
If you can face the world without lies and deceit, If you can conquer tension without medical help,
If you can relax without alcohol, If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,
If you can honestly say that deep in your heart you have no prejudice against creed or colour, religion or politics,
Then my friend you’re as good as .... as your dog !