Chairperson: William Lynch

Commission Clerk/Park Staff: Peggy Kubricky, 257-8073

Commission Analyst: Julie Esch, 278-4430


Lakefront Development Advisory Commission

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

5:30 pm

Grant Park Golf course clubhouse

Prior to the meeting Commissioners met at Grant Park at 4:30 pm for a park tour.


Chairperson: William Lynch

Commission Clerk/Park Staff: Peggy Kubricky, 257-8073

Commission Analyst: Julie Esch, 278-4430

William Lynch

Gerry Broderick

Ellen Brostrom

Julie Esch

Thomas Frenn

Laurie Gorton

Mike Maierle

Kurt Mihelich

Chairperson: William Lynch

Commission Clerk/Park Staff: Peggy Kubricky, 257-8073

Commission Analyst: Julie Esch, 278-4430

1)  Report from Milwaukee County Parks Department on proposed new dog park.

  1. In the 2007 budget, Milwaukee County Parks has earmarked money for a new off leash dog park. Shawn Schmidt from Milwaukee County Parks Department presented an informational presentation to LDAC showing possible locations along the lake that are being considered for the park. The four locations are; 1) North by the water filtration system on Lake Drive, 2) East of Villa Terrace along LMD, 3) Veterans Park, 4) Near the tennis court by Lafayette Hill Road and Lincoln Memorial Drive. There are many pros and cons for each location and this is one of many public presentations for the Parks Department to get feedback.

2)  Preliminary discussion of South Shore Yacht Club junior sailing storage facility project

  1. David Tucholka, Past Commodore, presented the proposal to tear down the existing structure and erect a new structure in the same footprint. The structure will be used as a storage shed for the kids, ages 8 -18, and to learn about sailing and maintenance of the boats. The Commission passed a motion to hold a public hearing on Wednesday, October 18, 2006, for the public to view the document regarding the storage facility and respond to it. The Commission will vote immediately after the public hearing on its recommendation if no significant opposition or new information is presented at the hearing.

3)  Presentation by Friends of Grant Park and discussion

  1. Don Lawson, President of Friends of Grant Park, shared their concerns with the Commission regarding the rumor that areas of Grant Park would be sold for the building of Condos. It was stated that the responsibility of LDAC is to preserve and protect the scenic beauty of the lakefront. The group wants to help where they can with the park to help preserve it and maintain it. More than 20 members of the Friends of Grant Park attended. Several shared their views with the Commission. The Friends of the Mill Pond also informed the Commission of their organization and its mission.

4) Future meetings. The Commission will consider its schedule for future meetings on its OCT 18th agenda.