Sumpter Township
Regular Board Meeting
January 22, 2008
Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Supervisor Vawters showing present: Supervisor Vawters, Clerk Hoffman, Treasurer J. Morgan, Trustees: Armatis, Bates, Kennedy, & P. Morgan. Also present: Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk Hurst and approximately 35 residents.
3. Agenda: Motion by Hoffman, supported by P. Morgan to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Public comments only on agenda items
5. Minutes:
A. Motion by Kennedy, supported by P. Morgan to approve regular board meeting minutes of December 11, 2007. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Motion by Hoffman, supported by J. Morgan to accept the parks & recreation minutes of October 17, 2007 and December 12, 2007. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Motion by J. Morgan, supported by P. Morgan to accept the planning commission minutes of December 13, 2007. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Warrants: Motion by Hoffman, supported by P. Morgan to pay warrants as monies become available. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Water & Sewer: Motion by Armatis, supported by J. Morgan to approve the water & sewer report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Police/Ordinance: Motion by Armatis, supported by J. Morgan to approve the Police/Ordinance report as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Building: Motion by Armatis, supported by J. Morgan to approve the building report as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
10. Fire: Motion by Armatis, supported by J. Morgan to approve the fire report as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
11. Senior: Motion by Armatis, supported by J. Morgan to approve the senior report as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
12. Supervisor: Motion by Armatis, supported by J. Morgan to approve the supervisor report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
13. Attorney:
A. Motion by J. Morgan, supported by Hoffman to approve the resolution for the participation in the Downriver Water Shed Committee. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Motion by Armatis, supported by J. Morgan to approve the attorney report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
14. Treasurer: Motion by Armatis, supported by J. Morgan to approve the treasurer’s report as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
15. Board Response
16. New Business:
Sumpter Township
Regular Board Meeting
January 22, 2008
Page 2
A. Motion by P. Morgan, supported by J. Morgan to approve payment of 3 invoices to NTH Consultants of $17,110.57, $20,659.84 & $658.64. Motion carried unanimously.
B. C.D.B.G. Update: Curt Bollier
C. Motion by Hoffman, supported by Armatis to approve resolution 2008-01 Annual maintenance permit for Wayne County. Motion carried unanimously.
D. Motion by P. Morgan, supported by J. Morgan to approve use of PNA Hall for a fundraiser by Friends of Michigan Animal Rescue on May 3, 2008 for $85.00 custodial cost only. Motion carried unanimously.
E. Motion by P. Morgan, supported by J. Morgan to approve planning commission constitution contingent upon the attorney’s review. Motion carried unanimously.
F. Motion by P. Morgan, supported by Hoffman to pay the grass cutting final bill to Michigan lawn management of $2,616.00 paid out of CDBG Program income. Motion carried unanimously.
G. Motion by Kennedy, supported by Hoffman to change township hall office hours to 8:30 am to 4:30 pm as a pilot program for 6 months to begin February 13, 2008. Motion carried unanimously.
H. Motion by Kennedy, supported by P. Morgan to purchase (2) mobile tactical computers from OEM Micro Company for $11,124.00 no bids necessary due to no benefit derived. Motion carried unanimously.
17. Announcements
18. Open Floor
19. Adjournment: Motion by Kennedy, supported by P. Morgan to adjourn at 9:00 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Clarence J. Hoffman Jr.
I, Clarence J. Hoffman Jr., Clerk of Sumpter Township, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of minutes taken at a Regular Board Meeting of the Sumpter Township Board of Trustees on January 22, 2008 at 7:00 pm at the Sumpter Township Hall, 23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111, County of Wayne, and that said meeting was conducted and public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open Meeting Act, being Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, and that the minutes of said meeting were kept and will be available as required by said act.
Clarence J. Hoffman Jr., Clerk