March 2017, Grace Hills Baptist Church
*Happy March Birthday to . . .
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / SaturdaySunday Services:
9:30am: Deacons Pray
10am: Sunday School
11am: Worship / March Nursery
March 5 – Martha Ramsey & Jamie Davis
March 12 – Bev Mewborn & Sarah Mewborn
March 19 – Angela & Kris Winters
March 26 – Marty Moore & Barbara Williams / 1 Ash Wednesday
Walking Group, 8:15am
ELC Fun Music, 9am
Supper Reservation Due, 5pm
Ash Weds. Svc., 7pm
Deacons, 8pm / 2 *Andrew Chandler
Arth. Exercise Class, 10am
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm.
Adult Choir, 7pm
MS Gym, 7pm / 3 Walking Group, 8:15am / 4
Pickleball, 10am
5 Lent Begins
* Betty Roberts
Communion / 6
Walking Group, 8:15am
GHELC Chapel, 9am
Senior Luncheon, 11:30am
MS Gym, 7pm / 7 NO Arth. Exercise Class
GHELC Council, 4pm
GNIHC, 5pm
Pickleball,. 6pm
Church Council Meeting, 7pm / 8 Walking Group, 8:15am
GHELC Fun Music, 9am
AH&R Birthday Party, 10am
Quilting, 10am
Church Supper, 6pm
Prayer & Bible Study, 4:30pm / 9 * Karlee Davis
* Patricia Garrett
NO Arth. Exercise Class
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm.
Adult Choir, 7pm
MS Gym, 7pm / 10 * Cadance Tyler
Walking Group, 8:15am / 11 Daylight Savings Time Begins
at midnight…Spring Forward
* Will Vesterlund
Pickleball, 10am
12 * Jonas Vesterlund
Cadance & Adam’s
6th Anniversary
Worship Guest:Speaker:
Craig Waddell
Business Session
/ 13 * Rick Whitehurst
Walking Group, 8:15am
ALIP, 1pm
MS Gym, 7pm / 14 Arth. Exercise Class 10am
ELC Council, 4pm
Pickleball, 6pm / 15 Walking Group, 8:15am
ELC Fun Music, 9am
Supper Reservation Due,5pm
Prayer & Bible Study, 4:30pm / 16 * Jonathan Tyler
Arth. Exercise Class 10am
The GHBC Office is Closed
after 12pm
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm.
Adult Choir, 7pm
MS Gym, 7pm / 17 St. Patrick’s Day
* Monica Ewers
Walking Group, 8:15am
The GHBC Office is Closed / 18
Pickleball. 10am
Private Party, 10-6pm?
/ 20 Spring Begins
The GHBC Office is Closed
Walking Group, 8:15am
GHELC Chapel, 9am
MS Gym, 7pm / 21 The GHBC Office is Closed
* Joyce Bennett
Arth. Exercise Class 10am
Pickleball,. 6pm / 22 * Grant Paulette
Walking Group, 8:15am
GHELC Fun Music, 9am
Quilting, 10am
April Calendar/Newsltr Deadline, 5pm
Church Supper, 6pm
Prayer & Bible Study, 4:30pm / 23 Arth. Exercise Class, 10am
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm.
Adult Choir, 7pm
MS Gym, 7pm / 24 * Ida Belle Campbell
Walking Group, 8:15am
Craft Show Prep, 5pm / 25 * Brandon Newcomb
FLC: Relay for Life
Craft Show, 9-2pm
26 * Marty Moore / 27 *Charlie Peterson
MS Gym, 7pm / 28
Arth. Exercise Class 10am
WMU/ABA@Hebron, 6pm for food/fellowship, 7pm=meeting
Pickleball,. 6pm / 29 * Katie Wingfield
Walking Group, 8:15am
ELC Fun Music, 9am
Prayer & Bible Study, 4:30pm / 30 * Janice White
Arth. Exercise Class, 10am
Handbell Choir, 5:45pm.
Adult Choir, 7pm
MS Gym, 7pm / 31 Walking Group, 8:15am / GOOD NEIGHBOR STAFFING
March 2- Gayle L and Nancy
March 7- Ellen and Peggy
March 9 -Joe
March 14- Pat and Dennis
March 16-Janice
March 21- Gail and Gloria
March 23 - Lloyd and Shirley
March 28- Joe
Bulletin information deadlines are 5pm Wednesdays before the Sunday – PLEASE MAKE ALL SUBMISSIONS IN WRITTEN FORM, EITHER EMAIL OR HANDWRITTEN OR TYPED.
Please submit all information separately for Bulletin, Cal/endar, Newsletter and/or Newspapers. (ie, please do not combine items. A separate email is preferred for each item.)
GHBC Calendar/Newsletter deadline is 5pm the Wednesday before the last Sunday of the month, except when the last Sunday is a holiday—then the deadline is the next to last Wednesday of the month.
If necessary, the ELC Bus kids may be in the Fellowship Hall from about 4pm until their parents pick them up on Appo. School days.
ABA Newsletter article deadline is the fifteenth of every month. Times VA article deadline is 12pm every Friday for the next week’s paper.
Printed: 2/24/2017 5:09 PM,