Very short answer type questions

1. What is the role of glomerulus in kidney?

2. Name the enzyme present in human saliva. What type of food material is digested by this enzyme?

3. What is the role of HCL in stomach?

4. What are anti-oxidants?

5. What do you mean by electric current?

6. What is ammeter?

7. What is voltammeter?

8. Write a balance chemical equation for:

a) Reaction between zinc and caustic soda.
b) Nitrogen gas is treated with hydrogen gas in presence of catalyst at 773K.
c) Sodium hydroxide is treated with acetic acid to form sodium acetate and water.
d) Ethene is burst in the presence of oxygen yo form CO2 and water.
e) Caustic soda is heated with dilute sulphuric acids.

Short answer type questions

1.  What is translocation with respect to transport in plants?

2.  What is hypertension? Why it is caused?

3.  What is systemic and pulmonary circulation of blood?

4.  Give Reasons......
a) Why is tungsten used for filament of electric lamps?
b) Why are copper and aluminium wire usually used for electricity transmitted?
c) Why one the conductor of electric heating electric iron made of alloy rather than a pure metal?
d) Why are CFL bulbs preferred over ordinary bulbs?

Long answer type questions

1.  Draw a labelled diagram of human digestive system. With the help of this diagram ,describe the process of digestion of food in humans.

2.  Draw symbols of electrical components in your notebook.

3.  Write 10 ways to save electricity at home, school and in your surroundings.

4.  Explain the term ‘rancidity’. What damage is cause by rancidity?

5.  State and explain the various methods for preventing rancidity of food.

High Order Thinking Skills

1.  Abhinav was participating in a marathon (long distance race). He was running at position two right from the beginning. Just when he was nearing the finishing line, he started running even faster so as to stand first. And when he was about to win the marathon, he got a severe muscle cramp in his leg. This cramp prevented Abhinav from running any further and shattered his dream of winning the marathon.

(a)  Which process provides most of the energy to Abhinav for running the marathon?

(b)  Which process provides a little extra energy to Abhinav for running very, very fast towards the end of race?

(c)  Which substances get accumulated in the leg muscles of Abhinav that causes muscle cramp?

(d)  Why does this substance get accumulated in the leg muscles of Abhinav?

(e)  What advice will you give to Abhinav so as to get relief from this cramp? How will it help?

2.  There is a pair of bean-shaped organs P in the human body towards the back, just above the waist. A waste product formed by the decomposition of unused proteins in the liver is brought into organ P through blood by an artery R. The numerous tiny filters S present in organ P clean the dirty blood by removing the waste product Q. The clean blood goes into circulation through a vein T. The waste substance Q, other waste salts, and excess water form a yellowish liquid U which goes from organ P into a bag-like structure V through two tubes W. The liquid is then thrown out of the body through a tube X.

(a)  What is (i) organ P, and (ii) waste substance Q?

(b)  Name (i) artery R, and (ii) vein T

(c)  What are tiny filters S known as?

(d)  Name (i) liquid U (ii) structure V (iii) tubes W, and (iv) tube X

3.  A boy noted the readings on his home’s electricity meter on Sunday at 8 AM and again on Monday at 8 AM (sees figures below).

4 / 2 / 9 / 3 / 5
/ SSSS / 4 / 2 / 9 / 1 / 9


(a)  What was the meter reading on Sunday?

(b)  What was the meter reading on Monday?

(c)  How many units of electricity have been used?

(d)  In how much time these units have been used?

(e)  If the rate is Rs 5 per unit, what is the cost of electricity used during this time?

4.  When a green iron salt is heated strongly , its colour finally changes to brown and odour of burning sulphur is given out.

(a)  Name the iron salt

(b)  Name the type of reaction that takes place during the heating of iron salt

(c)  Write a chemical equation for the reaction involved.

5.  1) A teacher took a hard glass tube open on both ends and placed some copper turning inside it she heating the tube strongly for about 15-20 min till the copper turnings turned black. Now she fixed corks with holes on both side of the tube she prepare H2 gas by reaction in zinc and sulphuric acid and passed this gas over the black material inside the tube.
a) Why has copper turned black?
b) Write the types of reactions involved?
c) Identified oxidising and reducing agent?
3) Which decomposition reaction is involved in white wash of wall?


1.  Prepare an innovative model for science exhibition.

Suggestive topics: Health, Disaster management, waste management, technology