Recruitment & Selection
Optional Study Day for Pre-registration Pharmacists
17thJanuary 2011
Green Room
Avonmouth House,
6 Avonmouth Street,
London, SE1 6NX.
Tel: 020 7940 7370
For further information on this or other South East Region courses and study days please visit our website
Facilitator:Siobhán Burke-AdamsMobile: 07717 774975 / SEMMED Office
01293 789445
Contact Facilitator or SEMMED Office if you are unable to attend
Failure to attend or notification of cancellation less than
24 hours before the event will incur a charge.
Target audience
This course is aimed at Preregistration pharmacists.
Learning Outcomes
- To describe the recruitment cycle.
- To discuss how to get your application short listed.
- To understand the importance of a personal supporting statement
- To participate in the mock interview process.
- To demonstrate the skills required when answering interview questions
- To describe the Joint Programme Board work based diploma in clinical pharmacy and how it can relate to your hospital pharmacy career.
Pre Course Instructions
You have received a job description/person specification and an application form with this course programme. Copies can be found on the SEMMED website.
You MUST complete the application form and bring at least 8 photocopies with you on the day for group work.
This day will be maximally beneficial if you complete the application form as though you were really applying for this job and so we encourage you to do so.
The application form will be viewed by other preregistration pharmacists and facilitators and you should therefore only disclose personal details that you are willing to share with the group.
On the day you will be split into small groups and each group will be facilitated by a person who is experienced in recruitment issues.
You will undertake the selection process (proforma included) for all of the members in your group and ultimately may be selected for interview. The interviews will be observed by other trainees on the study day.
Not every student will have a chance to be interviewed – all applications will be subjected to short-listing procedures.
If you would like to receive independent feedback on the structure and content of your personal statement from your application form and your CV, please bring a copy along on the day.
Programme – 17th January 2011
0920 / Arrival and coffee0930 / Introduction and plan for the day / Siobhán Burke-Adams
0935 / How to get yourself noticed / Rod Murray
1035 / Firsthand experience of the regional Band 6 recruitment process with some handy tips!!
The Joint Programme Board work based diploma and your future career plans. / Stuart Punnett
1115 / Coffee–further opportunity to discuss your CVs and/or personal statements with Rod and Siobhán /
Rod Murray
Siobhán Burke-Adams
1135 / Career Advice – where to get it and other questions(Open Q&A/Debrief session) /
1155 / Self Directed Learning Questionnaire / Alice Conway1215 / Lunch*
1300 / Introduction to facilitators and explanation of group work / Siobhán Burke-Adams
1315 / Group Work – Short listing
1415 / Group Work – Interview Preparation
1500 / Coffee
1515 / Mock Interviews 2 x 35 minutes
1625 / Recruitment & Retention Survey / Siobhán Burke-Adams
1635 / Recruitment & Selection study day summary / Siobhán Burke-Adams
1710 / Evaluation Forms & Close
*Lunch will not be provided – there are facilities to purchase lunch or feel free to bring a packed lunch.
Participants are expected to attend the full day’s programme.
Siobhán Burke-AdamsHighly Specialist Pharmacist
SEMMED / Rod Murray
Independent Consultant
Chimaera Consulting Ltd
Sally Barnett
Cardiology Directorate Pharmacist &
Pre-Registration Manager
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust / Sally Miles
MI Pharmacist and Pre-registration pharmacist Tutor
Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Katie Reygate
Education and Training Pharmacist
Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Trust / Paul Wilson
Pre-reg Programme Support Pharmacist
Catherine Cornford
Pre-registration pharmacist Tutor
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust / Lindsey Williamson
Head of Pharmacy KCHLead Pharmacist Education and Development
East Kent University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Alice Conway
Lead Pharmacist Education and Development
Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust / Julie Martin
Head of Healthcare Scientist and Pharmacy Education and Training
Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust
Stuart Punnett
Band 6 Pharmacist
(previous SEC pre-registration pharmacist trainee 2009-2010)
Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust / Sarah Purdy
Lead Pharmacist Clinical Education and training
East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust