Loving God and Others—Thoughtfully!
Matthew 22:37-40
Session III

IEngaging and Evangelizing, with the MIND


Understand Culture and Contemporary thinking


Our Culture is very different

IINavigating our Scientific Milieu


Science merges into scientism—naturalism


Science is the systematic study of the physical nature, relationships, and interactions of physical phenomena.[1]


Scientism:The view that the assumptions and methods of physical and biological science are equally essential and applicable to every area of life because all of life is either physical or epiphenomenal (emanating from the physical).


Scientism is naturalismenveloped in the cloak of respectable science


Scientist Domanial authority


Examples of Scientism


Science finds a treatment or cure for cancer


The Blind Watchmaker[2]




40% of scientists believe in God who answers prayer[4]


IIIHomosexuality “Loving the homosexual to Healing with Truth”



Marriage is ______heterosexual – Genesis ______


Cannot fulfill the first command, ______- Genesis ______


Comprehensive Scriptural portrait


______biblical sanction regarding homosexuality


Every mention/portrayal of homosexuality is ______


The Sinfulness of man since the fall is total (every aspect)


Homosexuality is sin like others sins but worse than heterosexualsex outside of marriage.


Both violate God’s created ______for sex ______

______homosexuality violates God’s created ______for sex

Heterosexuality desires arise from ______whereas Homosexual desires arise from the ______.





Dr. Francis S. Collins


Paul R. McHugh, M.D.


Nature vs. Nurture


Creation and the fall involve nature and nurture


Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11




Knowledge of the ______

Compassion for ______

Speak Truth ______

IVOur Challenge


[1] This is my definition with advisement from scientists.

[2]Dawkins, R., The Blind Watchmaker, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, USA, p. 1, 1986.


[4] According to a survey reported in the journal Nature in 1997, c. 40%of American biologists, physicists and mathematicians saidthey believed in a God to whom one may pray 'in expectation ofreceiving an answer.' The survey, by Edward J. Larson of theUniversity of Georgia, was intended to replicate one conducted in1916, and the results were virtually unchanged: 'In 1916, 1,000 leading American scientists were randomly chosen from American Men of Science and 41.8% believed God existed, 41.5% disbelieved, and 16.7% had doubts/did not know; however when the study was replicated 80 years later using American Men and Women of Science in 1996, results were very much the same with 39.3% believing God exists, 45.3% disbelieved, and 14.5% had doubts/did not know.'” see also