Summer Undergraduate Research Program at the University of Texas at Austin
Frontiers in the Chemistry of Materials
OVERVIEW OF THE PROGRAM. The University of Texas at Austin Department of Chemistry announces an NSF-funded summer research programentitled Frontiers in the Chemistry of Materials. The major research theme is the discovery, design, development and characterization of new materials. The three primary research areas include: (i) development and applications of biomaterials, (ii) design, characterization and applications of energy materials, and (iii) innovative methodologies and instrumentation for materials characterization. Students will be trained in laboratory methods and work on independent projects under the supervision of faculty and graduate student mentors. Students will participate in a weekly research seminar series and professional development activities. The summer program will conclude with a poster session hosted by the College of Natural Sciences.
SCHEDULE AND SUPPORT: The ten week program runs from June 10 to August 17, 2018. All students will be housed in a UT dormitory, and the cost of the dormitory and a meal plan is included in the program. Each student will be awarded a stipend of $5,000 for the summer, and some travel funds will be available to help defray the cost of traveling to Austin.
WHO SHOULD APPLY? Students in their freshmen, sophomore or junior years of college, with strong credentials and majoring in chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, or a related discipline, are encouraged to apply. Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.Students must have completed two semesters of general chemistry and general chemistry laboratory by the time they enter the program.
APPLICATIONS: The application deadline is February 15, 2018.
The application for the summer program requires submission of an application form, an undergraduate transcript, oneletter of recommendation from faculty at the undergraduate institution, a resume or CV, and a one page (double-spaced) personal essay stating the applicant’s career goals and academic interests. These items should be sent to:
Inquiries may be directed to Dr. Jennifer Brodbelt, Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin, .
2018 Summer Undergraduate Research Program:
Frontiers in the Chemistry of Materials
The University of Texas at Austin
Best Address
Telephone ______
Permanent Address (usually parents’ address)
Your email address ______
Date of birth ______Gender ______
Race/Ethnicity: ______(Native American, Asian, African Amer, Hispanic, Caucasian)
Resident status: ____ US citizen ____ Perm. Resident______Non-citizen
College or university where currently registered ______
Major ______
Expected Graduation Date ______Cumulative GPA (out of 4.0 scale) ______
Personal Statement: Write a one page, double-spaced statement explaining why you wish to participate in the summer research program. Summarize your past or current laboratory and research experience. State your future career goals after college.
Transcript: Download your transcript and send it as a PDF file to
Resume or CV: Send your CV or resume to:
Letter of recommendation: Ask one faculty member to send a letter to:
Your signature______Date ______
Submit to: