Bus Services
The University is committed to improving bus services to our campuses, and is investing substantial resources in our travel provision
for students, staff & visitors
The University supports bus services 7, 18, 19 & 21
Students and staff can travel for free from Campus to Campus, all day Monday to Friday, on production of a valid University ID card*
Up to 6 buses per hour run between the two campuses during the daytime, and up to
2 buses per hour in the evening+
A student discounted fare of £1 for any single journey is available all day Monday to Friday,
on production of a valid University ID card
PLUSBUS and Northampton Buzz Card tickets are accepted on services 7, 18, 19 & 21.
*See ‘Conditions of free travel’ documents at www.northampton.ac.uk/buses
+Monday to Friday during term-time
Service: / 7 / 18 / 19 / 21Operator: / Stagecoach / Uno / Uno / Uno
University campuses
served: / Park Campus
(& close to Avenue Campus^) / Park Campus & Avenue Campus / Park Campus & Avenue Campus / Park Campus
(& close to Avenue Campus^)
Serves University
from: / Bus Station
Northampton College
Booth Lane
Boothville / Weston Favell
Northampton College
Moulton College
Town Centre
Derngate / St James
Rail Station
Town Centre
Bus Station
Kingsthorpe / Bus Station
Kettering Rd.
Eastern Districts
Weston Favell
Eastern Ave.
Times of operation: / Daytime
Monday to Saturday / Daytime
Monday to Friday / All day
Monday to Sunday / All day
Monday to Saturday
Free student travel
available? / Yes#~
Park Campus & Avenue Campus^
Northampton College
(Booth Lane) / Yes#~
Park Campus to/from
Moulton College or Northampton College
(Booth Lane) / Yes#~
Park & Avenue Campus
Semilong, Kingsley & Kingsthorpe / Yes#~
Park Campus
Semilong, Kingsthorpe Hollow & Kingsthorpe
Discounted student fare? / Yes#
£2.70 dayrider / Yes#
£1.00 single / Yes#
£1.00 single / Yes#
£1.00 single
Buzz Card accepted? / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
PLUSBUS accepted? / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
# All day Monday to Friday on production of a valid University ID card.
~ For free travel the journey must start or end at a designated campus bus stop.
^ For Avenue Campus use the stops at The White Elephant, Kettering Road.