Red Deer Skating Club
Executive Meeting
Date: February 13, 2018
Time: 6:20 pm
Location: Kinsmen Arena
Meeting Minutes
Present: Patti Somer, Karen Busch, Danette Thompson, Lana Marchinko, Andrea Phagoo, Jennifer Macleod,
Recorder: Lisa Denton
1.0Call to Order – 6:45 pm
2.0Approval of Agenda, Danette motioned for approval, Lisa Seconds.
3.0Motion to approve minutes from January 19, 2018 meeting, Andrea motioned for approval, Lisa seconds.
4.0Committee Reports
4.1Club Administrator Report: Patti
Spring 2018 – all ice requests look good for the spring.
-Motion to approve the Starskate form and discussion about ice pricing and Off Ice? Karen motioned to approve the Spring Starskate form and to still offer Free off Ice and keeping the Ice rates at $15.00. Lisa seconds.
-Motion to approve the Prestar form. Andrea motions for approval and Lisa seconds.
Summer 2018 – all ice requests look the same as usual
-Starskate and Pre-star forms were distributed to members for feedback and approval. Danette made a motion to approve and Lisa seconds.
Spring and summer registration dates: Star and PreStar will open Tuesday February 27th and CanskateFebruary 20th. Activity guide comes out on March 9 and registration opens on the 13th.
Spring Test Day will be May 16th, 2018.
West jet tickets: Deadline to return tickets was February 2nd and the draw is on March 19th. There are no books left and not sure how many will be returned by skating families.
Andrea will send Patti an email with the tickets that are outstanding.
There were 69 of our skaters registered for Fun On Ice and 48 events. Profit loss statement distributed to the board.
All Canskaters are registered with Skate Canada
AGM is being held at the Golden Circle on April 15th from 1-3 pm. Nomination forms are available on the bulletin board at the arena.
Profit loss statements were distributed to the board for the carnival.
Financials will be sent out once they have been received by the bookkeeper.
Andrea motioned to approve November financials and Lisa seconds.
The Nation AGM is in Calgary May 25-27, 2018. We received a grant from the city to pay for 6 people’s registration, accommodations and meals. Please consider if you will be remaining on the Board and would like to attend.
Also with the grant the club received $2,000.00 for ice equipment.
4.2Coach’s Report (Lana) – nothing to report at this time.
4.3Conflict / Resolution Process (Patti/Lana)
4.4Review of Bylaws and Policies (Patti/Lana/Jenn)
Discussion about the current conflict resolution process for RDSC. A few complaints have been brought to the board and it was discussed if our current policies, procedures and bylaws need to be updated to handle complaints or concerns going forward.
A committee may need to be put in place and further discussion on policy, procedure and bylaws will need to be done at future meeting to determine the best practice on handling complaints brought forward to the board.
4.5Canada Winter Games Update (Andrea)
200 plus volunteers will be needed to host the Canada Winter Games. The sectional office (Karen Penrice) has not given the official ok for the Club to fulfill Key Roles, but when or if they do these are the roles they will be looking to fulfill.
- Accommodation and Hospitality Team Leader
- Awards and Ceremonies Team Leader
- Marketing, Sponsorship and Financial Team Leader
- Operations Team Leader
- Properties Team Leader
- Volunteer Team Leader
4.6Canyon Ski Tubing (Fun Event) (Andrea)
The Fun event will be changed to bowling so that all can attend if they would like as there is a height requirement for the Tubing at Canyon.
4.7Gaming Report (Casino/Bingo) (Karen)
Bingo’s – April 30 (evening)
May 26 (evening)
June 28 (evening)
Casino – Still need a few more spots filled
Thursday night 11-3am
Meet adjourned: 8:35 pm
Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday March 13th, 2018 at 6:30 pm at the Kinsmen Arena.