Summary of the minutes of

the meeting held on october 13th , 2015

Beresford Council in action

Council members exceptionally met on a Tuesday because of the Thanksgiving Holiday. And so every council member was present on Tuesday, October 13 with the exception of Councilor Ulric DeGrâce. The meeting was presided by Mayor Paul Losier.

The agenda was adopted following the addition of two items. No conflict of interest was declared. The Mayor then invited Council to adopt the minutes of the meeting held on September 28, 2015 with a few corrections.


The Town of Beresford received a certificate of appreciation from the Crime Prevention Association of New Brunswick for its participation in publishing the annual handbook on bullying.

Committee Reports

The Tourism, Parks and Recreations Committee reported that the Chaleur Green Trails’ Board of Directors would meet on October 20. Bruno Poirier who already has a seat on the board will represent the town of Beresford at this meeting until a municipal councilor is elected. The Chaleur Green Trails’ Board of Directors also requires that a second representative be elected. This representative must be a staff member. The General Manager has been given the task to nominate the representative.

Council was also apprised of the report of the 8th meeting of the Development Committee held on October 7, 2015.

The Cultural Development Committee held a meeting on October 6. The main focus of the meeting was to provide feedback regarding the Beresford fête l’Acadie event.

A meeting of the Mgr.-Robichaud Public Library Committee would take place on Thursday, October 22. A detailed report of the meeting will be presented to council members during an upcoming regular meeting.

Council learned that ten building permits had been issued in September 2015 for a total value of $ 582 900.

Furthermore, the municipality of Beresford recommended that Mr. Alain Gauvin be reelected for a second term on the Regional Planning Advisory Committee (RPAC).

Mayor’s Report

It was then that the Mayor reported on his activities since the last meeting. We learned that the Mayor had attended the Cultural Development Committee at the request of the president on October 6 and that he had presided the Tourism Development Committee the following day.

The Mayor also gave a list of important upcoming events. They include the 26th AFMNB Convention in Caraquet, the Consultation Tour on regional development at the Danny’s Conference Center prepared by the AFMNB, the BNPP Joint Committee’s AGM in Petit-Rocher and the Business Excellence Award in Beresford in the Danny’s Inn Conference room.

The General Manager, the Director of Public Works and the Director of Development then presented to Council their activity report for the month.


Council members went on to review the municipality’s financial statements and authorized the payments of the accounts payable from the current account in the amount of $270 681.59, from the water and sewer account for August 2015 in the amount of $144 433.39 and from the current account Capital Works for August in the amount of $35 782.50. As well as the water and sewer account Capital Works in the amount of $75.00.

At the end of the meeting, with recommendations from the Finance Committee, Council decided to donate $100 to the Tree of Hope for their 2015 campaign and to sponsor Operation Red Nose Chaleur for the same amount allowing them to offer 10 nights of service this holiday season.

The next regular meeting will take place on Monday, November 9 at 7:30 pm.