Summary of Port and harbour services awards
Note: The following list of awards has been extracted from Attachment B of the Award Modernisation statement issued by a Full Bench of the Commission on 30January 2009 [[2009] AIRCFB 100].
AIRC Industry / Publication Title / Pub ID / Common Rule / State / Comp.Schedule
Pre-reform awards (non-enterprise)
Maritime industry / Dredging Industry (AWU) Award 1998 / AP778702 /
Port and harbour services / Maritime Union of Australia (Ship Services) Award 2002 / AP816677 /
Port and harbour services / New South WalesPort Corporations Award 1999 / AP791641 /
Port and harbour services / Port Services Award 1998 / AP792489 /
Port and harbour services / Ports of Victoria Consolidated Administration Award 1998 / AP792487 /
Port and harbour services / QueenslandRegionalPort Authorities and Corporations Employees Interim Award 2000 / AP794137 /
Port and harbour services / RegionalPort Authority Officers' (Queensland) Award 1999 / AP794800 /
Port and harbour services / Stevedoring Australian Vocational Training System Award 2000 / AP796383
Port and harbour services / Stevedoring Industry (Long Service Leave) Award 1992 / AP796037
Port and harbour services / Stevedoring Industry Award 1999 / AP796113 /
Port and harbour services / Tasmanian Ports Corporations Award 2002 / AP819542 /
Private transport industry / Transport and Storage Industry Sector - Minimum Wage Order - Victoria 1997 / AP800417 /
Maritime industry / Tug and Barge Industry (Interim) Award 2002 / AP824200 /
Port and harbour services / Tugboat Industry Award 1999 / AP799111 /
Port and harbour services / VictorianPort and Harbour Services Consolidated Operational Award 1998 / AP802100
Port and harbour services / Waterfront Employees (Superannuation Contributions) Award 1986 / AP802332 /
NAPSAs (non-enterprise)
Port and harbour services / Marine Charter Vessels (State) Award / AN120330 / NSW
Port and harbour services / Motor Boats and Small Tugs (State) Award / AN120350 / NSW /
Port and harbour services / MotorFerriesState Award / AN120351 / NSW
Port and harbour services / New South Wales Colliers and Small Ships (State) Award / AN120365 / NSW
Port and harbour services / NSWPort Corporations Award 2001 / AN120376 / NSW
Port and harbour services / Wire Drawn Ferries (State) Award / AN120650 / NSW
Port and harbour services / Bulk Terminals Award - State 2003 / AN140048 / QLD
Port and harbour services / Masters and Engineers' Award - Port of Brisbane 2003 / AN140164 / QLD
Port and harbour services / Masters, Mates and Engineers' Award, Motor Vessels 2500 B.H.P./1866 KW.B.P. and Under - State (Excluding The Port of Brisbane ) 2003 / AN140165 / QLD
Port and harbour services / Port Authorities Award - State 2003 / AN140213 / QLD /
Port and harbour services / Port Stanvac Marine Award / AN150113 / SA
Port and harbour services / Deckhands (Passenger Ferries, Launches and Barges) Award / AN160097 / WA /
Port and harbour services / Marine Stores Award / AN160196 / WA
Port and harbour services / Masters, Mates and Engineers Passenger Ferries Award / AN160199 / WA /
Pre-reform enterprise awards
Port and harbour services / AlbanyPort Authority Award 2002 / AP815313
Port and harbour services / BroomePort Authority Award 2002 / AP816664
Port and harbour services / Bulk Loading - Hay Point Services Pty Ltd Award 1998 / AP769492
Port and harbour services / Bulk Terminal Services Bulk Handling Award 1998 / AP769494
Port and harbour services / BunburyPort Authority Award 2002 / AP815346
Port and harbour services / Darwin Port Corporation (Maritime Unions) Award 2003 / AP822275
Port and harbour services / EsperancePort Authority Award 2002 / AP815348
Port and harbour services / Flinders Ports Award 2002 / AP818189
Port and harbour services / GeraldtonPort Authority Award 2001 / AP804691
Port and harbour services / Municipal Officers (QueenslandHarbour Boards) Long Service Leave Award 1982 / AP788035
Maritime industry / Port and Harbour Services (Stirling Marine Services - Western Australia) Award 2001 / AP810584
Maritime industry / Port Waratah Coal Services Consent Enterprise Award Federal 2002 / AP813975
Port and harbour services / Tug and Line Boat (Nabalco Pty. Limited - Gove) Award, 2001 / AP808632
NAPSAs derived from state enterprise awards (preliminary classification)
Port and harbour services / E.S. Randle & Co. Pty Ltd Award - State 2004 / AN140109 / QLD
Port and harbour services / NGMT Linesworkers Award - 2004 / AN140191 / QLD
Port and harbour services / Port of Brisbane Corporation Employees' Award 2003 / AN140214 / QLD
Port and harbour services / Ports Corporation Employees Award - State 2003 / AN140215 / QLD
Port and harbour services / BP Fremantle Ltd Oil Bunkering Award 1992 / AN160019 / WA
Port and harbour services / DampierPortAuthorityPort Officers Award 1989 / AN160095 / WA
Port and harbour services / Masters and Deckhands Total Harbour Services Pty Ltd Award / AN160198 / WA
Port and harbour services / Mooring Services (CapeCuvier) Award 1982 / AN160220 / WA
Port and harbour services / PortHedlandPortAuthorityPort Control Officers Award 1982 / AN160254 / WA
= Comparative schedules created for pre-reform award/NAPSA.
Summary of Port and harbour services– As at 30 January 2009Page 1 of 3