Request for Reimbursement or Payment of Publication Costs
Policy: Article 24.8 of the OEA Agreement provides for University payment of “…reasonable page costs for a bargaining unit member’s scholarly research in a professional journal or periodical, and the cost of one hundred (100) reprints of such published material, providing the publication carries the University’s identification.” In addition, the University will pay for submission fees for “…those peer reviewed professional journals or periodicals where a submission fee is required….” The Article also specifies that the “…University will provide one hundred reprints from the Central Services Department” for “…monographs that do not exceed 100 Pages….” Article 24.8 specifies that: “Approval shall be secured in writing by the individual from the dean of Graduate Studies before placing an order for the reprints or making a financial commitment to page costs.”
Procedure: This form is to be filled out completely (as applicable) and submitted to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research through the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs, which processes requests for payment of publication charges. Should prior approval for reimbursement not be sought, the charges will not be honored and the faculty member’s commitment to the accepting journal or periodical will be considered to be a personal commitment. Approval must be obtained prior to submission of the manuscript for journal review.
The following information must be submitted (Please type all information within the text box or lined space as appropriate. Reduce type font as needed to fit in space):
Publication to which the article will be submitted:
Title of article:
Authors and Author’s Addresses [Identify the Corresponding Author with an Asterisk (*)]:
Address of Publisher:
PART A: Submission Fees
Amount of Submission Fee (If required.):
PART B: Page Charges
Cost per page (If required):
Estimate number of pages in final galley proofs:
Additional charges (Figures, Diagrams, etc.):
Total estimated cost of publication (Cost/pg. x Total pages + Additional Charges):
PART C: Reprint Costs or Monograph Printing Expense
Cost of 100 Reprints or printing (If required):
Estimated YSU Expense
Estimated contribution to publication expense by coauthors from other institutions (Written evidence of this commitment should be provided and show a zero (0) for no contribution):
Total Estimated YSU Expense
(A + B + C – External Contributions = Total):
If this is a request for printing of a published monograph (Part C), please attach written permission from the copyright owner, permitting YSU to reproduce 100 copies of the document. If the document is published, this permission will be obtained from the publisher.
By this request I am certifying that the publication to which this manuscript is being submitted will identify Youngstown State University as the source of the manuscript.
Requested by: ______Date: ______
Approved: ______Date: ______
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