Title: Those who live in fear.

Text: Luke 12: 1-34

Key v. 4,5

Today as I look around me I have noticed how the church has grown more and more fearful over man and the conditions of this world. The church is fearful to obey the great commission, and the church is fearful about the future, especially our economic conditions. Fear has many in the church so worried that they are looking more to man and their circumstances, than they are the living word of God. Even in the face of so many passages of Holy writ that tell us over and over not to fear.

Isa 35:4- 4 Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you. KJV

Jesus speaks on 3 types of fears:

1.The fear of man. 1-12

If there is one main enemy the church has always struggled with, it has been the enemy of fear, especially the fear of man.

V. 1- 5 – Jesus warns his disciples about the hypocrisy of the religious leaders, and not to be afraid of them, but they were to fear (or reverence) God instead.

Prov 29:25

25 The fear of man brings a snare (dangerous trap), But he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted. NASU

Note: Followers of Jesus are always to fear God above men, yet today it seems the church by and large have given into the fear men, and cowered into silence by: politicians, the media, ACLU, the family, neighbors, peer pressure from friends, acquaintances, etc. And the tragic results have been false religions and cults have come from everywhere to fill the vacuum that followers of Jesus ought to fill.

Question: Where are the soldiers of Jesus Christ? / AWOL! - And the Spirit of the Lord is saying today – Man your post and obey my Great Commission - Rev 22:12-13

12 "Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done. 13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."NASU

V. 6-12 – Jesus assures us that we are very valuable to Him, and He will always be with us when we testify our faith before men, and we are not to fear them.

Quote: “Don’t pray for less fear to reach the lost. Pray for more love.” - Ray Comfort

2.The fear of lack. 13-21

Here in these verses we have a man who was focused on making sure he would have more than enough to survive on, but he went so over board that he became a greedy hoarder because of his fear of being without, and his desire for pleasure, and ease. And the end result was he left God out of His life, and was ill prepare to face Him on the day of judgment. All he thought about was himself. Notice the repeated uses of the noun “I”v.17 -19– He never consults God on his decisions.

V.13 ,14 – Jesus is requested to become a judge over someone’s family inheritance.

V. 15-21 – Jesus uses the request as a teachable moment to teach on greed, and what really matters in life in the long run.

Question: How about you, are you so fearful of being without that you have become a hoarder, or filled with greed, and have left God out of your life, especially in your stewardship of His financial blessings in your life? And what about your soul, do have a true relationship with God, do you have assurance of salvation? Do you know for sure you are saved and have eternal life? Are you too busy and worried about this life, that you primarily just care about yourself, your family and not others, especially lost souls? Are you expecting Jesus to say well done for all you done with all the blessings He has given you.

Mark 4:18,19 – Speaks about those thorny hearts which the seed of God’s Word fell, and the worries of not having enough money or their desires for other things choke the word, and they become unfruitful. – in their spiritual development, and their care for lost souls

Comment: What does it mean to be "rich toward God"?It means to acknowledge gratefully that everything we have comes from God, and then make an effort to use what He gives us for the good of others and the glory of God. Wealth can be enjoyed and employed at the same time if our purpose is to honor God (1 Tim 6:10 ff). To be rich toward God means spiritual enrichment, not just personal enjoyment. How tragic when people are rich in this world but poor in the next! (see Matt 6:19-34)

(The Bible Exposition Commentary).

3.The fear of life. 22-34

In these next verses we see Jesus does not what His followers to be so worry or fearful for their lives that they become just like the man who was filled with greed, and was not rich towards God.

He wants His followers to be filled with faith and confidence that their Heavenly Father loves them, so much more than the created things on the earth He continually provides for. In order to live like this one must have a heart that puts God and His Kingdom first in their lives.

V. 22-29 – Jesus wants His followers to have absolute confidence they will be provided for, not filled with worry, after all God provides for all of nature, how much will He provide for them.

Note: V.25,26 - Jesus emphasized the uselessness of worry in our lives. Worry will never change anything in our lives.

V.30 ,31 – Jesus instructs His followers to first seek the Kingdom of God and not be like the nations of the world that do not.

Col 3:1-3- 3 Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. 3 For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.NASU

V.32-34 - Jesus reminds His followers that the Kingdom is promised to them, so go all the way in pursuit of enlarging the Kingdom through their sacrifice on to it.

Conclude: Those who live in fear are those who set their affections on the earth, and those who do not live in fear set their affections on the eternal, on things above. Keep the eternal focus!