Module Amendment Form
This form only shows the fields that were available to edit in UMSModule Code
NB This information is required but cannot be amended
Module Title
NB This information is required but cannot be amended
Module Co-ordinator
Owning Department
Owning Faculty
Departments Contributing to Teaching / Department / % split
Owning Department:
Other departments:
Other departments:
Cost Centres / Cost Centre / % split
Cost Centre of Owning department
Any other cost centre?
Semester Taught
Please delete as applicable.
Modules that start in semester 2 and continue throughout the summer (such as dissertations) should be shown as Semester 2. If the module is taught across both semesters, please use either Academic Year or Graduate Year.
This information will be included in the guide to module choice for students. / Semester 1
Semester 2
Academic Year (S1+S2)
Graduate Year (S1+S2+summer)
Exam Calendar Occurrence / Semester Assessed
Associated programmes / Core (Programme Codes) / Approved (Programme Codes)
Include in “unrestricted” module guide / Yes / No
Display on Web? / Yes / No
Do students require a CRB (DBS) check? / Yes / No
Prerequisite modules
Co-requisites module
Excluded modules
Special restrictions on availability
Learning and Teaching Information
Module Description
Max 100 words
Module Aims
Aims are the areas of knowledge or skill which will be covered in the module. A single aim may generate more than one learning outcome.
Please describe the broad academic aims of the module.
This module aims to … (please add/delete rows as required)
Learning and Teaching Methods
Please describe the learning and teaching methods to be used and, where appropriate, how each enable the achievement of the aims and learning outcomes described above referring to Learning Outcome numbers in your explanation.
Assessment methods are the means by which students can demonstrate that they have achieved the learning outcomes. Please describe how the assessment methods enable the aims and learning outcomes to be achieved
Summative and Formative Assessment Tasks (including word limits etc)
Summary of Learning, Teaching and Assessment Methods
1. Learning and Teaching Methods
Actual Hoursshould be divided into relevant KIS Categories where cells are indicated e.g. Supervised Clinical Activity” (blue cells auto-calculate in UMS)
/Actual Hours
/KIS Categories
Scheduled Hours
/Placement Hours
/Independent Hours
Learning Hours
Problem Solving/Example Classes
Laboratory Sessions
Field Work
Work Placement
Supervised Clinical Activity
Learning Hours must be split into Scheduled and Placement Hours
Independent Study (including preparation for assessments)
Other Formal Contact
Learning Hours must be split by Scheduled, Placement and Independent
Description of ‘Other’ Formal Contact
(please give details of any type of teaching/learning which does not fit into the categories above)
2. Summative Assessment Methods
Proportion of module grade should be divided into relevant KIS Categories proportions where cells are indicated e.g. Laboratory Work / University Categories / KIS Categories
Proportion of Module Mark (%) / Number of hours / Word length / Written
(%) / Course work
(%) / Practical
Formal Examination and duration of Examination (in hours)
Essay(s)/Coursework and word length
Proposers are reminded of the recommended guidelines: approx 6,000 words for a 30-credit taught unit for which the main or only assessment is an essay.
Laboratory Work
Proportion of mark must be split into Coursework and Practical
Field Work
Proportion of mark must be split into Coursework and Practical
Project/Dissertation and word length
Proposers are reminded of the recommended guidelines agreed by the Programmes Committee: 10-20,000 words for a 60-credit dissertation.
Other Assessment
Description of ‘Other’ Assessment e.g. portfolio, presentation, production of a video/other artefact
(please give details of any type of assessment which does not fit into the categories above, including approximate proportions of any ‘written’, ‘coursework’ or ‘practical’ elements)
3. Summary of Learning, Teaching and Assessment Hours
Number of credits
/ Notional Learning Hours (Number of credits multiplied by 10)Total Teaching and Learning Methods Hours
Total Assessment Methods Hours
TOTAL LEARNING HOURS (should equal Notional Learning Hours)
Research Modules Only
DDP/RDF SKILLS MET BY THIS ACTIVITY/MODULEPlease indicate which RDF Domain(s) this activity/module will meet. Refer to the RDF Guidance for further information:
Domain A - Knowledge & Intellectual Abilities
The knowledge, intellectual abilities and techniques to do research. / Knowledge base (A1)
Cognitive abilities (A2)
Creativity (A3)
Domain B - Personal effectiveness
The personal qualities and approach to be an effective researcher. / Personal qualities (B1)
Self-management (B2)
Professional & career development (B3)
Research governance and organisation
The knowledge of the standards, requirements and professionalism to do research. / Professional conduct (C1)
Research management (C2)
Finance, funding and resources (C3)
Engagement, influence and impact
The knowledge and skills to work with others to ensure the wider impact of research. / Working with others (D1)
Communication and dissemination (D2)
Engagement and impact (D3)