Religious Instruction – Enrolment Form 2013

Child’s Details:

Name: ______

Please print Child’s full name that will appear on the certificate when receiving a Sacrament.

Surname last and in capitals

Date of Birth: ______Age: ______Gender: ______Grade in 2013: ______

Main Residential Address: ______

Name of School: ______

Parish: YarravilleKingsvilleBrooklyn

Other Parish (name): ______

Parent/Guardian Details:

Parent/Guardian:Mr/Mrs/Ms First Name ______Surname______

Relationship to the child: (e.g. mother) ______

Address: ______

Contact Nos: (home) ______Work: ______Mobile: ______

Email Address: ______

Child lives with: Both Parents Mother only Father only

Other Please name, e.g. Guardian......

Are there any Court Approved Parenting Plans, Parenting Orders

or any other Specific Issues Orders in place? NO/ YES If yes, please attach copy.


Has your child attended Religious Education classes before?Yes / No

If yes, please provide details______


Tick the Sacraments the child has already received?

Baptism Reconciliation Eucharist Confirmation

Please attach a copy of your child’s baptism certificate and other sacramental certificates

(if completed) as part of the enrolment form.

When completed, please sign these forms and return to: The Parish Office (located in the Presbytery)

St. Augustine’s Parish Yarraville

Religious Education Program for State School Children

Venue: St. Augustine’s School, Somerville Road, Yarraville. 3013

Tuesdays: 4pm – 5pm


Child’s full name:

(Surname last and in CAPITALS)


Child’s date of birth: ......

Consent to Participate

I …………………………………...... consent to my child ……………………………………...... attending andparticipating in the St. Augustine’s Parish Religious Education Program for State School children in the classrooms of St. Augustine’s School, Somerville Road, Yarraville on Tuesdays from 4pm – 5pm.

In the event that you are unable to communicate with me [or my nominated emergencycontacts], I consent to my child receiving such medical or surgical treatment as may bedeemed necessary and I agree that any such treatment will be at my expense.

I have informed you of any allergies or other medical conditions of my child relevant tothis activity and will make any necessary medication available.

………………………………………………. …………………………………………......

Signature of Parent/Guardian Print name (Surname last and in CAPITALS)


Relationship to child



St. Augustine’s Parish Yarraville

Religious Education Program for State School Children

Venue: St. Augustine’s School, Somerville Road, Yarraville. 3013

Tuesdays: 4pm – 5pm


Child’s full name: ......

Child’s date of birth: ......

Please provide details for at least one person we can contact

if we are not able to reach you in an emergency.

Emergency contact 1

Name: (Surname last and in CAPITALS)


Relationship to child: ......


Telephone (home): ......

Telephone (work): ......

Telephone (mobile): ......

Do you give permission for this person to collect your child? ......

Emergency contact 2

Name: (Surname last and in CAPITALS)


Relationship to child: ......

Address: ......

Telephone (home): ......

Telephone (work): ......

Telephone (mobile): ......

Do you give permission for this person to collect your child? ......

………………………………………………. …………………………………………......

Signature of Parent/Guardian Print name (Surname last and in CAPITALS)

Relationship to child ……………………...... Date......

St. Augustine’s Parish Yarraville

Religious Education Program for State School Children

Venue: St. Augustine’s School, Somerville Road, Yarraville. 3013

Tuesdays: 4pm – 5pm


Full name of child: (Surname last and in CAPITALS)


Child’s date of birth: ......

Child’s address: ......

Child’s Medicare Number: ......

Do you have Private Health Insurance? ......

If yes, name of fund and policy number:


Is the child covered by an Ambulance subscription? ......

If yes, subscription number......

Family doctor’s name......

Family doctor’s address......

Family doctor’s telephone number......

Does your child have any medical conditions which may require special attention? If soplease provide details......


Is your child currently taking any medication? If so please provide details includingname of medication, dosage, when and how it is to be taken......


Does your child have any allergies? If so please provide details.


Does your child have any special dietary needs? If so please provide details......

Is there any other information we should know about your child’s needs?………………………………… ………...... ……......

Signature of Parent/Guardian......

Print name (Surname last and in CAPITALS)......

Relationship to child ……………………….... Date......

St. Augustine’s Parish Yarraville

Religious Education Program for State School Children

Venue: St. Augustine’s School, Somerville Road, Yarraville. 3013

Tuesdays: 4pm – 5pm


Child’s full name: (surname last and in CAPITALS)


Child’s date of birth:......

I …………………………………...... consent to a photograph or video image of my child,……………………………………...... being used without acknowledgement, remuneration orcompensation, in publications

(print, websites, DVDs, CDs ROMs etc) and/orpresentations of the

Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne and /or St. Augustine’s Parish Yarraville.


Signature of Parent/Guardian


Print name (Surname last and in CAPITALS)


Relationship to child

