Dr ir Hielke S. van der Meulen
Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Room / 2.035Telephone / +31.(0)317.485918 or 484507
Fax / +31.(0)317.485475
E-mail /
Position : Senior researcher / Assistant professor
- / Theme coordinator “Dynamics & Sustainability of Food Supply Chains”- / Expert “Origin Food Products / Geographical Indications”
1. / Researcher in the EC-funded research project (FP6) "Strengthening International Research on Geographical Indications: from research foundation to consistent policy (SINER-GI)": May 2005 – April 20082. / Admin. Coordinator of the EC-funded research project (FP6) "Encouraging Collective Farmers Marketing Initiatives (COFAMI)": September 2005 – February 2008
1. / MSc: Sociological Theories of Rural Transformation (RDS-30306)2. / MSc: Capita Selecta - Rural Development Processes in Europe (RSO-50806)
3. / BSc: Cultuurvergelijkende Gezondheidsstudies (Culture-comparing Health Studies; food issues) (RSO-12806)
4. / MSc: Academic Master Cluster (coach student projects)
1. / MSc: Sociological Theories of Rural Transformation (RDS-30306)
2. / MSc: Capita Selecta - Rural Development Processes in Europe (RSO-50806)
3. / BSc: Cultuurvergelijkende Gezondheidsstudies (Culture-comparing Health Studies; food issues) (RSO-12806)
4. / MSc: Academic Master Cluster (coach student projects)
1989: MSc at Wageningen University in Agrarian Sociology of Non-Western Countries;
Internship Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agricoles – Basse-Casamance, Senegal
Majors in economics
1990-93: University of Perugia – Cesar Institute, Assisi; researcher regional foods
1993-2001: Wageningen University; researcher Rural Sociology Group
2000: PhD at Wageningen University, Rural Sociology Group
1999-2006: Nyenrode Business Universiteit - Nyenrode Center for Entrepreneuship; Senior researcher in Niche food markets; Assistant professor in Intrapreneurship
2005 -- Wageningen University; assistant professor Rural Sociology Group
Expertise: Origin Food Products; Food Culture; Living Systems Theory
External: Coordinator Ark of Taste & Presidia Slow Food Netherlands
Else: Fluency in Dutch, English, Italian, German, and French
Key Publications (as of April 2006)
Hielke S. van der Meulen (1993), “The role of Transaction Costs, Management Costs and Transformation Costs in the Orvieto Wine Sector, Umbria”, in: Van der Ploeg et al. (red.), On the Impact of Endogenous Development in Rural Areas, proceedings CERES-CAMAR-seminar, 25-27 October 1993, p.153-172, Assisi
Hielke S. van der Meulen & Flaminia Ventura (1994), La Costruzione della Qualità; Produzione, Commercializzazione e Consumo della Carne Bovina in Umbria, University of Perugia, Assisi: CESAR
Hielke S. van der Meulen & Flaminia Ventura (1995), “Methods for Identifying and Reinforcing Endogenous Rural Development; Experiences from Umbria”, in: J.D van der Ploeg & G. van Dijk (red.), Beyond Modernization; the Impact of Endogenous Rural Development, p.147-178, Van Gorcum, Assen
Geesje Kuit & Hielke S. van der Meulen (1997), Rundvlees uit Natuurgebieden; Perspectieven voor Productie en Vermarkting (Beef from Nature Reserves; Perspectives for Marketing and Production), Rural Sociology Group, Wageningen University
Hielke S. van der Meulen (1998), Traditionele Streekproducten; Gastronomisch Erfgoed van Nederland, (Traditional Regional Foods; Gastronomic Heritage of The Netherlands – encyclopedia), Elsevier, Doetinchem
Hielke S. van der Meulen (1999), Streekproducten in Nederland; Inventarisatie, Criteria, Certificering en Case-studies (Regional Foods Products in The Netherlands; Inventory, Criteria, Certification, and Case-studies), report to the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Sociology Group, Wageningen University
Hielke S. van der Meulen (2000), Optimaliseren van Communicatie in Familiebedrijven; een Onderzoek naar Valkuilen en Oplossingen (Optimizing Communication in Family Business), BDO Accountants, Eindhoven/Utrecht
Hielke S. van der Meulen (2000), Circuits in de Landbouwvoedselketen; Verscheidenheid in de Productie en Vermarkting van Rundvlees in Midden-Italië, (Circuits in the Agro-food Chain; Diversity in Production and Marketing of Beef in Central Italy), PhD-thesis, Rural Sociology Group, Wageningen University
Hielke S. van der Meulen (2002), Versterking van Traditionele Streekproducten; Mogelijkheden voor Niche-marketing en Collectief Ondernemerschap door Ambachtelijke Slagers (Reinforcing Traditional Regional Foods […] among Artisanal Butchers), Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen
Sharda Nandram, Hielke S. van der Meulen & Karel Samsom (2002), Mentoring van Snelle Groeiers; Netwerkvorming, Advisering, Coaching en Ondersteuning (Mentoring Fast Growing Companies), report to the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen
Hielke S. van der Meulen (2003), “Voedselveiligheid versus Voedseldiversiteit” (Food Safety versus Food Diversity), in: Rougoor et al., Voedselveiligheid tot (w)elke Prijs, proceedings Conference October 3, Utrecht, report to the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, The Hague
Hielke S. van der Meulen (2005), “Intrapreneurship - Ondernemen van Onderop” (Intrapreneurship – Entrepreneuring from the Bottom up), in: W.Burggraaf, R. Flören & J. Kunst, Ondernemerschap en Ondernemen, Zwolle: Netwerkpers
Hielke S. van der Meulen (2005), Nederlandse Huiver voor Bescherming Gastronomisch Erfgoed (Dutch Reluctance towards Protecting Gastronomic Heritage), in: Europa in Beweging, vol. 30, nr.4, p.10-11
Hielke S. van der Meulen (2006), Origin Food Products in a National Culture Perspective, paper presented at Conference Place, Taste, and Sustenance: The Social Spaces of Food and Agriculture, June 6-11, 2006, Boston (Mass.)
Hielke S. van der Meulen (2006), Origin Food Products; An Analytical Definition Framework, paper presented at ESF Exploratory Workshop Local Food in Europe, 13-17 June, Bordeaux