Suggestions for providing feedback during
Check-in, and Check-out and In Class
Things to say at Check-In
- You brought back your CICO Report signed! Good job!
- You’re here on time. Great!
- Looks like you’re all set to go.
- It’s great to see you this morning.
- You’re off to a good start.
- Thanks for coming in to check in.
- We missed you yesterday (if student was absent), nice to see you today.
- Glad you’re back, and all ready for a good day.
Things to say at Check-Out…
- You had a great (terrific, awesome, etc.)day !
- You’re right on target.
- You’re really working hard!
- You made your goal! Congratulations.
- Looks like today didn’t go so well. I know you can do it tomorrow.
- I know it was a tough day. Thanks for coming in to check out.
- We all have bad days occasionally. Tomorrow is a new day.
- Looks like you had some trouble today. I know you can turn it around tomorrow.
Things to say when ratingbehavior by using the Daily Progress Report
- You made your2 points for each goal. Good job.
- You made 1 pointthis hour, now we will go for all 2.
- This was a hard hour for you. You can turn it around next hour.
- You should be proud of your success this past hour.
- You made 0 points on all 3 goals. Next period is a new period, how can I help you get at least I point for each goal?
- This last period was rough. I know you can do better—let’s put a reminder card on your desk.
Suggestions for Use at elementary Levels
Students who have one teacher most of the day will likely need to present their Daily Progress Report (DPR) twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon. They may or may not present to Special Area Teachers.
Consider having a specific place for the student(s) to keep their DPR and a posted procedure as a visual reminder and prompt for pre-correction and re-teaching.
The teacher will need to provide frequent reminders and feedback for presenting the DPR and for addressing the student’s goals.
Some suggestions for unemotional, specific acknowledgement and feedback are:
- I see you have your Daily Progress Report. I can take it now. (or Good job remembering to give it to me.)
- Good morning, ‘Jimmy’. Remember to put your DPR in the basket. Thanks for bringing it.
- Remember you are being respectful, responsible and safe in this class by following our classroom rules. Doing so helps you, me and others have a fun day with learning.
- Thanks for being responsible and remembering your DPR this morning. I know you will follow all our classroom rules today and earn your points.
- Way to go, you remembered to bring me your DPR right after our morning (afternoon) recess.
- Sharon, you have struggled this morning to remember our rules and to bring me your DPR. Let’s go over our expectations now so you will remember to show me your DPR and be able to stay on track this afternoon. I know you can do it.
- You earned 2 points for Responsibility and Respect this morning, 0 points for Safety. Remember to keep all materials to yourself for the next hour.
PBIS IndianaCenter on Education & Lifelong Learning and The Equity Project Indiana University 2010
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