Suggested Framework For

Suggested Framework For

Minsthorpe Community College Accessibility Plan, Policy and Procedures

Support for disabled students, staff & all site users

Kim McGowanShaun Cuthbert

Assistant Principal (Support for Achievement)

Reviewed October 2013

Equality Statement

Minsthorpe Community College values diversity, and is determined to ensure that everyone is treated fairly, with dignity and respect; where the opportunities we provide are open to all; and that we provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment - for staff, students and visitors.

Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)

This policy has been assessed with regard to its impact on equalities issue, with specific reference to the aims of the Equality Act 2010. The equality impact assessment focused on race, gender, disability, pregnancy and maternity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and religion/belief.

EIA outcomes

•As a result of the Initial EIA, it was identified that the policy requires a full impact assessment and will be reviewed in due course by the Equality and Inclusion Consultation Group).

Policy last reviewed: / Due for next review: / EIA: / Role Responsible:
October 2013 / Summer Term 2016 / October 2013 / K McGowan

This policy is created in accordance with the planning duty in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, as amended by the SEN and Disability Act 2001 (SENDA). It draws on the guidance set out in “Accessible Schools: Planning to increase access to schools for disabled pupils”, issued by DfES in July 2002.

Definition of Disability

Disability is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA): Disability Discrimination (NI) Order 2006 (DDO).

“A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.”

Key Objective

To reduce and eliminate barriers to access to the curriculum and to full participation in the college community for pupils, and prospective pupils, with a disability.


  • Compliance with the DDA is consistent with the college’s aims and equal opportunities policy, and the operation of the college’s SEN policy.
  • The college recognises its duty under the DDA (as amended by the SENDA):
  • not to discriminate against disabled pupils in their admissions and exclusions, and provision of education and associated services
  • not to treat disabled pupils less favourably
  • to take reasonable steps to avoid putting disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage
  • to publish an Accessibility Plan.
  • In performing their duties, governors and staff will have regard to the DRC Code of Practice (2002);
  • The college recognises and values parents’ knowledge of their child’s disability and its effect on his/her ability to carry out normal activities, and respects the parents’ and child’s right to confidentiality;
  • The college provides all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated and adjusted to meet the needs of individual pupils and their preferred learning styles; and endorses the key principles in the National Curriculum 2000 framework, which underpin the development of a more inclusive curriculum:
  • setting suitable learning challenges
  • responding to pupils’ diverse learning needs
  • overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils.

Education & related activities

The College will continue to seek and follow the advice of LEA services, such as specialist teacher advisers and SEN inspectors/advisers, and of appropriate health professionals from the local NHS Trusts.

The Curriculum

All course planners and providers will take into account such factors as rooming, teaching and learning styles; timetabling; exclusion; classroom organisation; grouping; homework; assessment and examination resources; transfer arrangements (KS2-KS3, KS4 and beyond) with regard to disabled students.

Extra Curricular Activities

Everyone involved in extra-curricular activities will take reasonable steps to ensure that disabled people can take a part in such opportunities including social times and offsite learning. It is unlawful to discriminate, without justification, against disabled students in all aspects of college life.

Physical Access to Buildings

The college has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that students, staff and visitors who have a disability have easy access to the site and its buildings. The college will take account of the needs of pupils and visitors with physical difficulties and sensory impairments when planning and undertaking future improvements and refurbishments of the site and premises, such as improved access, lighting, acoustic treatment and colour schemes, and more accessible facilities and fittings.


With regard to appointments, reference should be made to the Equal Opportunities Policy.

All staff should have an awareness of the needs of people with disabilities and an understanding of how they can be helped.

Temporary disabilities

When contact is made by parents with College regarding the temporary disability of a student, staff will follow the Student Risk Assessment Procedures November 2013 to decide how the best course of action for the student.

Sharing of information

As every aspect of college life is covered by the duties, this includes pastoral aspects of work in college.

The intention is to create an atmosphere at the college where students and parents feel supported, so that students and parents feel comfortable about disclosing information about a disability. This is especially important in advance of transfer to the college so that appropriate consideration can be given to address the student’s needs, including communication with relevant staff; taking into account such things as the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.

Provision of information

The college will make itself aware of local services, including those provided through the LEA, for providing information in alternative formats when required or requested.

Financial planning and control

The Headteacher with Senior Management Team, together with the Finance Committee will review the financial implications of the College Accessibility Plan as part of the normal budget review process. The objective is that over time College Accessibility Plan will be integrated into the College Development Plan.

The College’s Disability Officer

The responsibilities associated with this role are undertaken by the Principal.

Policies & Procedural Documents

As these are reviewed or introduced, consideration is taken at the design stage of any rebuild or refurbishment within college to satisfy the Disability Discrimination Act and current Building Regulations. The duties clearly impact on other policies, i.e. Fire Procedure, Health & Safety especially with regard to Learning Support, as disabled students who may also have special needs.

Further policies to refer to include:

  • College Strategic Plan
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Staff training and development plan
  • Building and site development plan
  • Health & Safety Plan
  • Emergency Procedure Plan
  • SEN policy
  • Fire evacuation
  • Equal Opportunities policy
  • Curriculum policies
  • Governor training plan
  • Support for Achievement Policy
Appendix 1

Date of Plan:September 2013.

Date of Review:Spring Term 2016

Member of staff responsible: Principal

Governors & Committees responsible:Chairman of Governors, with the Vice Chairman of Governors, the Senior Management Team, and the Chairmen of: Buildings Committee, Curriculum Committee, Finance Committee, Personnel Committee, and Publicity Committee


The following were consulted on the plan:

- Governorsdate:…………………….

- Teaching Staffdate:…………………….

- Support Staff date: ……………………

The plan was approved by the governing body on: …………………….

Appendix 2 College Access Plan

Objective / What / How / When / Goal Achieved
Short term / 1 / Ensure compliance with DDA and Code of Practice / Staff and governors informed of requirements and obligations of DDA, and of the Accessibility Plan / Staff meeting
Governors meeting / Spring term & Summer term 2014 / College complies with requirements of DDA and Code of Practice
2 / Improve availability of written material in alternative forms / College aware of local and County services for converting written information into alternative formats / SENCo researches and discusses with STA services / Spring term 2014 / College able to deliver information to all pupils and parents with disabilities
Medium term / 3 / Improve working environment for pupils with visual impairment / Incorporate appropriate colour schemes when refurbishing, and install blinds on south-facing windows / Seek advice from LEA building surveyors and STA VI / Spring term & Summer term 2014 / VI pupils able to work independently in all teaching areas
4 / Improve provision for children with ADHD and related disorders / Develop staff’s knowledge and skills in managing children with ADHD etc. / Staff training day, led by EP, for teachers and LSAs / Summer term & Autumn term 2014 / Staff have increased confidence and skills in working with children with ADHD and related disorders
Long term / 5 / Improve access to all college buildings / Ramped access to all areas around the College site / Planned use of devolved capital allocation, as part of planned refurbishment / 2014/2020 / Ramps constructed to all areas of the college
6 / Improve access to second and third floor buildings / Install Lifts to allow access to two and three story buildings / Planned use of devolved capital allocation, as part of planned refurbishment / 2014/2020 / Lifts installed to two and three story Buidings