Expeditions in Wild Country (Silver & Gold)
Guidance – Please read before completing the form
For the purposes of this notification form an expedition consists of either a practice expedition, a qualifying expedition, or any overnight training taking place in the UK. All expeditions must be notified to Suffolk DofE6 weeks prior to the expedition taking place. By submitting this form, it is assumed that you have consent for the trip from within your organisation. By submitting notification of a DofE expedition you have complied with section 614 of your centre’s Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Expeditions to Wild Country (Silver/Gold)
All DofE expeditions in Wild Country (please see your SOPs for definition) that take place in the UK must be notified to Suffolk DofE 4 weeks prior to the expedition taking place.
Please see for more information. A separate ‘Green Form’ must be completed and sent to the relevant Expedition Network. A copy of the Green Form should accompany this Suffolk Notification Form. Not required for directly supervised training expeditions.
Please make sure the following documentation accompanies this form.
- Route cards (a set of route cards per walking group) ☐
- Maps printed in colour with each route highlighted (a set of maps per walking group) ☐
- A full Itinerary for the trip☐
Key expedition roles and responsibilities:
Centre Coordinator – The coordinator is the person in overall charge of a DofE centre and report to the Suffolk DofE Manager, Senior Leadership Team, Governors, Trustees, and Parents. They are the person responsible for the success of the centre and participants.
Expedition Leader – All DofE expeditions must be led by an adult recognised by the Suffolk DofE Manager as holding the correct qualifications to lead groups of young people in an outdoor environment. For Wild Country expeditions only a Mountain leader can act as the Expedition leader. They ensure that the expedition is run in accordance with the centres safe operating procedures and confirms to the DofE’s 20 conditions. The expedition leader cannot also act as the assessor.
Support staff – Support staff accompany the trip and support groups in Wild Country under the supervision of the Expedition leader. Their training and qualifications do not count towards the trips ratios.
Expeditions in Wild Country (Silver & Gold)
Section 1 – Unit details
Centre Name:Click or tap here to enter text.
Coordinator Name:Click or tap here to enter text.
Will the coordinator also be acting as the Expedition Leader for this trip?Choose an item.
If No, please state the name of the person acting as the Expedition LeaderClick or tap here to enter text.
Is this person from a DofE Approved Activity Provider (AAP)?Choose an item.
If Yes, please state the name of the AAPClick or tap here to enter text.
Please provide a mobile phone number for the Expedition LeaderClick or tap here to enter text.
Section 2 – Expedition Details
Award Level: Choose an item
Mode of Travel: Choose an item
Type of expedition: Choose an item
Dates: Click or tap to enter a date.Click or tap to enter a date.
Does this include an acclimatisation day? Choose an item.
Area the expedition is taking place in:Choose an item.
OS MapClick or tap here to enter text.
Please ensure that you have completed a Green Form and submitted it to Suffolk DofE along with a copy of this Notification Form.
Wild Country isdefined by the DofE see The wild countrypanel will provide you with an assessor if requested on a green form.
Does this trip require a variation?Choose an item.
Please note if the answer to this is yes you must submit a copy to both Suffolk DofE 12 weeks ahead of the expedition taking place and
Section 3 – Staff & Participant details
No. of participantsClick or tap here to enter text.
No. ofgroupsClick or tap here to enter text.
No. of staff excludingthe assessor(s)Click or tap here to enter text.
Please list all staff accompanying this trip (excluding the assessor)
Name / QualificationClick or tap here to enter text. / Choose an item. /
Click or tap here to enter text. / Choose an item. /
Click or tap here to enter text. / Choose an item. /
Click or tap here to enter text. / Choose an item. /
Click or tap here to enter text. / Choose an item. /
Section 5 – Assessor details (only to be completed for qualifying expeditions)
The maximum number of groups an assessor can assess during an expedition is 3. Please make sure you provide the correct number of assessors on this form. Before approval can be given this section must be completed in full.
Assessor Name / Assessor NumberClick or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Assessor Details:
Section 6 –Additional Information
Please include anything you have not been able to record on this form.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Once completed please save this document and return it by email to
Send to Suffolk DofE, Block 2 Floor 2, Endeavour House, Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2BX