Writing Assignment #11Process Essay

Assignment Overview: In this assignment, you will create an essay that depicts for the reader the process one goes through to complete a task. In a process essay, you weave together individual instructions to a process with examples and personal experience.

Audience and Purpose: You are writing for your peers. Your ultimate goal is to entertain the reader while, at the same time, giving them information on a process.

Form: This should be written in essay format adding prose (narration). Example: Explain a step of the process and detail an example of your own life that illustrates it.

Focus Skills:

Tense: Present and/or Past

Organization: Chronological order

Style: Avoids passive voice

Conventions: Free of spelling errors and correct usage of the comma

Format: Process Essay


Prewriting: Read sample process essays. Choose a topic. Develop your thesis statement. In this case, the thesis statement should depict why the reader needs to know how to engage in this specific process. Why is this process important? Complete the graphic organizer.

Writing the first draft: In this essay, you may use the word “I” as well as address the reader. Look back at the sample essays for assistance. The goal is to describe a process to the reader in an entertaining and informative manner. Remember, the reader cannot use any prior knowledge to understand your process. They can only go on what you have written in the essay. SAMPLE Essay:

Introduction: Including hook, thesis, background information (what you will need)

Step One

Step Two

Step Three

Step Four

Step Five


Editing/Revising:Check for spelling errors. Fix any errors with passive voice. Make sure sentences appear in a logical order. Engage in peer editing. Fix the assignment based on your suggestions and the suggestions of your peers. Ask a friend/classmate to attempt to follow your instructions. Can they complete the process exactly as written? If not, revise.

Assessing: Reflect on your own writing abilities.

Publishing:You will illustrate this process to the class through a PowerPoint, poster, or classroom demonstration. Add the final copy to your portfolio.

Process Essay (How-To) Graphic Organizer

Purpose: The purpose of a process essay is to explain to the reader how-to do something through illustration, description, and personal narration.

Topic: Thesis Statement:

Why is this process important?

Steps of the Process / How To / Examples / Personal Experience