Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan (APIK)

Issuance Date: December/2/2016

Closing Date: December/27/2016

Closing Time: 16.00 / 4 pm

Subject:Request for Applications (RFA) Number 003

Climate Change Adaptation Capacity Building at Community Level in East Java

Reference:Issued Under APIK USAID Contract No. 497-C-16-00003

Project Code: 1002723

DAI seeks to partner with Indonesian organization(s) to support the efforts to strengthen local government and community’s resilience in the effort of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in the East Java.

Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan-APIK is a five-year-program of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) that aims at improving Indonesia's capacity in managing climate change and natural disaster risks with a pilot project in East Java, Southeast Sulawesi, and Maluku Provinces. The main focus of APIK activities is climate change adaptation in food security, water conservation, and disaster risk reduction efforts, as well as other sectors related to climate change. APIK will increase the government's capacity in integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in the policy making process at the national and local government levels. This program will be working down to the community level and with the parties to manage risks and increase the capacity of various parties using the landscape approach.

The outcomes to be achieved at the end of APIK program implementation are:

  • Increased integration of climate change and disaster risk reduction adaptation in the framework of national and local government governance;
  • Stronger community's and private sector's ability to deal with climate change and natural disaster due to extreme weather; and
  • Increased use of information for managing climate and disaster risks among the main stakeholders.

One of the instruments for APIK program implementation at the local level is the Resilience Fund. Resilience Fund is an important component of APIK. This fund is used to support activities that build climate and disaster resilience and partnership with community, government, and private sector. This fund will also be used to encourage participation and collaboration between non-government organizations and private sector that will trigger the birth of service innovation and new products. Through the grant scheme or sub-contract, APIK will support the activities implemented by non-government organizations, civil society organizations, research institutions/universities, and joint-investment with private sector in the efforts to reduce disaster risk or climate risk.

East Java, specifically, is one of the areas with high vulnerability to climate change impacts where the estimated potential loss may reach 25 trillions in 2050 (USAID ATLAS, 2016); hence, strengthening the capacity of local government and community is the basic and priority action to prevent bigger risks. Community capacity building, specifically, needs facilitation in performing analysis on current conditions as well as determining the most suitable options for their environment, including encouraging the issuance of village government's policies and regulations regarding development planning and adaptation activity budgeting. The impacts of drought, flood, landslide, and disease epidemics are unquestionable reality that will lead to material loss that becomes the burden for the community livelihood and the government.

Therefore, in locations that are often exposed to flood and landslides, an early warning system holds an important role for the community and their various life aspects. Currently, there are some working units that produce and distribute information on early warning. These includes, among others, Perum Jasa Tirta (PJT I) that currently manages the watershed and also produces FFWS (Flood Forecasting and Warning System) in some dams under its management. There are also some EWSs for land movement that are installed by the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources of East Java Province. Information on rainfall based on the rainfall measurement device owned by BMKG (Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics) and District Irrigation Public Work Office can also be used as an early warning.

Several aspects that directly touch the life of the community are also affected by the impacts of the climate change in the form of the tendency of reduced productivity and quality of food security, water sources, and health, which are know already visible. The same is also true for the impacts on the energy sector, the dam sedimentation level and reduced water quality due to domestic pollutants are getting real and, in a certain period of time, the energy supply will face serious problems.

Communityfacilitation through the resilience fund is an important component of APIK. This fund is used to support activities that build climate and disaster resilience and partnership with community, government, and private sector. This fund will also be used to encourage participation and collaboration between non-government organizations and private sector that will trigger the birth of service innovation and new products. Through the grant scheme or sub-contract, APIK will support the activities implemented by non-government organizations, civil society organizations, research institutions/universities, and joint-investment with private sector in the efforts to reduce disaster risk or climate risk.

It is USAID policy not to award profit under assistance instruments such as grant awards. However, all reasonable, allocable, and allowable expenses, both direct and indirect, which are related to the grant program and are in accordance with applicable cost standards (2 CFR 200) and the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 31 for-profit organizations), may be paid under the grant.

For non-US organizations, the Standard Provisions for Non-US Nongovernmental Recipientswill apply. For US organizations, 2 CFR 200( ), and the Standard Provisions for U.S. Nongovernmental Recipients will apply. Please see Annex 1 for Standard Provisions.

The total fund available for East Java under the RFA 003 isIDR 4,000,000,000 in year 2 of the project and the number of awards anticipated at least 3from non-government/organization/institution/research institution.The expected duration of APIK Project support or the period of performance is maximum 18 months. DAI, as primary implementer of the APIK Project, reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted.

For the purposes of this program, this RFA is being issued and consists of this cover letter and the following:

Section A – Grant Application Instructions

Section B – Special Grant Requirements

Section C – Selection Process

Section D –Program Description

Annex 1: Mandatory Standard Provisions

Anned 2: Application Form

Annex 3: Workplan

Annex 4: Budget

Annex 5: CV Form and BioData Form

Annex 6: Financial Capability Questionnaire

Annex 7: Instructions for Obtaining a DUNS Number

Annex 8: Self Certification for Exemption from DUNS Requirement

Full Applications must be received at the APIKoffice in December 27, 2016 not later than 25 days after the date of issuance indicated at the top of this cover letter at the place designated below for receipt of applications. Applications and modifications thereof shall be submitted in pdf (preferred) or other electronic format to APIK email addressat <> or hard copy to the following address:

APIK Project

Attention: RFA 002

WTC Building 5, 7th Floor

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31

Fax. +62 21 5253 878

Jakarta, 12920

Award will be made to the responsible applicant(s) whose application(s) offers the best value.

Issuance of this RFA does not constitute an award commitment on the part of DAI, nor does it commit DAI to pay for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of an application. Further, DAI reserves the right to reject any or all applications received. Applications are submitted at the risk of the applicant. All preparation and submission costs are at the applicant's expense.

Any questions concerning this RFA should be submitted in writing not later than 5 working days prior to the closing date shown above to Paul Jeffery – COP at . Applicants should retain for their records one copy of all enclosures which accompany their application.

Thank you for your interest in APIK Projectactivities.


Paul Jeffery

Chief of Party

RFA 003

Table of Contents

Section A – Grant Application Instructions

1. Application Procedure

A. Completion and submission of applications

B. Preparation Instructions – Technical...... 6

C. Preparation Instructions – Financial and Administrative Documentation...... 8

Section B - Special Grant Requirements...... 9

Section C - Selection Process

Section D - Program Description

Annex 1: Mandatory Standard Provisions5

Annex 2: Application Form6

Annex 3: Logical Framework and Workplan...... 21

Annex 4: Budget...... 23

Annex 5: CV Form and BioData Form...... 28

Annex 6: Financial Capability Questionnaire...... 29

Annex 7: Instructions for Obtaining a DUNS Number...... 37

Annex 8: Self Certification for Exemption from DUNS Requirement ……………….... 37

Annex 9: Application Checklist……………………………………………………..….. 37

Section A – Grant Application Instructions

1. Application Procedure

A. Completion and submission of applications

Eligibility Requirements

Organizations that can submit project proposals to get resilience fund from APIK are non-government organizations (NGOs), research or community work institution in Universities, and/or other organizations that meet the criteria below:

-An established legal entity (has notary act, memorandum & article of association, and is registered in Kesbanglinmaspol)

-Have good organizational and financial management (institution account, Finance SOP, audit system)

-Have an experience in a relevant field for at least 3 years

-Have human resource with appropriate capacity based on the scope of work mentioned above (attach employees' CVs when submitting the proposal)

-Commitment to share resources/cost sharing or in-kind/material

-Recommendation from relevant SKPD (Local Government Implementing Unit)

The institutions that propose a project should prepare supporting information documents along with project proposal document, including:

-Copy of Notary Act for organization establishment

-Organization's profile, including the organization's structure and work experience

-Organization's Tax ID number

-Copy of the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) of the institution's financial management system

-Copy of Bank Book/Account No. under the name of the organization

Application Submission Requirements

Applicationmay be submitted by email and one original copy to be hand-deliveredto APIK Office

Applications must include:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Completed Project Workplan
  • Projected Grant Budget and Budget Notes
  • CVs and BioData forms of all project team members
  • Completed Financial Capability Questionnaire and attachments
  • Statement of liability (part of application form)


Applications must be received at APIK Project not later than 25 days after the date of issuance indicated in the cover letter. Applications and modifications thereof shall be submitted in pdf (preferred) or other electronic format to RFA 003 at or hard copy to the following address:

APIK Project

Attention: RFA 003

WTC Building 5, 7th Floor

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31

Fax. +62 21 5253 878

Jakarta, 12920____

Late Applications

All applications received by the deadline will be reviewed for responsiveness and programmatic merit according to the specifications outlined in these guidelines and the application format. Section C addresses the evaluation procedures for the applications. Applications which are submitted late or are incomplete run the risk of not being considered in the review process.

B.Preparation Instructions – Technical

The general objective of this activity is to build resilience at the local level, both at the government level and community level, in dealing with climate change impact and climate-related disaster risks; See Section D for Program Description.

Page Limitation: Applications should be specific, complete, presented concisely and shall not exceed 20 pages (exclusive of annexes).

1.Project Description: The applicant must provide a detailed description of the project, specifying its goal, activities, results and its achievement indicators.

  1. The scope of activities that can be supported includes CCA-DRR related initiatives at the levels of East Java Provincial Government, Sidoarjo District, Mojokerto District, Jombang District, Blitar District, and Batu City,with a strong justification in the selection of project target locations.
  2. Projects proposed should clearly mention how the main problems in each target area will be handled;
  3. Projects proposed should directly support the objectives of APIK project and contribute to one or more result indicators that are targeted by APIK.
  4. Project proposed should integrate approaches for gender issues and issues of groups that are vulnerable to disaster risks.
  5. The activities proposed should meet the environmental compliance criteria according to USAID standards.

2.Monitoring (Results and Benchmarks): The applicant should define, to the maximum extent possible at the application stage, results and benchmarks for monitoring the performance towards attainment of program objectives.

3. Sustainability: The applicant should describe how the project or its benefits will continue after grant funding ends.

  1. Projects proposed guarantee sustainability. The project is potentially sustainable in a long term without the support from external parties continually.

4. Personnel. The applicant should propose project management teams consist of Technical and Administration staffs. Minimum requirement: Program Coordinator, Project Officers, Finance officer and Admin assistant. Program Coordinator has more than 5 years working experiences in related issue that applicant purposes. Project Officers have more than 3 years working experiences in related issue. Finance and Admin assistants have at least 3 years experiences working under USAID rules and regulations. Technical expert staffs maybe proposed based on the objectives of activity submitted by applicant. Each applicant should provide, as part of their application, detailed curriculum vitae that demonstrate the project management team that will perform the duties outlined in the statement of work and in accordance with the evaluation factors found herein. DAI will evaluate the CV to determine the individual’s knowledge, skills and abilities in the areas listed herein

5. Organizational Capability: Each application shall include information that demonstrates the applicant's expertise and ability to meet or exceed the goals of this program.

  1. Organizations or institutions that propose projects have to be able to show technical, managerial, and financial abilities, as well as human resource ability to run the proposed project activities well.
  2. The relevant competency, sustainability, and capability of the proposing institutions will be evaluated by the APIK Proposal Evaluation Team

6.Past Performance: Applicants must present evidence of their past experience in the last 3 years. Applicants may include descriptions of 3(projects or other similar activities). These references should include three (3) clients’ names and telephone numbers who will serve as references.

7.Budget: All proposals must include a completed budget; see Section C for more details.

  1. Costs proposed should be appropriate for the availability of fund allocated and should be reasonable, allocable, and allowable).

8.Cost Sharing Contribution: Details regarding the proposed cost sharing contribution by your organization must be included. At least 10% cost-sharing (cost/non cost) are required to application.

In-kind contributions are allowable as cost share, in accordance with 2CFR 200.306. This includes such things as proportionate shares of management and other employee time, equipment, office supplies, and other costs of program operation. Rates for employee services shall be consistent with those paid for similar work in the recipient’s organization. The value of equipment (i.e., computers) shall not exceed the fair market value of equipment of the same age and condition. The basis for determining the valuation of services, equipment and supplies shall be documented in the application.

9. Other material: Applicants may also want to submit other material as attachments along with their applications such as letters of reference, newspaper clippings reporting on the organization’s activities, brochures or other promotional material. Support letters demonstrating partnerships and cooperation with local government are of particular interest. However, attachments should be limited to 5 pages and they will not be returned to the applicants.

C. Preparation Instructions – Financial and Administrative Documentation

1.Completed Budget. All budget lines must be clearly linked to specific project activities. Adjust the following as necessary: Although DAI will support organization staff and operating costs that are necessary for reaching project goals, applicants should direct their resources primarily to project implementation, rather than organization operating costs. Sample budgets are included in this template package. Ideally, the format for the budget is included in the RFA. See attached Annex 4 for the budget form. Supporting information shall be provided,as necessary, in sufficient detail to allow a complete analysis of each line item cost.

2.Completed Financial Capability Questionnaire, which includes:

  1. Audited Financial Reports: Copy of the applicant’s most recent financial report, which has been audited by a certified public accountant or other auditor satisfactory to DAI. If no recent audit, a “Balance Sheet” and “Income Statement” for the most current and previous fiscal year.
  2. Incorporation Papers or Certificate of Registration and Statute
  3. Organizational chart

3.Documentation that the applicant has the ability to comply with the award conditions, taking into account all existing and currently prospective commitments of the applicant. The applicant must demonstrate its ability to segregate funds obtained from the award of a capital grant from other activities of the organization. A separate bank account is required should a grant award be made. (Documentation may include certification from the applicant’s bank or a summary of previous awards, including type of funding, value, client, etc.)

4.Documentation that the applicant has a satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics. (Documentation may include references from other donors or clients and a summary of previous awards, including type of funding, value, client, etc.)