Subject: Minutes & Actions - EC LMT Phone Meeting Wednesday June 8


Marko Mikuz, Vlado Cindro, Tony Weidberg, Pippa Wells, Janet Carter, Mike Tyndel, Beniamino di Girolamo, Jens Meinhardt, Uli Parzefall

Next Meeting: Wednesday June 15, 10:00, CERN Phone Conference +41 22 767 7000

Date for LMT PRR:_Monday June 20, 16:00 at CERN


- Elgoline Status:

Vlado reports that lamination tests on short Al samples were successful, though some glue is squeezed out onto the solder pads. Rui and Jens have seen samples and agree on quality of lamination. New lamination procedure will now be applied to Cu-samples.

Length verification of the mm-scale on the mask showed a linear error of ~2mm on 3m.

The production is within schedule.

- Radiantech: n/a

- Recovered PCBs: Vlado has received and tested 5 recovered PPF0s, they are OK. The mounting hole is now filled with solder – this could be prevented by protecting it with kapton tape when in wave solder.

- Order: Beniamino is pushing the order through the CERN system. Paper order to Elgoline will be faxed by Beniamino on June 20.

- Soldering: Uncertainties around the soldering plans in Taiwan as to where the work will be done, Radiantech and/or CSIST. Option of a back-up or parallel soldering facility in Europe to be studied. Experience with Al-LMT production has shown that large start-up losses are to be expected. Sufficient practice on short samples is required to obtain reasonable yield.

- Schedule: For Elgoline, the schedule is already very compressed, and there are no easy options to speed it up. For soldering, options are under study.

- Test of first Cu-LMTs: After the meeting, Val reported details on his tests of the first new LMTs. 7 arrived from Taiwan, 6 are fully OK. One has a fault on the TEMP trace, which is attributed to a failed soldering joint between the pad on the tape and PPF0. Val verified that it is not a crack. It is unclear if the 7 LMTs had been through the normal TC and QA process.


Action-1: Valdo / Shih-ChangSamples for soldering to Taiwan
First short samples available of Cu-LMTs with new lamination process, and excess glue cleaned from solder pads to be sent to Taiwan fast track (ie with tracking ID, no customs issues as no commercial value). Taiwan will solder these to recovered PPFs and verify if the cleaning of pads affects solderability.

Action-2: Vlado / Shih-ChangTesting of recovered PCBs
A small number of samples from all batches of recovered PCBs will be sent from Taiwan to Ljubljana and tested.

Action-3: Tony WEspanex & GTS orders

Still only verbal information from Holders: 125sqm batch of Espanex is produced and available at Nippon Steel; due to arrive in UK by June 14. Last batch (not produced yet) to arrive in UK by July 14. If this schedule is kept, Espanex will not limit production at Elgoline.
Tony will keep on chasing Holders UK to get written quote on delivery schedule.

Action-4: VladoTest new glue
Once new glue shipment is at Elgoline, Vlado to make prototypes with it before using it in proper production.

Action-5: Vlado / MingleeGlue contamination of solder pads
Vlado to send samples with cleaned solder pads to Radiantech, (if enough samples available also to Rui and Jens) to verify that soldering is unaffected.

Action-6: UliSoldering production plan

Investigate what could be done to speed up soldering, and have a backup. Options: Radiantech, CSIST, (Glasgow, Freiburg)

Action-7: Vlado / MarkoLength check in production
Length is final once tapes are cut. Length check before cutting is vital. Vlado to agree with Elgoline on length-checking procedure before cutting, best to be done by two people. Verification of mm-scale on tapes is to happen before.

Action-8: Shih-Chang LeeRecovery of patch-panels

Li-Shing at Radiantech will complete patch panel recovery by Jun 13. A new issue is the removal of radius guides, yield not clear, Minglee will report on it once the optimal technique is found and work has started. Similar for ground plane extensions (Val estimates high yield, to be watched). --- After the meeting, it emerged that PP-recovery will take longer, as cut PPs are still mostly in Europe.

Li-Shing should protect hole in PCB during wave solder process, eg by putting sticky kapton tape over it.

Uli Parzefall will make inventory of existing patch-panels to see if more patch-panels need to be made. Originally 25% spares were made. Info on existing PPs in Liverpool/Glasgow/Nikhef received. Not clear how many more unused PPFs are in Taiwan, PK to supply info.

Glasgow and Freiburg to send PCBs (with tapes cut) to Taiwan for recovery asap.

Action-9: Minglee (Uli)Schedule at Radiantech
Delays in customs could be limiting fast turnover. Discussion to be taken offline between Minglee and Uli: Options for “half-batches” (eg 9C first, then 9A, two shipments), and single-batch to be studied and compared.

Action-10: UliTape-ends documentation

Uli to collect drawings and documents of PP0, PP1, tape end geometry for both PP0 and PP1, and tape lengths.

Action-11: Tony W / Cyrilflex test of pre-series
Vlado will send first available rejects from pre-series to Tony. Tony to perform flex test (as performed on prototypes) on these, to see if they are as good as prototypes (which were different material).

Action-12: Vlado / Minglee Solder-pulling
Vlado will send rejects from first Cu-LMT batch to Minglee, who will perform destructive solder-pulling tests on them. To be redone also for subsequent batches.

Action-13: Minglee Document alignment and solder process
Production process at Radiantech to be briefly documented, including alignment of PCBs to solder pads, soldering, thermal cycling and QA. Documentation to be collected and distributed by Uli.

Action-14: Uli / MingleeProduction plan

Work with Ljubljana & Taiwan to optimise production plan. Key dates:

May 31thSpecification of solder pads was signed off

Jun 10Specification of Batch-1 tape lengths

Jun 10114sq m of Espanex required at Elgoline

Jun 29Tapes for 9c, 9a sent to Taiwan

Aug 1st Batch-1 tapes completed at Elgoline

Sep 7thBatch-2 tapes completed at Elgoline

Oct 5thBatch-3 tapes completed at Elgoline

Action-15: Uli Specification & QC

Co-ordinate the documentation of the specification of all production, handling & QC procedures - during the Elgoline production (VC), shipping (VC), soldering & reinforcing (MLC), shipping (MLC), acceptance testing and assembly to cylinder (RF).

Action-16: Marko / Beniamino (Markus N) Elgoline & Radiantech Orders

Beniamino to see orders through CERN system.

Action-17: Craig MacWaters (Uli)Flat Ribbon Fall-Back
Option to use flat ribbons. Report from Craig received. Samples should have reached Liverpool (tbc). To be tested; if OK used to test discs during assembly. Discussion with Craig offline.