Instructional Framework Strategies
Opening Strategies
Grouping using Playing Cards
Carousel Brainstorming/ Graffiti Activity
Turn and Talk/Shoulder & Face Partners
Work Session Strategies
Close Reading
Annotating Text
Take a Stand
Anchor Chart - Modeling Writing Expectations
Closing Strategies
Turn and Talk/Shoulder & Face Partners
Beach Ball Toss
Most Valuable Point /Memory Box
Stoplight Assessment
Work Session
Closing / These discussion and writing starters can be used by students to help practice speaking, listening skills, and help focus writing.
-So far I’ve learned…-This made me think of…-That didn’t make sense… -I think _____will happen next -I reread that part because…-I was confused by…
-I think the most important part was…-I wonder why…-That is interesting because…-I just thought of…-This connects to…. -Another content this reminds me of is …-I can relate to this because…. -The author included this to….
-This section was included to… -Another way to say this is…
Anchor Chart / Work Session
Closing / A T-Chart may be used for students to list reasons for (or against) a position or side of an issue and an example of how the reason may impact their life.
Annotating Text-(Metacognitive Markers) / Work Session / Tool for students to slow down and “notice” what is in the text they are reading.
# each paragraph
E Text evidence
?? Something is unclear or confusing
Words I don’t know
Beach Ball Toss / Opening
Closing / A closing technique where questions are written on a beach ball. Questions are open ended and help the students summarize beliefs about a topic or lesson.
Carousel Brainstorming / Opening
Closing / Opening or closing technique used to capture student prior knowledge or thoughts on a topic.
Close Reading / Work Session / Students must learn how to find textual evidence, mark questions they have related to the purpose given for reading a passage. Close reading is a strategy that helps students annotate and mark a text ( # paragraphs, chunk text, cite evidence, underline/circle/??)
Grouping using Playing Cards / Opening
Closing / Various techniques to group students for small discussion. Groups.
Marzano’s High Yield Strategies / Work Session /
Memory Box / Closing / Closing activity where students write down everything they can remember about the topic/text in a box draw on paper.
Most Valuable Point / Closing / Students write their Most Valuable Point of an article or lesson. Students must support their MVP with a specific reason.
Purpose for Reading / Work Session / Accessing and/or building prior knowledge play an important role in learning. Asking (and posting) a specific purpose for reading a short text (3-4 paragraphs max) helps students put the article in context. Allowing students to use graphic organizers (i.e. T Charts) while reading helps them visualize their work.
Stoplight Assessment- formative / Closing / Green – What they learned
Yellow –Questions they have or a new perspective
Red – What stopped their learning
Read/Think Aloud / Opening
Work Session / The Think Aloud provides an opportunity for teachers to model effective strategies for students to utilize when they read a text passages on their own. Explain to students that you will be reading the text aloud to them and explaining your thinking as you annotate the text.
Take a Stand / Work Session / An instructional strategy and engagement technique where students read an article and based upon the purpose for reading make a stand for or against a specific position.
Turn and Talk / Work Session
Closing / Students talk to partner listing reasons for or against a position and give examples of why the reason is credible. This may be used during the opening or closing.