Subject: [HILITES] Ages 5-19: Global Grocery List Project

Project Information


Project Author: David Warlick <>

Project Title: Global Grocery List Project

Project Begin & End Dates: 9/01/00 to 9/01/01

Project Summary:

Students from around the globe take the GGL grocery list to their local grocery stores, recording the local prices. Then, after averaging the prices, you report them back to the GGL web site where they are available to other students around the world for use in Math, Social Studies, Science, etc.


Project Details


Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: Business, Community Interest, Health and Physical Education, History and Social Studies, Information Technology, Language, Mathematics, Science, Vocational Education

Technologies Used: Web Based Discussion Forum

Full Project Description:

1. Send students to a local grocery store(s) with their parents to collect prices for each GGL item. Then, in class, calculate the average price for each item at the quantities specified in the U.S. and World prices lists.

2. Go to the "Submit Prices" page by clicking that option at the main. Complete the date, name, participant category, city & state/Province, country, units and currency rate. If you are submitting a price list from a country other than the United States, enter the currency exchange rate to the U.S. dollar. You can click on Currency Exchange Rates link to look up your rate on the web. Also enter the name of your currency.

3. Type the prices by the appropriate item in the list. Prices must be converted to the quantities listed, i.e. 1 pound or one kilogram. When you finish, click the "Submit Your Prices" button. After a moment you will get a Thank You page. Simply close this window to return to the Global Grocery List Main page.

4. Click the "View Prices" button to generate a report on the prices that have been submitted by other classes. You can have the prices reported in any currency and either by metric or empirical units. You can have all of the items reported or only specific items.

5. The fun part is integrating the prices lists into your curriculum. Students compute averages and compare prices in math. Or they may explore geographic effects in social studies or climate in science. There are several lesson strategies in the web site and your ideas are welcome.


The goal product of this project is a growing table of data that can be used by teachers and students to support teaching and learning.

With this data, students can practice their mathematics skills using authentic numbers, hypothesize and test conclusions and insights in social studies and science, write travel logs of where they would go to purchase the cheapest items for a specific recipe, and much more.


Project Registration Information


Project Email Address:

Registration Acceptance Dates: 9/01/00 to 9/30/00

Number of Classrooms: no limit

Age Range: 5 to 19 years

Target Audience: International ()

Project URL:


Project Contact Information


David Warlick - mailto:


Instructional Technology Consultant - The Landmark Project

Raleigh, North Carolina US