Police Athletics Club Annual General Meeting

Held at 1917 hours on 2005-05-27 (Friday) at

"Shing Hin Chinese Restaurant" 5/F PHQ

In Attendance:

Chairman / Mr CHAU Kwok-leung Alfred, CSP
Proxy Chairman / Mr J.C. Stuart McDouall, SSP
Vice Chairman / Mr NG Ming-fung, Andy, SP
Treasurer / Mr TAM Kan-lun, Louis, SIP
Secretary / Ms FOO Yat-ting Suzette, WSIP
Web Master / Mr HO Ming-fai David, SEO
Director of Ceremonies and Trophy Manager / Ms CHENG Wai-chun Rocka, WCIP
PAC Coach and HKAAA Representative / Mr FUNG Wah-tim, SGT 14349
Deputy Director of Ceremonies and Assistant Trophy Manager / Ms CHOW Pui-yan, WPC 4748
Race Organizer / Mr CHAN Chung-yu, Johnny, SIP
PTU Representative / Mr TSANG Kwong-biu, Bill, SIP
PTS Representative / Mr LEE Ngan-kiu Albert, SIP
Race Officials Manager / Ms WONG Wai-kuen Monica, WSIP
Race Organizer and Equipment Manager (Race Numbers) / Ms CHENG Mei-lin Carol, WSIP
Catering Manager / Ms TONG Wai-ying Sandy, WDSGT 15155
Distance Race Team Manager / Mr CHING Ying-wai, PC 34200
Assistant Race Officials Manager / Mr. LAM Kong-sek, DSPC 3931
Assistant Race Officials Manager / Mr. LING Sik-ho, SGT 16426
Race Officials / Ms LAM Suet-yuet Shirley, WPC 56280
Race Officials / Mr NG Kai-kwong, Steve, SIP
Race Officials / Ms LAW Lai-chu, Maggie WSGT 18591
Race Officials / Ms KO So-ying, Suki, WSGT 18713

Absent with Apologies:

Event Manager / Mr Chris Irvine
Assistant Secretary / Ms IP Ka-yee, WSIP
Ex-Police Liaison (Expatriate) / Mr Malcolm Philips, ex-CIP
Ex-Police Liaison (Local) / Mr J NG Sheung-lok, ex-SP


The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting and expressed special thanks to Mr. J.C. Stuart McDouall, the ex-chairman for his ever selfless endeavour into the PAC affairs that doubtlessly brought about the prosperous development of the PAC. Chairman also thanked members of the executive committee for their valuable contribution to the PAC. As the meeting was attended by 118 members, the Chairman declared a quorum had presented and the meeting open.

2.The minutes of AGM 2004 was confirmed unanimously with no amendment.


3.A copy of the Chairman’s Report in Chinese is at Annex ‘A’.


4.The Treasurer tabled the treasurer’s report as at Annex ‘B’ and was endorsed by the committee. The current asset of the club as at 2005-03-31 was HK$74,492.23.


5.The Vice Chairman briefed the meeting of the gist of the PAC constitution, which was renewed with an aim to pinpoint the future direction of PAC. He highlighted several constitutions involving the latest establishment of executive committee and the classification of the PAC membership.

6.After the Chairman and Vice Chairman clarified the enquiries raised from the floor during the Q&A session, the constitution was endorsed by the meeting.


7.The executive committees of PAC 2005-2006 were confirmed through the election as follows:

Chairman / Mr CHAU Kwok-leung, Alfred
Vice Chairman / Mr NG Ming-fung, Andy
Treasurer / Ms LAM Pui-sze, Millicent
Assistant Treasurer / Mr WONG Siu-pang
Secretary / Mr HO Kwok-fai, Robert
Deputy Secretary / Ms FOO Yat-ting, Suzette
Assistant Secretary (1) / Ms CHEUNG Leung-yuk, Joanne
Assistant Secretary (2) / Ms LAM Suet-yu, Shirley
Web Master / Mr HO Ming-fai, David
Assistant Web Master (1) / Mr TANG Hon-chuen
Assistant Web Master (2) / Mr CHAN Wai-keung, Rony
Ceremonies and Trophy Manager / Ms CHENG Wai-chun, Rocka
Assistant Ceremonies & Trophy Manager (1) / Ms CHENG Mei-lin, Carol
Assistant Ceremonies & Trophy Manager (2) / Ms CHOW Pui-yan
Principal Coach and PAC Representative to HKAAA / Mr FUNG Wah-tim
Event Coordinator (External) / Mr CHAN Chung-yu, Johnny
Assistant Event Coordinator (External) / Mr CHING Ying-wai
Event Organizing Manager & Representative to HKAAA / Mr TAM Kan-lun, Louis
Event Organizing Manager / Mr TSANG Kwong-biu, Bill
Event Organizing Manager / Mr NG Kai-kwong, Steve
Event Organizing Manager / Mr LEE Ngan-kiu, Albert
Coordinator for Helpers / Ms WONG Wai-kuen, Monica
Race Official / Mr LAW Wai-kwai
Race Official / Mr LAM Yat-ming
Race Official / Ms TONG Wai-ying, Sandy
Race Official / Ms KO So-ying, Suki
Race Official / Ms LAW Lai-chu, Mecky
Coordinator for Retired Members / Mr J.C. Stuart McDouall
Assistant Coordinator for Retired Members / Mr LING Sik-ho


8.No other business.


9.The meeting concluded at 1957hrs. Members attended the dinner gathering subsidized by the club.

(Mr CHAU Kwok-leung, Alfred)
Chairman, PAC / (Ms FOO Yat-ting, Suzette)
Secretary, PAC


To all members through publication on PAC Website ( )