Date: August 1, 2013
To: EETD Safety Committee
From: Ron Scholtz X8137
Subject:8/1/13 EETD Safety Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting Attendees:Tim Roberts(EHS), Ron Scholtz (DIV), Henry Coles (BTUS), Robert Kostecki(DIV/ESDR), Nina Khanna (EAEI), Doug Black (EAEI), Melissa Lunden (EAEI), Elizabeth Stuart (EAEI), Charlotte Standish (ESDR), Arthur Patterson (EHS), Kim Abbott (BSO)
EETD Safety Metrics (Ron)
The committee reviewed the July 2013 Safety Metrics presentation slides.
- There were two minor chemical exposure incidents in June. Both were investigated and no further follow-up was identified.
- Recent “Safety Concerns” submitted by EETD personnel were reviewed. There were four submitted in July. A concern was submitted regarding floor tiles in a B90 office area being damaged due to office chair wear. The floors need to be protected due to potential asbestos issues. Action Item- Need to review all offices with bare tile floors and ensure proper floor mats/chair wheels are provides (Ron/Susan).
- Open training assignments continue to improve. We had 78open assignments at the end of July. We continue to focus on correcting JHA’s and eliminating unnecessary training. We have also eliminated nearly all assignments that have been due for >6 months.
Safety Alerts and Lessons Learned (Ron)
All Safety Alerts are found on the EETD Safety webpage. The following alerts were recently issued:
- A Safety Alert was issued regarding late night office safety precautions.
- A Safety Alert was issued regarding proper labeling of lab samples and containers.
- A Safety alert was issued regarding use of secondary containment trays for chemical storage.
- A Safety Alert was issued regarding proper identification of used materials in glove boxes.
Self-Assessment Program Update (Ron)
- The “On the Job Training” self-assessment project has been completed and the final report submitted. This project identified some useful internal training opportunities that will now be developed. Glove box safety and spill cleanup were the two top topics.
- The next self-assessment project in “Office Electrical Safety” in Building 90. A self-assessment check sheet is currently being developed and will be distributed to the committee for comment and review.
- Its time to start finalizing our list of self-assessment topics for 2014. Ron distributed a list of potential projects. Committee members are encouraged to submit their ideas. Action Item: Ron will send out a survey to the committee for selection of the top three topics.
Building Emergency Team (BET) Update
- A site evacuation drill was held on July 11. All personnel were accounted for using a Goggle survey tool that will allow employees to report-in by phone or computer. Some improvements to the notification system were identified.
Old Business (All)
- The new EETD Safety website is now available. The link to access is: Improvements are on going.
- The new “soft copy” lab area self-inspection system should be available to users in the next few weeks. EETD Communications is finalizing their application for testing.
New Business (All)
- Arthur Patterson of EHS presented the new “Peer 2 Peer” safety recognition program. Personnel can give recognition to another person demonstrating a smart safety practice through the use of a coded card. A “Safety is Elemental” pin is issued to recipients and they are entered into a quarterly raffle for $100. Each committee member was issued a recognition card and is encouraged to pass them on to another recipient.
Next Meeting: Thursday, October 3@ 9:00am in 90-3075
Action Items
Item / Action Needed / Assigned / Status01-3 / Generate a spill cleanup procedure for use in addressing chemical spills in glove boxes. Generate specific spill cleanup training for EETD lab workers. Ensure that adequate cleanup supplies are available. / Ron Scholtz / Open
- Small spill kits provided for glove boxes.
- Fire department tours of B62 and B70 labs completed
08-3 / Look into possibility of electronic format lab area self-inspections with centralized database. / Ron Scholtz / Open- App developed and is about to be deployed to lab leads.
02-3 / Identify safety precautions and communicate to employees working in office areas late at night. / Ron Scholtz / Completed- Safety Alert posted
06-1 / Provide recognition to EETD Building Emergency Team members. Town hall meeting announcement. / Susan / Open- Planning on next EETD town hall meeting.
06-2 / Distribute new hire orientation materials to committee for review and comment. / Ron / Completed- Materials now sent to each new hire
06-3 / Provide communications to personnel on wild animal safety while on the lab grounds. / Tim / Completed- EHS communications lab-wide
08-1 / Follow-up on protecting ACM floor tiles in office areas in Building 90 through use of floor mats and modified chair wheels. / Ron/Susan / Open- Office areas being identified. Need to order floor mats.
08-2 / Send out survey of potential 2014 self-assessment projects for committee vote on top three. / Ron / Open- proposed list of topics drafted
08-3 / Distribute a draft Office Electrical Safety checklist to the committee for review and comment. / Ron / Open- Checklist being drafted.