Promoting Autonomous Adaptation at the Community level in Ethiopia [PAA]
Narrative Description of Physical and Financial Performance Report for First quarter of the year 2016
1) Basic Information
Component: Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
Lead Agencies: MoFE, MoFED, UNDP
Executing Agency: MoFE
Implementing Partners: Addis Ababa EPA, EndertaWoreda LUA&EP Desk, AdamituluJuluKombolchaWoreda Rural Land and Environment Protection Office, AssosaWoreda Environmental Protection Land Administration and Use Office, GambellaWoreda Agriculture and Rural Development Office
Program Period: 2011- December 2016
Reporting Period: : 01/01/2016 – 31/3/2016
Budget in USD: 480,464.82
2) Executive summaryPromoting Autonomous Adaptation (PAA) at the Community level in Ethiopia project has the main objective of supporting local communities and administrations at lowest level of government design and implements adaptation actions aimed at reducing vulnerability and building resilience.
. During the reporting period (01/01/2016 – 31/3/2016 ) a number of activities were carried out in both the Rural component and the urban component of the project. Activities which have been undertaken during the last 3 months are presented below :-
A. In the Rural component of the project the following activities were carried out and completed:
Practical Training and mentoring support:
Ø In Gambelaworeda : _ Training were given for 30 F.H.H on preparation of efficient stove for market purpose at two kebele practical field site by regional water office expert and werda task team for 14 continuous days.
Ø Practical demonstration Training were also given at two kebeles for 124 youth farmers on the preparation of land
Ø In Endertaworedaexperience sharing on fruit development was conducted. During this program 10 steering committee members,14 task team members , 22 woreda experts and process coordinators and 2 kebelle administrators and 4 kebelledevelopmet agents have been participated .
Ø In Assosaworeda84 farmers of which 24 women have participated on experience sharing and capacity building visit made to Assosa Agricultural Research institute . 7 Kebele DA’s also attended the visit
Ø NMA provided training work shop on # the use and interpretations of weather information to small holder farmers and Kebele development agents;. The training was organized and held in Assossa, Gambella and Mekele 22 March 2016. A total of 81participants attended the workshop in Assossa, 76 participnats attended the workshop in Gambella and 90 participants atteneded the workshop in Me
Water harvesting technology for small scale irrigation practice
v In EndertaworedaTraining has been provided to 100 farmers on water harvesting for small scale irrigation,. ( training on implementing activities having adaptation values)
v Construction of 60 m canal was finished for regular irrigation of 31 ha of land and benefiting 44 male headed and 13 female heads
v In addition to this Training and supportive supervision on irrigation development , small ruminant management , was provided.
v In Gambela Specification was prepared and sites were selected for construction of two tanker stand.
In addition to this 10 house hold farmers have been selected to be beneficieries of this drip irrigation system.
v Two TVS- Apache(180 cc) motorcycle were purchased and distributed to site coordinator and werda task team
v In AssosaDelegation letter to MEFCC has been sent to procure a Submersible Solar pump and National Bid is already announced
v The construction of diversion cannel is at its final stage
v In Adamitulu JK Preparation of TOR and collection of proforma for the procurement of 28 UPVC was completed. By now winner of the bidder was identified and ready for procurement
Climate resilient agricultural practices with crop and vegetable production
§ In Adamitulu JK Preconditionswork for the procurement of improved tomato,cabage and onion have been completed procurement requisition has been provided to finance office.
Support in Modern Animal husbandry
§ In Gambela2000 ,45 day old chick were purchased from bonga poultry farm (government farm) and distributed to 10 house hold farmers
§ In Assosa 84 sheep procured for Selga 23 youth Cooperatives for fattening purpose that enable them as alternative income generating source
§ In Endertaworeda240 improved sheep and goat are distributed to total 20 female headed households and 15 youth cooperatives.
§ Milk shop is established by 20 female headed farmers who were provided by HF cows. and necessary material for the milk shop is purchased and distributed to the cooperatives.
§ Training has been provided for 35 new beneficiaries farmers on bee keeping and
§ 30 oxen have been purchased and distributed to 2 youth cooperatives having 24 members
§ In Adamitul JK woredahyberdizing and supportive supervision on the previously distributed 48 improved dairy cows have been undertaken. In addition to this hyberdizing and supportive supervision has also been done on 240 borena dairy cows which had beendistributed to 170 male and 70 femalefarmers.
§ 300 local goats have been purchased and distributed to 60 jobless female headed house holds.
§ In addition to this training has been given to 104 new project beneficiary farmers.
Soil and water conservation activity
§ In Enderta woreda52 ha of land has been closed from interruption of animals and human being.
Rural Energy
§ In enderta67 solar light apparatus were distributed to 67 female headed house holds.
§ In Gambela woreda45 home solar light were purchased and distributedfor 45(45 F.H.H) .and given training on usage of solar light.
§ In Adamitulu JK woredathe previously distributed 100 solar light has been monitored so as to know whether they are properly functioning or not.
§ In assosa woreda 20 quintal Cement was procured for Women cooperatives participating on the production and selling of biomass fuel saving stove
B. In the urban component of ( Addis Ababa) of the project the following activities were carried out and completed:
- TOR for undertaking study on economic, environmental and social cost-benefit analysis of adaptation measures was developed and endorsed, Task team members have been identified and letter for the concerned institutions have also been sent so as to nominate representative of the task team
- GIS based practical training on techniques of analyzing and mapping the type and extent of soil erosion and flood related risks has been provided to 13 city officers
- In Addis Ababa city Yeka 01 kebel a 500-meter cube soil and water conservation works (Gabion) has been undertaken.
- fence construction activity was undertaken in Akakiworeda 03
- Procurement of 35 bee colony and training to woredaofficials and beneficieries is being on process
Project Outcomes,Outputs,Indicators, targets and Baselines / Planned activities / Progress Against planed Activities (Achievements) / Budget Expenditure /
Budget Allocated (USD) / EXpenditure to date (USD) / Budget balance /
Output 1.2. Information on climate change impacts prepared and disseminated to decision-makers and public in the target areas Indicator:
• Number of produced and disseminated Information sheets on climate change, its cause and effects / 2. Activity Result: Background information sheets on climate change disseminated through
Activity 1.2.2: Background information sheets and local public documents on climate change, its causes and effects designed for sub-national government officials prepared by MEF, translated into the relevant regional languages and disseminated through and Woreda level seminars led by Woreda EPA officials. / Background information sheets and local public documents on climate change, its causes and effects have been prepared and translated in to relevant regional language. Currently the document is ready for publication and will be published in the coming weeks. /
Output 1.5: Cost-benefit evidence documented and provided to national institutions to inform national climate strategy development and review Indicator:
Number of Cost-benefit evidence documented and provided to national institutions / .Activity Result: assessed economic, environmental and social cost-benefit analysis of adaptation measures
Activity 1.5.5: In Addis Ababa, the lessons from piloting particular adaptation measures will be fed back into the economic, environmental and social cost-benefit analysis to inform development of an investment strategy. / TOR for undertaking study on economic, environmental and social cost-benefit analysis of adaptation measures was developed and endorsed, Task team members have been identified and letter for the concerned institutions have also been sent so as to nominate representative of the task team /
8000 /
/ 1600
Output 2.1. Training in innovative adaptation techniques and practices for priority sectors provided / 6. Activity Result: Formed farmer self-help groups at each of the eight Kebele sites.
Activity 2.1.1 Additional farmer self-help groups mainly focusing on women will be formed at each of the eight Kebeles and at 2 urban kebels in A.A sites with respect to the various interventions; if suitable groups do not already exist at the time of project initiation.
Activity Result: ProvidedGIS based practical training to subject matter specialists and planners in Addis Ababa.
Activity 2.1.3 Provide GIS based practical training on techniques of analyzing and mapping the type and extent of soil erosion and flood related risks for subject matter specialists and planners in Addis Ababa / GIS based practical training on techniques of analyzing and mapping the type and extent of soil erosion and flood related risks has been provided to 13 city officers / 10,000
/ 8000 / 2000
Output 2.2: Innovative adaptation techniques and practices that enhance climate change resilience and improve adaptive
capacity are identified and piloted for the 8 Kebeles
/ Activity Result: Technical support by Kebele DAs &Woreda project task teams provided to beneficiary farmers/ farmers self help groups
Activity 2.2.1 Provide technical support by Kebele DAs with support from the Woreda project task teams to beneficiary farmers/ farmers self help groups to prepare and manage their land where activities are being implemented, / In Gambelaworeda : _1- Training were given for 30 F.H.H on preparation of efficient stove for market purpose at two kebele practical field site by regional water office expert and werda task team for 14 continuous days.
Practical demonstration Training werealso given at two kebeles for 124 youth farmers on the preparation of land
In Endertaworedaexperience sharing on fruit development was conducted. During this program 10 steering committee members,14 task team members
22 woreda experts and process coordinators and 2 kebelle administrators and 4 kebelledevelopmet agents have been participated .
In Assosaworeda84 farmers of which 24 women have participated on experience sharing and capacity building visit made to Assosa Agricultural Research institute . 7 Kebele DA’s also attended the visit / 10,000
8000 / 2000
Activity Result- Set of adaptation actions implemented by farmers
Activity2.2.3: Implement the feasible activities by farmers as an integrated set of adaptation actions on at least 900 hectares of land across all sites. / Water harvesting technology for small scale irrigation practice
In EndertaworedaTraining has been provided to for 35 new beneficiaries farmers on bee keeping and 100 farmers on water harvesting for small scale irrigation,. ( training on implementing activities having adaptation values)
Construction of 60 m canal was finished for regular irrigation of 31 ha of land and benefiting 44 male headed and 13 female heads
In addition to this Training and supportive supervision on irrigation development , small ruminant management , was provided.
IN gambela woreda Specification was prepared and sites were selected for construction of two tanker stand.
In addition to this 10 house hold farmers have been selected to be beneficieries of this drip irrigation system.
Two TVS- Apache(180 cc) motorcycle were purchased and distributed to site coordinator and werda task team
In AssosaDelegation letter to MEFCC has been sent to procure a Submersible Solar pump and National Bid is already announced
The construction of diversion cannel is at its final stage
In Adamitulu JK Preparation of TOR and collection of Performa for the procurement of 28 UPVC was completed. By now winner of the bidder was identified and ready for procurement
Climate resilient agricultural practices with crop and vegetable production
In Adamitulu JK Preconditionswork for the procurement of improved tomato,cabage and onion have been completed procurement requisition has been provided to finance office.
Support in Modern Animal husbandry
In Gambela 2000 ,45 day old chick were purchased from bonga poultry farm (government farm) and distributed to 10 house hold farmers
In Assosa 84 sheep procured for Selga 23 youth Cooperatives for fattening purpose that enable them as alternative income generating source
In Endertaworeda240 improved sheep and goat are distributed to total 20 female headed households and 15 youth cooperatives.
milk shop is established by 20 female headed farmers who were provided by HF cows. and necessary material for the milk shop is purchased and distributed to the cooperatives.
30 oxen have been purchased and distributed to 2 youth cooperatives having 24 members
In Adamitul JK woredahyberdizing and supportive supervision on the previously distributed 48 improved dairy cows have been undertaken. In addition to this hyberdizing and supportive supervision has also been done on 240 borena dairy cows which had beendistributed to 170 male and 70 femalefarmers.
300 local goats have been purchased and distributed to 60 jobless female headed house holds.
In addition to this training has been given to 104 new project beneficiary farmers.
Soil and water conservation activity
In Enderta woreda52 ha of land has been closed from interruption of animals and human being.
Rural Energy
In enderta67 solar light apparatus were distributed to 67
female headed house holds.
In Gambela woreda45 home solar light were purchased and distributedfor 45(45 F.H.H) .and given training on usage of solar light.
In Adamitulu JK woredathe previously distributed 100 solar light has been monitored so as to know whether they are properly functioning or not.
In assosa woreda 20 quintal Cement was procured for Women cooperatives participating on the production and selling of biomass fuel saving stove / 150,300
118345.1 / 31,955
Output 2.3 Innovative adaptation techniques and practices that enhance sub-national climate change resilience and improve adaptive capacity are piloted in Addis Ababa