Premier AwardSenior Needlework and Textile Art, for the best piece of work in the senior section, awarded to RosVarrie.

Women’s Organisation Shield, for the organisation obtaining the highest number of platinum, gold and silver certificates, awarded to Jersey Modern Quilt Guild.

WI Centenary Award, for the WI with the highest average points, awarded to: Longueville WI.

The Beatrice Thompson Memorial Trophy, awarded to Janet Aygun.

The Embroiderers’ Guild Senior Trophy, awarded to Christina Hedditch.

The Marie Mourant Trophy, for handsewing, embroidery or weaving, awarded to Amanda Petrie.

The Elvina Le Cuirot Salver, for traditional embroidery techniques, awarded to Cristina Perestrelo.

The Elvina Le Cuirot Cup, for the best piece of knitting, awarded to The Group entry from Jeanne Jugan Day Care Centre. This co-operative piece of work made by Beryl Boleat, Mary Dorgan, Madeleine Hambidge, Nancy Le Clerq, and Ray Marlow.

Needlework and Textile Art Committee Trophy, for the best piece of lace or crochet, awarded to Angela Journeaux.

The Dunell Prize, for the best piece of canvas work, awarded to Sheila Baudins.

The Caesarea Quilters Trophy,awarded to Alice Ferguson.

The Peter Le Carrie Memorial Cup, to any person from a residential home or Day Care Centre, awarded to Maria Gouveia.

The Good Companions Rose Bowl, for any competitor over 65 years, awarded to Madeleine Hambidge.

The Edward Le Quesne Trophy awarded to Sister Margaret Mary De Lima, Mary Dorgan and Nancy Le Clerq.

The ElvinaCuirotAdjudicator’s Choice Award for an item of special merit, awarded to Jane L’Enfant.

Class 2, Baby clothes; knitting or crochet

Gold: Pat Bisson, Elvina Davey, Jane Mallet, Mollie Mckinley, Pat Smith,Silver:Jean Baudet (two awards), Gwen Blampied,Doris Golding, Eileen Morris, Amanda Petrie, Brenda Smith, Hazel Tadier. Bronze:Sarah Ayton, Margaret Doyle, Eileen Morris, Carol Anne Philpott (two awards), Violet Renouf (two awards).

Class 3, Children’s clothes in knitting or crochet

Gold:Pat Bisson, Maureen De Gruchy, Pat Smith, Margaret Thebault. Silver:Gwen Blampied, Eileen Morris, Norma Parker, Carol Anne Philpott, Hazel Tadier, Margaret Thebault. Bronze: Maureen De Gruchy, Betty Guille, Eileen Morris, Carol Anne Philpott.

Class 4, Adult sweater: knitting or crochet

Platinum: Marion Rossler.Gold: Dorothy Le Riche. Silver: Maureen De Gruchy.

Class 5, Knitting or crochet, blanket, shawl or pram cover

Platinum: AngelaJourneaux. Gold:SueBone, Elvina Davey, Yvonne Ellis, Sue Harris, Alison Keogh, Jan Sparkes. Silver:Sue Bone, Sue Harris, Valerie Porter, Judith Scott.Bronze:Maureen Bougeard, Rose Davies.

Class 6, Knitting or crochet, socks, gloves, hats and scarves

Gold: Sue Bone.Silver:Sue Bone, Elvina Davey, Sarah Johnson, Amanda Petrie, Lynn Whitehouse. Bronze: Jean Baudet, Carol Anne Philpott.

Class 7, Knitting or crochet, mats, edgings and tablecloths

Gold:Yvonne Ellis. Silver: Elvina Davey (two awards).

Class 9, Aran Knitting

Silver: B Cole, Mollie McKinley.

Class 11, Hand embroidery

Gold: Maureen De Gruchy, Mary Dunford, Rosalie Hollis, Beverley Speck. Silver: Doris Golding, Rita Pinel.

Class 12, Hand embroidery: own design

Platinum: Janet Aygun, ChristinaHedditch, Sharon Shaw (two awards).Gold: Janet Aygun, Julia Hamon, June Poucher (two awards), Maria Valente, Silver:Isabel Burbridge, Teresa Coffey, Joyce Curtis, Kerstin Skiming, Alex Vautier (two awards), Lorraine Whiting. Bronze: Rosie Hatter, Beverley Speck.

Class 13, Drawn thread work

Gold: Georgette Bougeard. Silver:Alex Vautier.

Class 14, Counted thread embroidery

Platinum: Sheila Baudains. Gold:Sue Bone (two awards), Sheila De Caux, Margaret Du Feu, Barbara Eve, Angela Journeaux, Daphne Romeril, Brenda Smith. Silver:Fiona Picot, Valerie Porter, Marion Rossler, Brenda Smith, Daphne Tingley.

Class 15, Cut work

Platinum: Alli Carroll, Cristina Perestrelo.

Class 16, Applied work, applique

Bronze:Terri Marie.

Class 17, Samplers

Silver: Maureen De Gruchy.

Class 18, Free machine embroidery

Gold: Jane Haddon.Silver: Joyce Curtis

Class 19, Computerised machine embroidery

Gold: AntheaPomroy.Silver: AntheaPomroy.

Class 20, Textile art to include stitching

Platinum: RosVarrie.Gold: Sue De Gruchy, Jane Haddon, Mary Lou Marston, Karen Scott, RosVarrie.

Class 21, Canvas work, unmounted

Silver: Rosemary Boleat, Margaret Golley.

Class 22, Canvas work, back unseen

Gold: Julia Hamon, Margaret Syvret, Bronze:Sarah Ayton.

Class 23, Patchwork, any size, any article

Gold: Judy Bailey (two awards), Sue Bone, Rosalie Hollis, Daphne Le Herissier. Silver: Sue Harris, Jenny Marshall, Pauline Syvret.

Class 25, Machine quilting: any size

Silver: Fiona Picot.

Class 26, Large quilts

Platinum: Jane Dervin. Gold: Kim Monins, Jane Osborne, Marion Rossler, Karen Scott, Gisele Therezien. Silver:Lesley Daniell,Astra Denton (two awards), Pat Elstone (two awards), Pauline Syvret (two awards), JackieTardivel.

Class 27, Small quilts

Gold: Kim Monins, Gisele Therezien. Silver: Joyce Curtis, Sue Harris, Jane Osborne.

Class 28, Appliqued or embroidered quilt.

Platinum:Kim Monins. Gold: Joyce Curtis, Gisele Therezien.

Class 29, Any quilt, professionally quilted.

Platinum: Alice Ferguson, Jane L’Enfant.Gold:Sue Bone (two awards), Jane Osborne (two awards).Silver:Judy Bailey (two awards), Alice Ferguson, Janet Grady, Christine Holley, Val Porter.

Class 30, Quilt any size: of own design

Platinum: Kim Monins.Silver: Caroline Blamey,Janet Grady.

Class 31, Sewing, adult garment

Gold:Anne Norton.

Class 32, Sewing, any child’s garment

Gold: Elisabeth Perchard.

Class 38, Stuffed toy or puppet

Gold: Jean Baudet, Anne Harris, Angela Lister. Silver: Lesley Daniel.

Class 39, Decorative stuffed toy

Gold: Jean Baudet.Silver: Jean Baudet, Betty Guille.Bronze: Betty Guille, Yolande Whitley.

Class 40, Floor rugs.

Silver: Lynn Whitehouse.

Class41, tatting, Bobbin Lace, Needlepoint lace or hairpin work.

Gold:Carole Biggs, Pat Dorgan, Wendy Lange-Smith, Sarita Le Conte, Sarita Le Conte.

Class 44, over 75 years.

Silver: Hazel Tadier.

Class 45, Article not previously covered.

Platinum: Amanda Petrie (two awards). Gold:Sue Bone, Sheila De Caux, Angela Lister, Jane Osborne, AntheaPomroy (two awards), Gisele Therezien. Silver: Jean Baudet, Sheila De Caux (two awards), Sue Harris.

Class 46, Article made from recycled material.

Gold: Sue Harris,Lynn Whitehouse.Silver: Pat Green. Bronze:Kathy Journeaux.

Class 47, Post card: textile art

Gold: Astra Denton. Silver: Jean Le Feuvre. Bronze: Astra Denton.

Class 48, Co-operative work.

Platinum: Chez Soi Quilters, Jeanne Jugan Residence, Jersey Modern Quilt Guild. Gold:Art in the Park,Sue Bone and friends, Bumbling Honeys Quilt Bee, Chez Soi Quilters, Jersey Modern Quilt Guild, St. Martin’s WI, Jane Osborne, Pinewood Residential Home, Group with Jenny Marshall, Lorraine Whiting and Sue Bone.Silver: Embroiderers’ Guild, First Tower and Millbrook WI.

Class 49, Residential homes, any article.

Gold: Jasmine Corbell, MadeleineHambidge, Nancy Le Clerq, Julie Mantovani, Joan Withnall. Silver:Teresa Azevedo, Beryl Boleat, Sister Margaret Mary De Lima, Mary Dorgan, Diana Shutler.

Class 50, An article by a member of a club for the elderly.

Gold: Teresa Azevedo, Beryl Boleat, Madeleine Hambidge, Julie Mantovani, Diane Shutler. Silver:Sister Margaret Mary De Lima, Mary Dorgan, Phyllis Journeaux, Nancy Le Clerq.

Class 51, the Edward Le Quesne Trophy.

Gold: Beryl Boleat, Sister Margaret Mary De Lima, Mary Dorgan, Madeleine Hambidge, Nancy Le Clerq, Ray Marlow. Silver: Teresa Azevedo, Julie Mantovani, Diane Shutler.

Class 52, Work by those facing special challenges.

Gold: Maria Gouveia (two awards), Linda Hennequin, Anne Masterman, Ann Winder (two awards). Silver: Anne De La Haye, BlandinaGoncalves, Linda Hennequin, Sue Wells, Diane Wherry. Bronze:Anne De La Haye
