Wednesday 3rd July 2013

PRESENT – Terry Clarkson, Chris Davy, Keith Moore,

IN ATTENDANCE – Ann Baker(Clerk)

  1. To consider accepting apologies for absence.
  • Tony Pyle, James Bloomfield
  1. To approve the minutes from the last Village Centre Committee meeting held on Wednesday 5th June 2103
  2. Approved
  1. To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interest from members on any item to be discussed.
  2. None received
  1. To discuss matters arising from the last meeting – for information purposes only, incl:-
  1. Update on WiSpire proposal - Wednesday 10th July, at 7.30–Keith informed the meeting thatfliers, posters and an article in Parish magazine had been covered, the Diss Express, Diss Mercury, EDP, Chamber of commerce, small businesses forum had all agreed to give it some exposure.
  2. Update on the football team –as James was unable to attend, a mail received conveying information regarding progress to date was good. A new agreement was almost ready to be sent for the James to sign. Clerk to action Chris will look at possibility of refreshing some of the signs as requested by James.
  3. Premises licence – Clerk to update – Claire to give permission for alteration, then submit form to SNC, who will amend accordingly.
  1. To receive and approve the monthly financial report –
  • Monthly accounts – correction too actual amount £6,997 (£9,442), the end of year figures will be used for the Annual meeting, thanks were extended to Chris
  1. To consider some options from the Creative ArtsEast programme for anautumn event - looked at Treasure Island, Sorcerers Apprentice–both of whichare closer to our funding, Tony to mail size of hall/stage; Ann to email CAE to see if they have events that suit our stage – stage size, width of hall, height, which means in order to break even potential of 60 people; Ann to ask CAE -what do they do for accommodation? With regard to film nights – typical number is 25, still a shortfall, are CAE aware of the costs from Moviola –structure & costing charged/their cut? It would be also worth asking them to visit & discuss the set-up through with Stuart & us, could events be configured to smaller venues.
  1. To consider the progress made to date on the new dates/bookings diary/on-line diary – Keith- Ann Seaman has made a change to meeting as Tony not available; Tony has worked with Ann, Ann hopes to feed directly into the system eventually;at present only the VC Committee only can access the calendar; Keith will send password to Terry; it is hoped the calendar can be made available on the village website in the near future, which may increase the number of bookings made.

Slippy floor – possibly talc, which may be good for hip-hop, but not for judo enquiries to be made at the Annual meeting.

  1. To receive items for the next agenda and confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 28th August 2013, at 7pm

There being no further business the meeting ended at 7.24pm

