Date: June 6, 2013
To: EETD Safety Committee
From: Ron Scholtz X8137
Subject:6/6/13 EETD Safety Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting Attendees: Darryl Dickerhoff (BTUS), Tim Roberts(EHSS), Ron Scholtz (DIV), Henry Coles (BTUS), Michel Foure (ESDR), Nina Khanna (EAEI), Doug Black (EAEI), Melissa Lunden (EAEI), Susan Synarski (DIV), Elizabeth Stuart (EAEI), Charlotte Standish (ESDR)
EETD Safety Metrics (Ron)
The committee briefly reviewed the May 2013 Safety Metrics presentation slides.
- There was a employee trip accident on the Building 90 fourth floor break patio that resulted in some significant scrapes and bruises. The step –up on the patio has been painted bright yellow to make it more visible.
- There was a chemical exposure incident for a janitorial employee while cleaning a floor in an EETD lab area. A bucket containing a chemical was moved and the contents splashed on his arm. A number of follow-up items have resulted including storage of items on floor surfaces, better communications prior to floor cleanings, and clearer identification of off-shift medical facilities.
- Results were reviewed for recent “Safety Concerns” submitted by EETD personnel. We are seeing around 5-6 submittals per month.
- Open training assignments continue to improve. We have reached a new low of 59open assignments at the end of May.
Safety Alerts and Lessons Learned (Ron)
- A Safety Alert was issued regarding procedures for returning empty gas cylinders.
- A Safety Alert was issued as a follow-up to the lab area housekeeping self-assessment.
- A lab-wide “Lessons Learned” is being planned for the lab floor-cleaning incident.
Self-Assessment Program Update (Ron)
- The “On the Job Training” self-assessment project has started. The lines of inquiry questions have been finalized; Principal Investigators identified and notified, and interview appointments are being scheduled.
- The OJT self-assessment report should be ready for committee review and comment by the end of June.
- A “mini” self-assessment has been completed for the Building 70 gas cylinder storage cage. A report will be available shortly.
Building Emergency Team (BET) Update
- Additional training requirements are being added to the BET. Susan is concerned that this has led to several recent resignations from the team due to time constraints.
- We need to find ways to recognize BET for their efforts. Susan is looking into spot awards for those who have served for several years or more. Ron will also make sure that supervisors are aware of BET participation for the performance review process. It was also suggested that BET get recognition during the next EETD town hall meeting. (AI- Susan)
- There will be an emergency preparedness fair held at the cafeteria on June 18.
- A site evacuation drill is scheduled for July 11. All personnel will need to be accounted for. Susan is developing a Goggle survey tool that will allow employees to report-in by phone or computer. A preliminary test is planned prior to 7/11.
Old Business (All)
- The new EETD Safety website is now available. The link to access is: Improvements are on going.
- The committee discussed the draft “Late Night Work” safety procedure. Ron will send out the latest version to the committee for further comment. We also need to decide how to best communicate to employees such as Safety Alert, website, bulletin board, staff meetings. (AI- Ron)
New Business (All)
- A new hire safety orientation-training package and supervisor check sheet have been developed to better orient new hires to EETD safety requirements. Ron will send to the committee for further comment. (AI- Ron)
- The committee discussed some of the recent concerns regarding turkey attacks on the lab grounds. There are other wild animal concerns such as rattlesnakes and mountain lions. EHSS is currently working on some communications to the lab population. Tim will follow-up with EHSS regarding communications (AI- Tim)
Next Meeting: Thursday, August 1@ 9:00am
Action Items
Item / Action Needed / Assigned / Status01-3 / Generate a spill cleanup procedure for use in addressing chemical spills in glove boxes. Generate specific spill cleanup training for EETD lab workers. Ensure that adequate cleanup supplies are available. / Ron Scholtz / Open
- Small spill kits provided for glove boxes.
- Fire department tours of B62 and B70 labs completed
08-3 / Look into possibility of electronic format lab area self-inspections with centralized database. / Ron Scholtz / Open- App developed and is about to be deployed to lab leads.
02-3 / Identify safety precautions and communicate to employees working in office areas late at night. / Ron Scholtz / Open- Draft guideline developed and will be sent out to committee for comment.
04-1 / Add a prominent link to the “Safety Concerns” submittal system on the EETD safety website home page. / Ron Scholtz/ Communications / Completed
04-2 / Follow-up with Facilities to determine if utility covers in parking lots can be repainted with low-slip paint. / Dan Best/ Facilities / Completed- Facilities contacted and does not want to repaint.
04-3 / Follow-up with Facilities to see if emergency eyewash in 70-103 can be modified to prevent accidental activation. / Dan Best/ Facilities / Completed- plastic guard installed.
06-1 / Provide recognition to EETD Building Emergency Team members. Town hall meeting announcement. / Susan / Open- Planning on next EETD town hall meeting.
06-2 / Distribute new hire orientation materials to committee for review and comment. / Ron / Open- Training slides and check sheet developed.
06-3 / Provide communications to personnel on wild animal safety while on the lab grounds. / Tim / Open- EHSS communications being planned.