Accredited Standards Committee C63®

Electromagnetic Compatibility

SUBCOMMITTEE 1 – Techniques and Development


Working Group Chair is indicated in Bold Type

(as of October 2007)

Membership of ANSI ASC C63, SC 1, WG 1-10.1, C63.10

PINS Form on file dated 11-29-2006

Standard for Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices

Name / Organization
Art Wall / Radio Regulatory Consultants, Inc.
Barbara Judge / CCS
Bill Hurst / FCC Lab
Bill Stumpf / D.L.S. Electronic Systems, Inc
Bob Delisi / UL
Bob Heller / 3M EMC Laboratory
Chris Harvey / TCB Council
Clark Vitek / Aruba Networks
Daniel E. Crowder / Elite Electronics Engineering, Inc.
David A. Case / Cisco Systems Inc
David Boldy / Broadcom
David J. Schramm / Intertek ETL SEMKO
Dennis Ward / ATCB
Desmond Fraser / Rheintech Laboratories
Don Heirman / Consultant, C63 Chairman
Doug Kramer / NCEE Labs
Ed Hare / ARRL
Glenn Beckett / HP
Gregory M. Snyder / Washington Laboratories, Ltd.
Jeff Klinger / Compatible Electronics
Mark Briggs / Elliott Labs
Mark Luksich / Symbol Technologies, Inc.
Michael Foegelle / ETS-Lindgren, L.P.
Michael Heckrotte / CCS
Mike Violette / Washington Laboratories
Mike Windler / UL
Peter Boers / Bose Corporation
Ralph Showers / Univ. of Penn.
Ravi Aditham / Intel
Ricky Goodwin / Boening Company, The
Russell Grant / Nemko
Stephen Berger / TEM Consultants
Steve Whitesell / Vtech (representing TIA)
Werner Schaefer / CISCO Systems
Zhong Chen / ETS-Lindgren, L.P.

Membership of ANSI ASC C63, SC1, WG 1-13.2, C63.4

PINS-C on file dated 11-4-1999

Test Site Acceptability Above 1 GHz (addition to C63.4)

Name / Organization
Mike Windler / UL
Dennis Camell / NIST
Zhong Chen / ETS-Lindgren

Membership of ANSI ASC C63, SC1, WG 1-15.5, C63.23

PINS Form on file dated 4-26-2005

Measurement Uncertainty

Name / Organization
Bob DeLisi / UL
Mike Windler / UL
Dennis Camell / NIST
Don Heirman / Don HEIRMAN Consultants
Dan Hoolihan / Hoolihan EMC Consulting
Victor Kuczynski / Vican Electronics

Membership of ANSI ASC C63, SC1, WG 1-15.6, C63.5

PINS Form on file dated September 2005

Antenna Calibration

Name / Organization
Dennis Camell / NIST
Mike Windler / UL
Bob DeLisi / UL
Don Heirman / Don HEIRMAN Consultants
Dan Hoolihan / Hoolihan EMC Consulting
Victor Kurzynski / Vican Electronics

Membership of ANSI ASC C63, SC1, WG 1-15.9, C.63.4

PINS on file dated 5-4-2004

Maintenance of Revision to C63.4-2003

Name / Organization
Stephen Berger / TEM Consulting
Werner Schaefer / Cisco
Mike Windler / UL
Jon Casamento / FDA
Greg Korytkowski / ADIC
Bob Hofmann / Hofmann EMC Engineering
Tim Harrington / FCC

Membership of ANSI ASC C63, SC1, WG 1-15.10, C63.2 and C63.4

PINS Form on file dated 3-15-2004

Use of Spectrum Analyzers for Emissions Testing

Name / Organization
Werner Schaefer / Cisco
Victor Kuczynski / Vican Electronics